Wolves in the Woods Pt. 02


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"Rhoswen," he continued. "What's the matter."

Rhoswen turned to him and immediately she could see that her face had turned into a mask of fear. "They are coming Kaervandel."

"Who is coming?" He asked. The fairy girl then ran into the gnome's arms, holding her as she started to sob.

"Servants of the Swirling Dark are coming!" She cried into his chest. "Hordes of them! They can overcome the faerie glamour! Oh Kaervandel, I'm so afraid!"

"How soon will they get here?" He asked. "Maybe we can get away? I'll protect you if you want."

The fairy lifted her tearing eyes up to his and stared longingly at him. "You will? Protect me, I mean? Help me in any way?"

"Anything I can do," He smiled back. "I promise to help you."

"That's makes me so happy!" Rhoswen answered, her tears suddenly disappearing and her face sporting a mischievous smile.

"Ah ... within reason of course!" He added quickly.

Then a burst of sparkling golden light came from the fairy's wings, filling the room with a yellow brightness. The gnome shielded his eyes for most of the flash, letting him catch Rhoswen stepping into a pillar of light once his vision cleared.

"Wait! Where are you going?!" He asked her frantically.

"I have to go warn the Seelie Court," Rhoswen said matter-of-factly. "They have to prepare for our enemies. Oh, and the court thanks you in advance for volunteering."

"Volunteering for what?!" Kaervandel asked.

"For keeping the Servants at bay, of course," Rhoswen smiled at him, stepping halfway into the light. "I need those creatures to be kept occupied so I can tell my Father. If you are lucky, they'll send creatures native to your world and you should be able to deal with them easily. Most likely shapechangers. They tend to be more aggressive, though."

"What?!" The gnome yelled.

"You will be in trouble if they send one of those tentacled things," the fairy said. "Damn abominations will drive you mortals insane with one look. Oh well, good luck then!"

"Wait!" Kaervandel said, grabbing Rhoswen's shoulder. "You can't just leave me!"

The fairy turned to him with a look of anger that made him jump back in fear, taking his hand with him.

"When you summoned me alchemist," Rhoswen said. "You stipulated that the price for the service I provided you was anything 'You' offered 'Me'. And you offered to help me in any way you could, Kaervandel, and I'm going to hold you to that bargain to prepare my people for this coming flood of horse dung."

"But ..." Kaervandel stuttered.

"Again, I thank you, alchemist," Rhoswen smiled, giving him a peck on the cheek. "And I will mourn for you if you fall."

Stepping into the brightness, Rhoswen immediately disappeared and the pillar popped out of existence.

"To hells with that!" Kaervandel said and went straight to his bedroom.

After throwing on a some traveling clothes and filling a backpack with notebooks, potions and ingredients, Kaervandel rushed straight to the door of his house. Once he stepped into the yard outside, a wave of pain enveloped his entire body, dropping him to the ground.

"It's a bad idea to go back on your word to a fairy princess," a voice whispered into Kaervandel's ear.

"That winged bitch in-scrolled me!" Kaervandel spat. "Gods damn it!"

* * *

"Where were the bodies left?"

"They should be past the Troll Rocks to the south. Don't worry Harl we'll get there soon enough!"

Romica gave him a smile as she said this and Harl smiled back. He felt good that his half-elf friend was in a better mood, and not at all sore from their fun as far as he could see.

The sun was still high, sending its light through the forest canopy and invigorating him as it hit his chain shirt. The nice warmth affected his companions as well with Romica whistling as she strolled down the path, twirling the dagger in her hand. Sera, meanwhile, was skipping like a child rather than walking, happily punting a small rock in an impromptu game of Halfling kick-ball.

Everything seemed perfect in the world, making Harl's nagging apprehension seem so out of place.

"Hey, do you feel that there's something off?" Harl asked his companions. "Like, where did all the birds go? It's really quiet and ..."

"Someone is shadowing us," Romica interrupted, her smile still on her face as she tilted up her wide brimmed hat.

"What? We should ..." Harl started, his hand going to his sword.

"Keep calm, big fellow," Sera said, also smiling with her small hands clutching his sword arm. "We don't want them to know that we know, do you?"

"Besides, Harl," Romica said, her face still plastered with a grin. "I think I know who our stalkers are. And I'm in the mood for payback."


"Man things!" The worg hissed, watching the travelers.

