Vessa Ch. 02


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I sat back down again but she pulled me back up and asked me, "How long until you're ready to go again?"

"I dunno few minutes."

"Let's wait then. That was really fun."

I did as the lady asked. As soon as I was ready to go, I sat down and helped her take my cock into her eager pussy then went back to work drinking from her other breast.

By this point I was no longer hungry and I felt like I could march all day without growing tired. But it took so long to drink all her milk that she grew hungry again and needed to eat something.

So here we were, sitting there slowly fucking our brains out, me sucking her tits off and her eating as much granola as she could stomach.

It was a strange day to say the least but at least it was enjoyable.

Needless to say, I eventually finished and then I finished her off for the third time that day and she finished eating.

Then we had to try to fit her into her clothes.

I picked up her bra and held it around her tits long enough for her to zip it up.

"It worked!" she said, "Oh my goodness. How much milk do I produce in a day..."

"Alex was right the other night because I can hardly stand. How do you hold all of this in there," I asked, rubbing my stomach.

"Apparently enough to feed a small army."

"Good because that's exactly what you're making as we speak," I said. I poked her tummy for emphasis.

She laughed, then said, "Can you help me put on my shirt?"

We tugged until her shirt came back down and stretched over her life-saving endowments. I put her jacket back into my pack and we were off.

A couple hours later (I could tell it was only a couple because Vessa hadn't yet made me stop so she could eat), we came up to a man-made trough carrying water downhill.

Vessa's eyes lit up knowing she was right and she took my hand to lead me down the sloping earth. It was not something I'd have been comfortable with her doing the day earlier but I was too exhausted to realize my error and I was also beginning to feel queasy.

Luckily we didn't have to wait long and we found a small village at the bottom of what turned out to be a very small hill.

It turns out we found a small indigenous village by accident and we surprised a couple of them when we came off the mountains.

They were very kind to us and offered us shelter immediately and some water. That is when I passed out.

When I awoke, I found myself inside a cozy building with Vessa and a couple other people by my side. One man spoke English and asked me if I was okay. He gave me some water to drink which immediately made me feel better. Within half an hour I was sitting up. Vessa, of course was happily holding my hand and eating from a large plate of food with the other. When she finished one plate, the set another one right down full of fruits.

When I sat up they gave me my own plate and I began to eat. I had a ravenous hunger and it was nighttime so I assumed I was out most of the day.

"How long have I been out, Love?"

"A full day! I was really worried about you."

"You mean we lost the whole day?"

"No, we found this village yesterday and then you passed out. You've been all day today, the day after."

"Oh, I see. I'm sorry."

"Don't be. I'm just glad you're okay."

"And you? Are you feeling well?"

"Oh sure," she said with a smile, "They haven't let me stop eating since they found us. Not that I'm complaining..."

"I don't know how we're going to repay the village..."

"They even sent someone to bring a helicopter for us."

"Oh no, that's too much!"

"They should be here soon."

We stayed there for another day and spoke with the English-speaking man for a while. Everyone we met was very kind and there was even another young pregnant girl there that loved comparing her belly to Vessa's. It was much smaller but she was also a full foot shorter than Vessa.

The girl told us that she wanted her child to be a boy by taking a stick and drawing a baby in the dirt with a small penis sticking out. Then she said something to the English-speaking man in her own tongue. He said, "She wants to know if you think your child will be a boy."

Vessa brightened the room with a big smile and asked for the stick from the pregnant girl. Next to the little boy she drew three baby girls in the dirt, pointed to her belly and rubbed it.

The pregnant girl squealed with excitement and everyone else clapped and smiled. An older woman rushed out and then rushed back in with some more water food which Vessa laughed and gratefully started eating.

That night we slept soundly and were carried back to Rio by the helicopter that came to help us. When we asked the English-speaking man how we could possibly thank him, he just said to raise our three babies well and to just let them know how much love was visited upon them by his village. We thanked him and were seen off but not before they handed us yet another basked of food for Vessa and some more water.

