The Island


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"I'm going to tie you up, big boy," I tell him, "assume the position."

He smiles and looks excited. "Yes mistress," he says, raising his arms above his head. I reach back to the floor and dig handcuffs and a belt out of my bag. I loop the belt around the chain of the cuffs and the head board. This hotel has real ones instead of a board nailed to the wall so I'm actually able to do this. I wrap the cuffs around his wrists. They're real ones (one of the bouncers gave them to me) so he won't be able to get out of them without a key. I smile a mean little smile. I have a really mean thought. But for now, back to the business at hand.

I've already put the condom on him cause I have no intention of sucking him. I slide slowly down his chest and washboard stomach till my pussy is right over his cock. I lean down to flick my tongue over the nipple that I neglected earlier, sucking the ring hard into my mouth while rubbing my, now wet, pussy up and down the length of his cock. He catches his breath sharply, pulling on his cuffs. I raise up and reach down to hold his cock up so I can sink down on it.

Fucking shit, this cock is a monster! I can feel it stretching me to my limit. It stretches me so much that the outer ring of my pussy actually burns. I ease slowly down onto it, trying to accustom myself to the girth. I'm glad now that he got me so wet. I'd have to use lube if I wasn't and I didn't have any with me. Even with being so wet, his cock bottoms out just a little over halfway in, at about the length of Cliff's cock. I don't try to force it any farther, I just slide back up and start to ride him.

I smile meanly as I watch him pull on his restraints. I know he wants to put his hands on my hips and ram me all the way down on his cock. I just keep up a slow rhythm, sliding up and down half his cock. I've finally stretched enough that most of the discomfort has passed. I speed up a little. I watch his face to judge his reaction. From the look of immense pleasure I see, I guess that he's used to women that have fucked so many men they're really stretched and loose. I watch him struggle for control. I'm guessing that the reason he was able to last so long with other women was their looseness.

I start riding him as fast as I can move my hips. He makes little whimpering noises, so much like Cliff's that all I can think about anymore is getting this guy off so I can leave. I was going to make him eat me again and try to cum but now I've lost interest. I watch as he pulls on his restraints. I can tell that he's really close. I force myself down another inch on his cock and rotate my hips. I feel him tense up under me as he lets out a groan that can probably be heard in the next room.

I raise up, off of his monster cock. I'm still completely dressed and since he wore a condom, there's no mess to clean up. I rearrange my panties and pull my skirt back down. I glance over at the other bed. Jill and her man look like they finished a long time ago and passed out where they fell. I look back at the bed I used. The guy is looking at me like 'what the fuck?'. I pick up my bag off the floor and sling it over my shoulder.

"You're not just going to leave me here, are you?" he asks.

"Of course I am," I tell him. "All you wanted was to fuck me cause I caused a scene at the bar. And while your cock is big enough to be a novelty, that's all it was to me. You heard me tell my ex about the man I've got now. I'm spoiled to him. So I'm going to leave now, and pretty soon I'm going back to him. You can keep your porn stars with their stretched out cunts. I'm just too small for you."

He starts to sputter about me letting him go but I just tune him out and turn to leave. When I walk out of the hotel, I notice that I'm only a few blocks from my loft and decide to walk back. It's raining, a gentle mist. I feel guilty tears track down my face. I know that Cliff will understand when I tell him about tonight but I can't help feeling kinda cheap. I fucked a total stranger, didn't even know his name, just because I was pissed at my ex.

Part eight: Cliff

April 8th. Four months, a week and a day Genny's been gone. Today's her birthday. She's 29. I decide to read her journal to mark the occasion. I scramble a couple of eggs for my breakfast and settle in the hammock I just put up yesterday. I don't know why I took so long to put it up but it's up now. I stretch out in it and start to read. I was only able to read maybe two pages of it the night I found it. But now I think I can finish it.