"'Female' man things!" Another leered.

The wolfish creatures had thought that shadowing this path was a waste of time for them and their packmates, a task made harder by the unruly goblins that Gormak had ordered to accompany them. If these man-things hadn't come, the lupine monster was sure he would have eaten the small green humanoids just to keep them quiet.

But now they had other things to chew on.

"Can you smell them brother?" The first worg said in his growling tongue. "The females are strong! We can make them bitches for our pack!"

"If they survive our hunger," the other worg said.

"The giant will be trouble," a third voice added in shrill goblin.

"The big-thing will fall!" The second worg growled, snapping his teeth at a leather-armor clad goblin. "Know your place, two-legs! Or I'll gnaw it into you!"

"Stay your fangs!" The first worg ordered as the goblin scampered back. "We will feast on their flesh but not if we are bickering! Go prepare your -- "two-leg" -- warriors whelp!"

The goblin grumbled bitterly as it crawled off into the wilds. But the worgs didn't care, not when delicious prey was within reach. Soon all would be meat for the pack and the thought made both monsters lick their lips.


"Do you hear them?" Romica asked.

"The yipping and yapping?" Harl responded. "Hard not to miss it. Can I stop smiling now? My face is starting to hurt."

"Just a little more Harl," Sera said. "Can't tip our hats too early now can we?"

"Think of this as a final test," Romica said. "See the trees in front of us?"

Harl looked and noticed the trunks of two darkwoods on either side of the path bowing unnaturally.

"A trap?" Harl observed.

"Good eye!" Romica said. "Get Warflame ready my big friend. It's going to get exciting."


Goblins clad in black armor scampered up the trees and pulled on the disguised ropes they had tied to the trunks beforehand. They snickered in their maniacal way as the bindings pulled tight, thinking what fun it would be to see a giant's head get knocked from its shoulders.

A goblin holding the rope watched the big-folk obliviously walk down the trail and gave out a twittering whistle. The creature then violently tugged at the rope, releasing a large log hidden in the tree canopy and sending it streaking sideways towards the travelers.

Hoots and cheers erupted from goblins hidden among the foliage, waiting for the spectacle of a giant's head being lopped off by a huge chunk of wood. It all stopped when the giant-kin reached for his sword.

A loud crash reverberated through the branches, making the little monsters cower among the trees. When the goblins looked again the log was split in half, it's parts dangling from the ropes. The giant stood amongst the shattered pieces of trunk, his emerald-sheened broadsword at the ready. His compatriots were just as prepared, with the warrior woman drawing her longsword and dagger, while the halfling girl had a throwing knife in both of her hands.

The goblins screamed in frustration. They'd been denied their fun and they were determined to get it in blood. En masse, the little green creatures charged the trio on the path. Three snarling ones pounced from the trees, falling blades-first onto Harl.

Unluckily for the goblins, the half-ogre warrior was ready for them.

Thrusting upwards, Harl skewered one goblin on Warflame, impaling the monster halfway down the blade. The giant-kin then swung his sword to meet the second goblin, slicing the creature in half like the splintered log, flicking off his staked comrade at the same time. Harl finally swatted away the third falling goblin with his large round shield and sent it screeching into the forest's branches.

"Romica, watch out!" Harl warned, seeing the half-elf to her left surrounded by five sword-wielding goblins.

"Not to worry my Big Friend," Romica called out.

The goblins rushed the swordswoman, their short blades slashing through the air. But the blood hungry swords never bit into flesh as Romica went into her elegant dance of war -- her leather armored body twirling and dodging thrusts -- her sword and dagger parrying unruly swings.

Frustration quickly spread among the goblins, each of them throwing off any little discipline they had to blindly attack the half-elf. Romica's eye twinkled as she saw this, triggering a whirlwind of her own of rhythmic slashes and thrusts.

"I have everything under control," Romica said. Five goblins were dead at her feet.

"Uh, Sera?"

"Busy!" Sera replied.

Harl turned to the halfling just as she jumped over two goblins running face first into each other. She then tumbled and rolled over the ground, avoiding the slashing blades of two other goblins. Flipping onto her feet, Sera ran towards a tree by the path with the pair of goblins in pursuit.

The rogue then "ran" up the trunk, using the tree to flip herself over the pursuing monsters. The goblins, meanwhile, stopped in their tracks, knowing what happened to their comrades. They were congratulating themselves for seeing through the halfling's ruse when Sera shoved daggers into their backs.

