Transformations - A Love Story


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It worked. She giggled... and continued. "But beyond that... inside, when we were born, our chemical balance and hormones were pretty much the same. It wasn't until puberty..."

"My second favorite part!" Andy tossed in humorously...

She poked him, smiling, "...until puberty that things got very different. My body started producing lots more estrogen. Yours started producing lots more testosterone. And those hormones put us on a path to not only be more physically different but also mentally different. It's that stage of life where girls and guys mentally become... girls and guys."

"OK..." Andy said trailing.

"But I don't just produce estrogen... and you don't just produce testosterone. Both of our bodies actually produce a lot of both. It's just that girls have more estrogen and guys testosterone. Actually, my body converts testosterone into estrogen."

"I didn't know that," Andy said.

"Well, that's what this web site talked about... and how through herbal & natural methods, a guy's body could be influenced to..." she paused... "to alter the balance of testosterone and estrogen... naturally."

"You mean how like your body converts testosterone?" he asked.

"Exactly," Dani replied. "And with more estrogen, these women were saying that their husbands started to think and feel more like a woman does."

"Seriously?" Andy asked.

"Seriously. So I went to Erin with this. She knew of it, but not a lot about it. The typical therapy that she knew about involved actual hormones or synthetic hormones. But we both researched it a lot further and found out that it was very real."

"So you're saying that if I go eat a bunch of thyme, I'll start thinking like a girl?" Andy said teasingly.

"No, silly," Dani replied... so relieved that Andy was actually engaged in this conversation.

"But there are certain herbs and natural, non-drug methods that are very effective at this," she continued. "The thing is, even if a guy just took a bunch of synthetic estrogen, his body is still producing testosterone. So to have any impact, he'd also have to take something to inhibit the testosterone so the estrogen would have any effect. And he'd have to do it pretty much forever to change the balance... unnaturally. But what has been discovered is a way to trick the body into doing it itself."

Andy raised his eyebrows... truly intrigued by the conversation.

"Puberty is when all of these male vs female changes are set in motion, right?"

"Uh-huh," Andy replied.

"So, what if you could trigger the body into another round of puberty... when the hormonal balance of the body is set in place?..."

"And the acne?" Andy laughed.

"No!" Dani jabbed at him playfully. "Not the bad parts!"

He giggled. "But if you just triggered puberty again, wouldn't the same hormone stuff just happen all over again?"

"Yes..." Dani replied. "Unless you changed something."

"Like what?" he asked.

"By using what's called glandular therapy. With the right type of material, the male body can be tricked into thinking it is producing enough testosterone. And at the same time, the male body is producing estrogen..."

"Because it always does anyway," Andy said.


"So the estrogen takes over?"

"No," Dani replied. "But the balance slowly changes over to that of a female. Remember, I have estrogen & testosterone being produced inside of me... it's just that my balance is different."

Andy's interest in the conversation suddenly turned into recognition of where this was going... or had gone, as the case may be. "Tell me..." he said.

"Well..." Dani started softly, "about 2 months ago, when you ran out of vitamin C and asked me to get you more, I actually..."

"Bought me something else?"

"Yes," she said.

"What is it?"

"It's a natural glandular product, made mainly from bovine ovary... processed ovaries from cows."

"And you've had me on it for more than 2 months?"

"Yes..." Dani admitted.

"And you didn't tell me until now?"

"I talked with Erin about it; she helped me investigate it. She thought that I should tell you from the start."

"Why didn't you?" he asked.

"Well... because part of me didn't believe it... and part of me was scared. It was a natural product so it was safe... but I wanted to see if it would actually do anything before I got into it with you."

"So what happened?" he asked.

"I didn't notice anything for the first couple of days. But I didn't expect to; it says that it takes a long time. But at about a week, your demeanor started to change... to soften. You started to seem more calm... more easy-going. And it kind of flowed from there."

"Flowed from there?..." he asked.

"Remember how I talked about 'all the little things'? Well, all of those 'little things' started to change in you... very slightly, but noticeably... to me, at least. You became less 'aggressive', more into me, more into the things I like, happy to sit around and just talk, happy to go out shopping together, more..."