She of course finished both before we landed.

They brought us to a hospital in Rio where we were given a room to share and they checked us over. I was found to have some water poisoning, no doubt from the pond and was told to rest for a few days.

Examining Vessa was a bit more difficult and she of course required a bit more attention and some bloodwork. We had to stay overnight while the bloodwork was completed. For some reason however, this seemed to make Vessa nervous.

The next morning we were visited by a local ranger and we told him our story and everything that had happened. It turns out that the three men had actually gone ahead of us on the trail and hidden it from us so that we would take a much more dangerous route to the waterfall. The two injured men were badly wounded despite being able to leave so quickly but they were caught limping at the foot of the hill by two rangers after trying to run away from them. They ratted out the last one who was caught who did in fact tear up or map that day and then ran off thinking he had most likely ruined our chances of finding our way back. We never found out what happened to them.

After that the doctor came in and told us in private that she was pleased to report that nothing was wrong with her but that she did find something she couldn't explain and was forced to keep her there until further tests were done. She was going to give her a series of medicines until then and listed them off to her until finally Vessa panicked and explained that she was a doctor.

Then she said, "You can't give me that."

"Why not," the doctor asked.

"Because it'll have adverse effects when combined with something else."

"Do you mean the medicine you're taking?"

Vessa nodded.

"Would you care to explain what it is? I've never seen it before and it seems to have some rather...incredible effects."

Vessa sighed and turned to me saying, "Please don't be mad at me for not telling you. If I had told you, you would never have let me try it."

"Try what," I asked.

Then she said to the both of us and said, "Since I got pregnant, well actually before I got pregnant, I've been taking an experimental drug." She turned to me, "That research project that I told you about, well it was mine. I only just acquired the proper funding to carry it out. My partners only agreed when I told them I was the first test subject."

"And that was this...fertility drug," the doctor asked.

"No, it does nothing to affect fertility, I think my egg just happened to split three ways during my gestation or maybe three eggs descended during my impregnation; multiple births are very common in my family. The drug is an experimental one that I've created and I am testing myself as my first patient."

"Then what does it do," the doctor asked.

I was surprised and just sat there listening to what my wife had to say.

"It does a few things. Its primary function is to increase bloodflow and metabolism for the mother. This in turn increases the metabolism and bloodflow for the growing babies."

"That's why you can't stop eating!"

She nodded and as if I reminded her, she turned to the tray of food that she set aside and took a huge bite from a doughnut. Then she continued on, "Sorry, I'm really hungry," between chews, "The drug also allows more oxygen to be absorbed by the blood which of course is already flowing more efficiently through the system. This allows the mother to have much more energy throughout the day and keeps her healthy. I have noticed that I can run even further than I used to. In fact, it wasn't until very recently that I had managed to break my own marathon record, even with the hindrance of a such a large belly."

"This is explaining so much," I said.

"I think, however, that I reached my energy peak as the babies have simply grown too much and any extra calories that I consume simply go to their greedy developing bodies," she smiled and patted her belly. "I will be far more active than a normal woman would be during a pregnancy, especially a triplet pregnancy, but from here on out, I think my overall energy will decrease in proportion to their size."

"Where did you develop this drug? What lab did you use? Surely you must have had a prototype made up for yourself..."

"Ah well I had the first one made months ago, obviously," once again Vessa looked at me, "Do you remember that I went to that heart conference?"

I nodded.

"Well I went to meet with a friend of mine from med school who was kind enough to develop a trial for me off the books and I went to go tell her the news in person. She was the one that provided me with the samples, I don't have that sort of expertise."

"I see. Please continue," said the doctor.

"The next effect is that the drug boosts natural hormones in the mother to encourage growth."

I saw that one coming.

"And finally there is one more effect, possibly the most dangerous one, and that is it prevents pregnancy for any reason other than catastrophic accident until the mother reaches a certain hormonal trigger."