Returning to their senses, the two remaining goblins screamed in anger when they saw their comrades fall. They charged Sera with wild abandon; bloodlust gleaming in their eyes. Sera responded by palming a smoothed stone from a hidden sleeve holster.

"This is going to hurt," she smiled and pitched the stone at the goblins.

One goblin literally ran into the hurtling rock, crushing its forehead on it. The stone bounced off the mortally wounded goblin's skull and streaked towards the last goblin's temple.

"Ha-ha! Two-for-one!" Sera said, jumping for joy as the second creature dropped to the ground.


"The little bastards failed!" The second worg growled. "Come, let's finish them!"

"Hold back, Whelp! They are more skilled than I expected. We must ..."

"You run back to the lair coward! The others and I will taste blood and flesh!"

"Their blades will be tasting blood," the worg growled, watching his pack mate leap onto the path.


"Damn it," Harl said, hearing howls echo from the forest. "That does not sound good!"

"Fucking worgs!" Sera cursed. "I'll have something for them!"

"Just keep your eyes open," Romica warned. "Harl watch out!"

Harl turned to where the half-elf motioned and saw a dark brown missile streaking right at him. The half-ogre warrior instinctively swung the edge of his shield at the thing, catching its side in mid-flight and making it scream in pain at the connection. Landing to the side, Harl could see it was another one of those Fen Worgs, like those at the cave. Two more leaped out of the bushes and growled at the adventurers as they stalked them.

"Remember what I taught you," Romica told Harl, her posture now in a fighting stance.

"Don't overthink it," Harl replied, raising up his shield as he pointed his broadsword outward. "Let the movements come naturally."

The worgs charged them as Harl spoke, their mouths slavering with bile.

Harl's canine foe tried snapping its large jaws at his legs but the sharp fangs were met by his parrying shield at every turn. Frustrated, the worg backed up and launched itself forward, aiming for the half-ogre's body for a bull rush.

Seeing the creature come at him, Harl bided his time until the last moment, and then stepped aside. The worg was surprised at the hulking ogre-kin's speed, unable to twist himself towards Harl's new position. It was a shock cut short as Harl's blade fell on the worg's neck.

"Sera! Romica!" Harl called out as the worg's head fell to the ground. "You need any ..."

"BUSY!" Both of the women said.

Romica had danced away from her worg's biting lunge and responded with a stab at the wolf creature's torso. The worg growled in anger, already bleeding from dozens of wounds, cuts and slashes. Sera, meanwhile, had mounted the worg she was facing, the monster bucking wildly. The halfling rogue laughed as she held on to one of the wrog's ears while her other hand raised a razor-sharp dagger.

"This is for trying to make me your bitch!" She said and plunged the dagger into the worg's head.

"Looks like you girls have everything in hand," Harl sighed as Sera's worg thumped to the ground.

* * *

Distracted by a squirrel, which he promptly and joyfully dismembered, the goblin forgot to join his clan mates as they jumped onto the path. When the goblin finally realized what had happened, his comrades were butchered and the worgs were being stuck like wild pigs.

The creature was apoplectic with anger, trying to find some way to get back at the tall folk. He then set his sights on the halfling that straddled one of the worgs. With an evil glint in his eye the goblin pulled out his blowgun.

* * *

"I think that's enough," Harl told Romica as he sheathed his sword. The swordswoman dodged the angrily panting worg yet again, wounding it as it went past.

"Oh, I said I wanted payback and I'm getting it!" Romica replied.

"Let her have her fun Harl," Sera said, sitting atop the worg corpse's back. "It's not like our bodies are going anywhere."

"I'd rather be on our way," Harl said. "We should -- wait, what's that?"

Above the growls, Harl noticed the faintest sounds of leaves rustling. Looking upwards, the half-ogre spotted something flying out of the forest canopy.

"Sera, watch out!" Harl warned. Before the halfling could react, the half-ogre extended his hand in front of Sera's face. Immediately, Harl felt a pain shoot into his palm.

"Yaowtch!" Harl cried out, retracting his hand.

"Harl!" Romica said. The worg thought Romica was distracted and lunged at her. Without even looking the half-elf thrust her blades forward and pushed them into the worg's eyes. After it fell dead, Romica withdrew her dagger from the worg's eye socket and threw it into the trees. A yelp came before a green figure fell from the branches, hitting the ground with a wet splat.