"Intimate," he completed.

"More intimate," she smiled.

"And you like it?" he asked.

Dani rolled toward him, "I love it," she said. "And once it started, I just couldn't stop," as she kissed his lips.

Andy kissed her back, and as her tongue danced across his lips, his mind was awash with what he had just learned. His wife had replaced his vitamin C with a bunch of herbs more than 2 months ago and didn't tell him to test and see if it would make him be more intimate... to think and feel more like a female. It worked. Well, at least Dani thought it worked because she was much happier with their intimacy. To Andy, everything seemed natural and unchanged. So while he was a little upset that she hadn't discussed it with him beforehand, in the end, it had a positive effect.

After a few minutes of passionate kissing, Andy took a break. "So my body is now starting to produce more estrogen than testosterone. What happens? Is this just a psychological effect?"

Dani rolled back off of him slightly. "Well... the psychological impact happens first. But eventually, there are also physical effects," Dani said as she slid her hand onto Andy's chest ran her finger around his right nipple. It immediately hardened.

"That explains these," he said gently cupping his hands under each of his small breasts. "I'm growing tits?"

"You're going through an accelerated form of puberty," Dani said. "Your body is obviously male, but there are feminization effects if you take the pills for a long time."

"Like what?"

"Slowly... over time... and depending on how long you take it... your nipples & areola will grow and become more sensitive. And yes, your breasts start to develop. Your skin will get softer like mine. Your weight will shift – from your belly more toward your hips and butt. Your general muscle tone will soften and become more female looking. Even your sweat glands will change with the different chemical balance so you'll smell more like a female."

"How long?" he asked.

"Your nipples just started to get bigger in the last few days..."

"And a lot more sensitive," he added... smiling.

"Yes," Dani continued. She started to knead his right areola between her right fingers. Electric pleasure shot through him. "If you feel behind your nipples, a small hard 'pebble' is starting to form. Andy took his left hand to his left breast and performed the same action.

"I can feel it," he said. More warm pleasure.

"Yes. When I was a little girl, it happened to me. Those are called breast buds. It's all of the glands and ducts starting to form. They will expand to the size of a chestnut..."

"A CHEST-nut?!" Andy laughed.

Dani smiled and continued, "...and the breasts will produce a bulge. Fat tissue will start to form and a rounded breast will grow."

"How big?" he asked.

Dani was shocked that Andy seemed so OK with this conversation. "Results I've read are all over the map. But most say that they typically get to be 1 or 2 cup sizes smaller than a biological female sibling."

Andy's took his left hand from his breast and stroked the back of his hand against Dani's right breast next to him. He watched as her nipple expanded and areola tightened... just like his.

He could feel the physical pleasure rising in him – like a warmth starting in his breasts but centering on his body and then emanating outward. And he suddenly realized that he didn't have an erection... just like last night. "What about my guy parts?" he asked.

"You can't grow a vagina, if that's what you mean."

"No... not that. But I'm not hard. And I didn't get hard last night even during the best sex..." he stopped... and placed his hand on her right shoulder... "even during the most incredible intimacy of my life," he finished.

"I noticed a few days ago that you weren't waking up with an erection every morning... like you always used to," Dani said.

"Can I get hard? Can I still... perform?"

"If you stay on the pills long enough, they say that you can lose your ability," Dani said.

"How long?"

"The manufacturer claims that after 6 months, the changes are permanent. You will have the hormonal balance of a female and it will never change back. The associated physical changes will be permanent."

"What happens if I stop?" he asked.

"Now?... well, your natural hormonal balance will start to shift back after a couple of weeks; the testosterone will take back over. Your breasts will stop growing and likely revert back. So far, nothing else has really happed."

"Except I can't get hard."

Dani slid her hand down Andy's body and into his underwear. She began to play with his cock. "That's not true... you just need the right... influence."

Andy felt his cock start to grow as Dani continued to massage it.