That made the doctor look nervous, "And that trigger is..."

"It requires the body to produce roughly twenty-five percent more than the normal amount of birth-inducing hormones."

"It what?!" screamed the doctor. "Twenty-five percent? Do you know how dangerous that is? Especially with triplets?"

"I do. That's why I tried it on myself first."

"You're going to be pregnant for fifty weeks!"

"Most likely closer to a full year. I balanced it for my body for an extra two weeks."

"Oh my goodness," said the doctor as she sat back in her chair. "Why put yourself through so much risk? What is this drug going to do for you that a natural pregnancy won't?"

"If I'm correct then I'll have created a way for any woman who wants to to have stronger, smarter babies for the cost of an extremely cheap drug."

"And how will it do that?"

"Well the drug has some smaller effects that I've built into it. It increases the mother's craving for protein in order to grow larger babies and the extra hormones increases the mother's production of milk rate as well as the amount of milk they would otherwise be able to contain at any one time."

Any reason I had to be mad at my wife flew out the window at this point, everything I was hearing was good new for me. I gave Vessa my doughnut for her to eat which she took and started eating without even noticing.

"Next, the extra energy gives the mother a natural need to exercise more and is impossible to get rid of. Trust me, I know first hand that the first thing I do when I get out of this hospital is run on a treadmill until it breaks. If I'm correct, the extra conditioning will breed a healthy desire and need for vigorous exercise into the gestating child. Well children, in my case."

Something told me that we were going to need to move out of our city home; we were going to need lots more room pretty soon.

"Lastly, the increased gestation time allows women to carry to term who might otherwise be unable to, but it allows healthy mothers like me to carry much longer. Again, if I'm right, this will not only dramatically increase the baby's overall size, it will also increase their brain size at birth, and possibly their overall intelligence."

"At the expense of a caesarian," said the doctor.

"Naturally," Vessa said, rubbing her side. She finished off my doughnut and drank some water.

"What else have you noticed. Any strange side problems?"

"Only a few."

"Like what?"

"I can hold my breath for a really long time and I can produce an extremely large quantity of milk already at twenty weeks."

"Couldn't that simply be due to your, erm...size?"

"Not quite. I had already considered that but what I mean is I can produce milk almost as fast as I can intake water and the other necessary nutrients. In fact, my husband already knows this firsthand."

The doctor turned to me and gave me what could only be considered a look of judgment which I felt was rude. In fact I sat up straight and took pride in my ability to suck milk from my genius wife's tits in defiance of the doctor's scowl.

"Anything else?" Now she seemed reluctant to ask.

"My sex drive needs constant attention." Vessa looked over at me with a wink.

This made the good doctor squirm in her seat, "I see. Well then if I'm right, then most of these changes shouldn't occur until the growth phase of gestation."

"Yes, it should mostly happen during the phase most dependent upon caloric intake."

"The third trimester."


"And you swear you're only about twenty weeks along?"


"Then why the hell are you so damn pregnant?!"

Vessa put a hand to her belly, laughed and gestured at me with her other hand saying, "Have you seen the size of my husband?!"

After that conversation, she let us go. It wasn't until later that I was able to confirm what I thought I was hearing in the hospital and asked Vessa (while she was doing nothing other than running on the treadmill) about what all that meant.

"So how big are you going to get?"

"Well," I was impressed that she could speak without having to do so between breaths, "I honestly have no idea. If I knew that it was going to be triplets, I probably would have waited until I had a pregnancy with just one baby."

"So you want to have more babies when this pregnancy's over?"

She stopped the treadmill and walked over to me getting me wet with her perspiration. She said looking up into my eyes, "Honey, I don't know when I'm going to stop being pregnant. Especially after having so much fun with this pregnancy. I know you wanted a few kids but I'm afraid you're getting more than you bargained for because you're getting lots and lots of them instead. In fact, I promise that you're never going to even see another condom again for the rest of your life..."