I read all day, having to stop with almost every other page. Reading about her watching me and masturbating gets me so hard I have trouble controlling myself. I get to the part where she fucks me in my sleep and have to take my cock out of my pants and stroke it. It's always been such a turn on for me; reading about or having a beautiful woman suck or fuck me while I'm still asleep. The feeling is very bittersweet this time though. I love reading about everything that she did to me and watched me do but at the same time reading her handwriting and almost hearing her voice telling me everything she wrote about is enough to make me fight back tears. When I cum, I'm reading how she fell asleep with a smile on her face after fucking me in my sleep. I let the tears fall then.

This time it's different though. She really did enjoy messing with me. She wasn't just with me completely out of pity. I'm sure that's still the main reason, but now I know it wasn't everything. It's a small comfort but better than nothing. I read about how much she enjoyed just talking with me, or reading together in a comfortable silence and it makes me smile for the first time since she's been gone.

It takes me almost the whole afternoon to read her journal. I try to read slowly, drawing out the feeling that she's here with me. The sun has almost started to set when I finish. I don't know how to feel about everything she wrote, so for now I'll just cook supper. I go to the trouble of peeling and slicing potatoes for frying. It's Genny's favorite way to eat them and since it's her birthday, I'll fix her favorite meal.

I killed and plucked a chicken yesterday but only roasted half of it. I take the other half out of the mini fridge and put it on the spit over the coals. I turn the spit every few minutes and put the potato pieces in the little footed skillet with a little chicken fat to keep them from sticking. Everything only takes a few minutes to cook. I take out two plates, two forks, and two glasses. I set a place in front of her teddy bear and fix myself a plate. I talk to the bear again, telling it about finding Genny's nest and reading her journal. When I finish eating, clean the plate and fork, and put them away I walk down to the beach to watch the last of the sunset. I sit on the sand and imagine Genny here with me.

Part nine: Genny

I spent my birthday locked in my loft. I didn't answer any calls I didn't answer my buzzer. I put together a list of things that I want to take back to the island with me. I don't want to take too much. Mostly a bigger solar battery and a CD player. Other than that, just a few clothes, about 300 boxes of macaroni and cheese (the kind that you don't have to add milk and butter to), and a pot to cook it in. I didn't miss much while I was there, but mac and cheese was something I did miss. I don't want it every night by any means or even very often, but I do want it sometimes.

I'm so nervous. I'm going to go back on Cliff's birthday, hoping that I'll be a good birthday gift and not an unwelcome one. I worry so much that he's decided that he likes the quiet and solitude of the island without me there. I asked him so many questions about how to do things; I'm afraid I made myself more annoying than a three year old. I also talked a lot, about my life before and after my inheritance; especially the flood and the swingers on the boat I stowed away on. I talked a lot about other men that I'd fucked. He seemed to like that though; listening to me talk about my sexual encounters. His cock always got hard when I talked about them and our sex was usually wild and rough then. Sometimes I didn't even get to finish before he would pull me into his lap and kiss me so passionately I almost swooned like an old fashioned, historical romance novel character.

I promised Jill that I'd go out with her one more time. She wants to go to a house party tonight, just six days before I've chartered a boat to go back to the island. It's been five months and three weeks since I left. Five months and three weeks of lawyers, insurance agents and police. Five months of going clubbing with Jill every weekend. I'm so sick of the city and so bored with the club scene that I'm almost ready to strangle Jill. She's starting to be a little overwhelming, almost always having a different man every weekend that brings one of his single friends along with him to 'meet' me. I'm hoping that this house party will be different than the clubs. Maybe I can find a corner of the yard and just watch people.

But when I get there it's no such luck. The whole place is lit up, including every corner of the front and back yards. I resign myself to one last night of putting on a social mask and pretending to enjoy myself. The whole charade is enough to make me nauseous.

Tonight is no different. I walk in with Jill, she makes the introductions, some of the people already know of me from stories that have spread about last month, when I put my ex in his place; I'm bored already. I wander through the house, trying to see it instead of all the people. I've just had the assigned bartender fix me a strong strawberry pina coloda when I see a group of blond heads huddled in one corner of the kitchen around something. I take a sip of my drink and stand close enough to hear them. They're obviously occupied with something so I'm sure that they won't notice me. Eavesdropping is one of my favorite past times at these things that Jill drags me to. I hear the words 'when I saw his cock, I wasn't even sure it was hard!'. Those words sound familiar so I step in a little closer to try to catch the whole thing.