"I think I owe you one," Dani said seductively. Then she slid herself down Andy's body and took him into her mouth. Keeping one hand massaging his right breast and the other tickling under his balls, Andy quickly exploded enjoying the greatest blow-job of his life.

It was Saturday morning. And as much fun as things had been in bed over the last 12 hours, it was time to get up. As they normally did, Dani & Andy took a shower together – they had an oversized shower with 2 shower heads.

As the water poured over him, Andy couldn't help but to look down his body. Other than the sensitivity in his nipples when Dani touched them, he hadn't noticed the physical changes until today. But now, he watched as the water rolled down his chest over 2 slightly mounded breasts. "Well, if I hadn't noticed them, nobody else can, I guess," he thought. As he washed, he looked down at his hips and ass. Everything looked the same to him.

"You look amazing," Dani said as she came up behind & wrapped her arms around.

Andy made sure he took notice of how nice Dani's breasts felt against his back... and couldn't help but wonder how they felt to her as they slowly moved across his back. And as she moved her hands up and cupped each of his breasts, he realized that he actually did have a pretty good idea now of how good it felt! He rolled his head back and let out a small sigh of pleasure.

As if in perfect sync, Dani moved her hands back off of his breasts and stepped back. Andy had just thought that now was not the time & place to get intimate again. Dani obviously thought exactly the same at the same time. He smiled at that.

"I'd like to read up on these pills," Andy said. "What are they called?"

"The generic thing to look up is called 'bovine ovary' – or B.O.," Dani replied. The specific brand that you're taking is called Raw Ovarian Glandular from a company called Swanson. They are sold to women and men."

"So does it turn girls into guys?" Andy giggled.

"No... silly."

"What do they do to girls?" he asked.

"Same thing... they trigger puberty and make your breasts grow larger."

Andy raised his eyebrows, suggestively.

"Do you really think I would sneak around and have you take something without me taking it, too?" Dani said. She stood back and cupped the underside of her breasts. "I started taking it 2 months before you... and these girls have gone from a B to a small C!"

Instinctively, they stepped toward each other and hugged. Just hugged. That's all they wanted.

They spent the next couple of hours next to each other on the couch with Dani's laptop between them. She took Andy to various sites that she had looked at when investigating things.

"Can you show me the site you were talking about where women figured out how to use this for psychological changes? Most of what I'm reading here is about the physical changes," Andy said.

"Sure, babe," Dani said happily as she clicked the link to the forums. "Why don't you read up on it and I'll go make us some lunch."

As Dani started to get up, Andy gently took her right arm and signaled for her to stay sitting with him. "Let's go on a shopping spree at Victoria's Secret after we eat," he said. "We need to keep those gorgeous new C's of yours comfortable and happy!" He kissed her gently on the lips. "And let's see if Erin can come over for dinner tonight. I'd really like all 3 of us to talk this over."

Danielle had never felt so happy in her life.

"Have you ever had any of your male patients do this before?" Andy asked. He & Dani we sitting tightly on the couch, leaning slightly into each other. Erin Hunter sat in a leather chair across from them.

"No," Erin said. "When Dani brought this up, it was the first I had heard of Raw Ovarian Glandular or bovine ovary. But I did know about glandular therapy – it's been around forever... and very effective. But since then, I've done a lot of research into what you are taking."

"So it's safe?" he asked.

"It's safe. But it's robust. And it will become permanent if you do it too long."

"6 months is what I read?"

"Yes, 6 months is what all the information shows," Erin replied.

"And from what I've read, since I'm 2 months into this, if I stopped now, pretty much everything would revert back to before?"

"Yes, that's true. Your hormone balance would take at least as long to completely transition back as it took to get here, but none of that is permanent yet. All the other physical effects would stop. And with no large amounts of estrogen to support the current changes, the normal male hormone levels would pretty much get you back to before physically."

"Pretty much?" he asked.

"Any weight redistribution would revert back. Your skin would become male-feeling. The little pebbles you're starting to feel under your nipples might not go away completely. But they won't grow any more and they will shrink."