Oh boy...

I know that sometimes women get a bit baby-crazy but I never even thought that it could happen to a someone that was already pregnant, especially when it wasn't one or two but three taking up rent inside her.

At least I got to enjoy another thirty weeks of my growing wife before she started popping out babies left and right...

You know, I think I could get use to the idea of having a lot of kids. I mean who knows, right?

All I knew was one thing: it was already the best vacation of my life. And it was hardly over yet.

With that strange fiasco behind us, Vessa and I decided to relax for the rest of our vacation. The good news was we still had about a week left before I had to switch gears and get back to my work and Vessa had to begin compiling her study.

I knew we couldn't leave until we visited a famous Rio beach so I woke up early the next day and made Vessa some breakfast in bed.

Our hotel's small kitchen let us cook a modest breakfast and I made her lots of eggs and bacon. She loved it when I made her breakfast smileys so that's exactly what I did: I gave her ten breakfast smileys one right after the other. I had some myself but had to wait for her to finish her ten eggs and five strips of bacon before we planned the day.

She wanted to visit the 'most fun beach in Rio' and I made it my job to research exactly what that was while she took a long shower. So I went down to the reception area where I asked two of the cutest reception girls I have ever seen where such a beach was and they danced around the answer until I was forced to drop a few hints and flash my wedding band. They pouted but I think we all had a bit of fun. With that out of the way I arranged a few more things like a rental car and some more sunscreen and body oil, the most important two things for the day, which we were definitely going to need.

After that I took a shower while Vessa relaxed in bed after having such a big breakfast.

Then of course, she made me go shopping with her.

She was wearing one of my biggest t-shirts because everything else she had was pretty dirty and her booty shorts. My shirt fit so oddly on her because it was so long and baggy everywhere but her belly and tits. I think she had a bigger chest than me by this point. I was going to have to take a measurement of her later.

There were tons of shops by the beach that she liked but just like she always does, she chose the one that she considered the most chic.

It was relatively empty and I suppose that was because they catered to each customer individually due to their high price point. When we entered, two young and gorgeous girls popped out of a back room and greeted us with disarming smiles. I'm sure it's no accident that all the tourist traps are populated by young, beautiful girls but that's all part of the fun.

Of course while they were disarming me, my wife was disarming them with her midsection. I wondered if they had ever seen a pregnant girl walk into their store and I bet they were at that moment asking themselves the same question.

They were very friendly however and seemed to love Vessa's company. Vessa almost always blends in with anyone around her which is one of her countless gifts and I think her pregnancy has made her even more charismatic.

The two shop girls fawned over her and asked her all sorts of questions pertaining to her due date and they screamed after hearing that she had triplets packed inside her. After that it was all giggles. They took her measurements and were not shy about stripping her down to nothing to do so.

I think she must have tried on twenty suits. They probably just wanted to see what she looked like with them on. I was amused to see that after trying on the first suit that covered her belly, they told her to take it off before she had a chance to tell them she didn't like it. From there on out it was all bikinis. It was everything I could have wanted.

They put everything on her from swimmer gear to sexy beach wear to tiny strap nipple covers and thongs. These last ones drew the most giggles and over-the-shoulder glances at me. All I did was smile back my best charming grin (a very charming grin if I do say so myself) and wave.

When they were done having their fun, Vessa and the two girls came back out after having picked out five suits as well as a few other beach-related items.

After she paid for them they whispered to her something about being somewhere at nine p.m. which I was unable to catch. When I asked her about it she just laughed and told me not to worry about it until later. I did my best to forget about the surprise and we went off to the beach that was recommended to me.

It was packed. I saw skin everywhere. Luckily the beach stretched for miles and we were able to luck out and find a really nice spot as another couple was leaving right next to the water. We walked up and I staked out our land claim with my huge beach blanket and umbrella and stripped off everything but my suit. I flopped onto my back and held up the sunscreen with a grin saying, "Sunscreen me please!"