The speaker is a platinum blond. Seeing that and listening to what she's saying, I recall where I know those words from. I read them in Cliff's journal. This must the cunt, Tina. As I listen to her tell her friends about how small Cliff is and how fast he came, just from her touching his cock, I start to get mad. When she shows the picture on her phone that she made, his cock next to a porn star's cock, and sends it to all their phones, I start to see red. I take another drink, set it down on the counter, and walk up to the group of giggling blonds and ask point blank:

"How stretched out are you to not be able to feel a normal sized cock?"

That shuts everyone up. They all turn to look at me. A couple of them take a step back at the look on my face. I am pissed. These whores have never met Cliff and the cunt, Tina, only met him three times. They didn't even take the chance to know that ok, so he's only got an average sized cock and cums faster than he'd like; that's not the only thing he's able to do. He's good with his hands and great with his mouth and has made me cum almost every time.

"Who the fuck are you?" Tina asks. "And what do you care?"

"I'm the woman that actually took the time to find out what a great lover Cliff really is," I tell her. "I haven't fucked so many men that my pussy is stretched so far that it takes a monster cock to be able to make feel anything. I lived with Cliff for months and I'm going back to him next week. He is MY man and you will NOT put him down."

"You fucking bitch," she says, "You can't talk to me that way!"

I watch her face turn all red and get all blotchy. In all of the books I've read, the authors write about how beautiful the women are when they get angry. Tina is not one of those women. Her face is all mottled like a spotted toad. She's turning a really ugly shade of purple. I see her draw her hand back like she's going to try to slap me and rake her fake nails down my face.

I can tell that she's had a few too many to drink because her aim is way off. Her hand whiffs the air almost three inches in front of my breasts. I laugh when she totters on her high heels. It makes her more mad and she starts to sputter. This dirty cunt was such a bitch to my man and I'm not going to let her get away with it. Even ten months after she did it, she's going to pay. She barely recovers from her near fall when she tries to backhand me with the hand she just tried to slap me with. I grab her wrist with my left hand and twist it backwards. I ball up a fist with my right hand and punch her in the stomach. When she doubles over, I grab her head with both hands, raise my knee, and slam her face down on it, breaking her nose and causing it to geyser blood everywhere.

One of her friends grabs my right arm and tries to yank me away from her. Since it's my dominant arm I have to hit her with my left fist which doesn't have as much power behind it. I punch her in the throat, making her grab it with both hands and gasp for air. I look around at the other two friends. They've both backed off. One of them is talking on her phone and I hear police sirens in the distance. Fucking great, I think. One week before I leave for the island and I get the cops called on me. I hope the court don't delay my departure date.

I just look at Tina and the other blond in disgust. They must be such whores to not think they'd even feel Cliff's cock at all. I turn and walk out of the kitchen, picking up my drink off the counter, and go outside to wait on the cops.

Part ten: Cliff

May 27th. My birthday today. I've been busy these past six weeks since Genny's birthday. I've been trying to do anything I can think of to try to keep her off my mind. I've improved my shelter, making the roof and walls waterproof with clay I found near the stream. I made sure that the day I put it on was clear and as dry as it ever gets here. I slapped it on the walls and let it dry in the sun. I got some leaves from some of the banana trees for the roof. I alternated clay and leaves there, making sure that it wouldn't leak. I left openings for windows in all three walls and a door in the fourth. I made shutters and the door out of driftwood. It's a little stuffy when I close it up for storms but that's all I really need it for anyway. Since I put up the hammock, I sleep in it every night.

I moved the pallet I had been sleeping on into the shelter, along with Genny's teddy bear. I've had to force myself not to talk to it anymore. I haven't been able to do the same with her blanket. Something that she put so much time, effort and energy into just has so much of her in it that I can't bear to part with it. I still sleep with it on her side of the two person hammock.