Andy leaned forward. "Look, Erin. You've known me for the better part of 10 years. So far, I really don't notice any difference in how I feel, think or act versus a couple of months ago. But Dani senses a lot. I do feel even closer to her... but I just feel 'normal'. Tell me honestly... have you seen any differences?"

Erin glanced at Dani – who was smiling and also starting to lean forward. Erin put down her wine and began... "I do know you well, Andy. Probably second to only Dani. And I want to tell you up-front that when she came up with this idea, I was skeptical that it would have any effect. Which is why, by the way, I ended up agreeing to her plan to not tell you and just try it to see if it worked. But I am a believer now. Yes, Andy, you HAVE changed and I see the changes progressing. Not in a big way... just in a subtle way. And certainly not in a bad way... actually, I see it as a really great thing. You seem much more content with everything and happy. The relationship between you & Dani has always been great, but now, it's even closer... individually and as a couple."

Andy's hand unconsciously went to Dani's. "I've read the same articles and research as you at this point. But please tell me as my doctor, if I continue to go down this path, what do you think we can expect... and when?"

"As you no doubt have read, your progress is pretty much exactly on par with the reports. The pills cause a very slow conversion from male to female hormonal balance. But as it takes over, things progress."

"Like a hockey stick," Andy said.

"Well, a field hockey stick might be a better metaphor in this case," Erin said. They all laughed.

Erin continued... "You say that you haven't really noticed any of the psychological changes that Dani and I have noticed so far. Well, that might be because you were unaware and we were aware that you were taking something. But even if you didn't know now, you would absolutely start to notice very soon. All of that "girl" stuff is going to accelerate. You will become more sensitive. As you adapt to the changing hormone levels, you might become more emotional. But that will subside as you become accustomed to the levels. Things that you used to be into – sports, technology, porn..."

"Hey," Andy laughed. "You both know me better than that!"

"Kidding," Erin said with a smile. "But those things will become less important. And other things will replace them... to be honest, probably things that Dani likes but you've not really been into. Your taste in music & movies might change. Your taste in clothes might change. You'll certainly become a lot more attuned to what women wear."

"Like a gay guy?" Andy asked... only half joking.

Erin smirked. "Well, in some ways... yes. You will experience life in a much more feminine way and think like a girl. But your sexual orientation will not change – you will still like women."

"Only one," Andy said as he kissed Dani lightly on the cheek.

"Tell me about the physical changes," Andy asked.

"It's what you've read," Erin replied. "Your breasts have already started to develop. Given your progress, I'd think that within a month you will have breast buds that are obvious to anyone when you're naked. Under clothes, nobody should be able to tell anything for quite a while. And then you can just dress in loose clothes to go longer. The studies say that weight redistribution should start at about month 3 – at least noticeably. So your butt will round out and hips look larger. To me, I already think that your skin is starting to look softer. Your body hair growth will slow if it already hasn't."

"Sexual performance?"

"If you're talking about fertility," Erin began, "it has probably already begun. Your testosterone levels are already going to be way down. It might not be a bad idea to think about a sperm bank right away if you plan to take the pills any longer."

"How long will I still be able to get hard?" Andy asked.

Erin sat back in her chair and took a breath. After thinking, she said "let me ask you this?... how does losing that ability make you feel?"

"Wow," Andy said with a smile. "Now you sound like my shrink!"

"That's because I am being that right now, Andy," Erin replied. "This is a serious decision you are now facing. Ultimately, there is no half-way here. You will reach the point of no return. You can't be a guy with female emotions and that thinks like a female but not have physical female traits. Even if you hide them, they will be there. And as far as male sexual ability is concerned, make no mistake... this will make you infertile and unable to sexually perform as a male. And I'm talking about in the next few months."

Erin took a sip of her wine and sat forward. "But the reason I asked the question as I did, Andy... was to prompt you – both of you – to think about what you want. Right now. For 2 very important reasons. First, as your doctor and friend, I have never seen you two closer and more satisfied than I have seen you since the pills began. You told me the incredible intimacy you've shared over the past couple of days. I can think of nothing greater. And you didn't have to perform as a male there, Andy. So consider how great things can be... and what you leave behind may not really matter."