I've also dug a bar-b-cue pit to cook with. I made it much bigger than I need. I just started digging one day and didn't stop till it was big enough to cook a pig in. I had to go up to the hot spring that day. I brought back the tarp and blankets that Genny had made her nest with.

I've been working in the garden, harvesting veggies and planting new ones. Sometimes I wish I had a bigger fridge to put them all in. I can't eat them all. I dry some of them for seeds. I throw some of them into the pen for the chickens. Still, I've got too much for one person. I smile a sad smile when I think I'd still have too much with Genny here. She doesn't eat much of what she calls 'rabbit food'.

The six weeks since her birthday have passed faster than the first four months. The days have anyway. The nights are just as long and lonely as ever. I work on something from dawn till dusk. I don't fix my supper till sundown and take as much time over it as possible. I've been working so much that, by the time I eat supper, I'm too tired to read. I climb into the hammock and fall asleep from plain exhaustion. I always dream of her. Memories of things she'd done, thoughts of things she wanted to do, dreams of things I wanted her to do. I still wake up in a puddle of sticky cum sometimes. Not as often lately, probably because I'm just too tired to take care of anything sexual, even in my sleep.

I've almost run out of extra things to do and the everyday chores are just not enough to keep me occupied all day. All I really do is collect driftwood from the beach and deadfall from the jungle for the fire, fish for my dinner, work some in the garden and give the chickens what little care they need. Not doing so much just gives me more time to think of Genny, miss her, and wonder what she's doing; if she's happy.

Part eleven: Genny

Today's the day! I'm going back to the island! I had to buy a boat at the last minute because the one I had chartered radioed the port to say it would be a day late. I can't wait another day. I have to be back before sunset today because it's Cliff's birthday. I've been gone five months, three weeks, and six days. I've got the little ten foot motor boat that I bought filled with the few things I want to take back with me. The solar battery was difficult to load by myself but I managed. Hopefully Cliff will let me stay and he can unload it for me. My macaroni and cheese takes up quite a bit of room but I wanted a very long supply. I decided that just a hundred boxes instead of three hundred was reasonable. That many will last even me well over a year. I don't want to have to go back to the mainland for a long time.

The night of the house party, I wasn't even arrested. I told my story to the officers that responded to the call, that Tina and the other blond hit me first. I was just defending myself. Every party guest that saw the fight backed my story. Tina was given a three thousand dollar fine and ten days jail time for disturbing the peace. I didn't expect the jail time but apparently the judge was another man that Tina had rejected because of his cock size and he wanted to give her the maximum penalty in return. Karma can be such a bitch.

I spent the whole week just waiting for Wednesday. I might have gone back sooner if I'd known that the sail boat I'd chartered wasn't going to be back in time to take when I wanted to go. I'm not happy about only getting half my deposit back but I just deal with it and buy the little motor boat. It'll be faster than sailing anyway, besides the fact that I don't know how to sail.

I've always heard the phrase 'butterflies in your stomach'. I started out with 'butterflies'. Now I think I've got an entire colony of giant bats making my stomach do all kinds of crazy dances. I'm excited to be going back, and at the same time worried and nervous that Cliff won't want me to stay. I've gained a little weight, I've lost my tan. I've been gone way too long.

I worry about all that as I board the boat and start the motor. I take off from the dock, obeying all the 'no wake' rules. I wasn't awake when Cliff set off to take me back to Miami, so I've bought a little GPS for navigation. I hope Cliff likes what I decided to wear. It's close to the same style as the yellow sundress I wore shopping that first weekend. Instead of straps across my shoulders, this dress is a halter neck with ties in the back for support. It's almost transparent. In the sunlight, I can see the shadow of my body very clearly. The skirt is also a little shorter than the yellow one. I've got the yellow sundress, panties, tank tops, and several bikini's in a small suitcase beside me.

I cruise at a steady pace for hours. It's close to sunset when I see the island on the horizon. I speed up some. It still takes me another half hour to reach the dock.

Oh my god, there he is. Looking like he'd been standing there since he first heard the boat; like he knew it was me and not an intruder. I put in to the dock and tie a rope to one of the posts. He hasn't moved, not a good sign.