"Harl, are you all right?" Romica asked as she ran over to her friends.

"It's fine, Romica," Sera said as she inspected Harl's hand. "Harl, there isn't even a scratch!"

"I know!" Harl said. "But it was such a sting when that blowgun dart hit me."

"Gods, Harl!" Romica said. "poison!"

"Oh crap!" Harl cursed. "I've got to ... ow!"

"Harl, what's wrong?" Sera asked.

"I dunno -- Ow!"

Frantically, Harl threw off his shield and quickly undid his sword belt, followed by his pants belt. Romica and Sera were about to ask what in the hells he was doing when the giant dropped his trousers and freed his now large and very hard cock.

* * *

"Gods damn it," Kaervandel cursed as he rifled through his ingredients cabinet. "Where the fuck is it?!"

He knew they were coming, whoever they were, he could feel it in his gut that they were very close. It made his searches more frantic, tossing powders and liquids about his lab.

"Never bargain with fucking Faeries!" The gnome cursed, looking at another vial. "Pluck their wings off if I had the chance! Aha! Finally!"

The alchemist held up a bottle filled with silvery liquid, inspecting it in the light.

"I hope this is enough," he sighed.

* * *

"The gnome's warren sits atop a Faerie mound," Audeger growled.

"I'm surprised the fair folk haven't driven him mad," Teru answered back.

"They've used him for something," a goblin voice added. "In the end it won't matter. He is just meat!"

Vigdis heard them laugh as they dashed through the forest. She wanted to laugh with them but something in the back of her mind held her tongue. The northwoman felt free when she was like this, running on all fours, warped in her wolf form like Teru and Audeger, hunting with scores of worg riding goblins.

When she first changed, she was howling like a rabid beast but now ...

"I can't let them kill him," Vigdis whispered. "Have to protect the innocent!"

* * *

"Hey watch where you point that," Sera teased. "You could put someone's eye out!"

"Ha-ha, very funny!" Harl said as he struggled to put his cock in his trousers. "OW! Damn it!"

"Harl are you sure you are all right?" The half-elf leaning by a tree asked. "That Lilith juice might ..."

"I'm fine Romica," Harl said, now standing by the path with his erection stiffly pointing forward. "Giants like me don't go sex-mad from Lilith juice. But Father did say that there were side effects."

"A raging hard-on being one of them," Sera observed as she walked up to the half-ogre, admiring his manhood. "Aww, look how cute it is!"

"No, no! Don't Sera!" Harl started as the halfling stroked the underside of his cockhead. "Ahh!"

The eye of Harl's cock sent a jet of white jism right at Sera's face, splashing the surprised halfling in the face. Blinded, the rogue took a sudden step back and tripped over her feet, falling right on her ass. Romica had a belly laugh as Sera flailed her arms and legs trying to get up.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Harl said, going to the prone halfling and helping right herself. "My cock is so sensitive just about anything will set it off! Here use my washcloth."

"You didn't seem aroused when you were fixing your pants!" Sera grumbled, wiping splooge out of her eyes.

"I was trying as hard as possible not to blow," Harl explained. "You kind of sent me over!"

"And I thought you'd be proud of that Sera," Romica laughed. "What was that again? Oh yes! 'I have ecstasy even in my little finger!'"

"Stick a lance up your bum, quill-ears!" Sera huffed, tossing the cloth back to Harl.

"You're not helping," Harl told the laughing Romica.

"Oh don't worry your head off, Harl," Romica said, finally calming down. "I hear there is an alchemist living in these forests and he should be able to cure the stiff problem you have."

"He's not too far," the half-elf continued, adjusting her wide brimmed hat. "And as long as you don't splash me with cum I'll take you there."

* * *

"I can do this," Vigdis whispered to herself. "Need to do this. For the survival of the pack. Damn it why am I so horny again?"

"Quit muttering to yourself Vigdis!" Audeger growled. "You'll miss all the blood."

Vigdis doubted that, watching the horde of worgs, goblins and werewolves creep towards the small house on the mound. Keeping to the brush land, the feral creatures deliberately slowed their advance and worked themselves up for the kill. The slaughter would be epic. As the goblins licked their blades, the worgs frothed their mouths and the werewolves wet their fangs, Vigdis, still in wolf form, sniffed at the air.

"Hold!" Vigdis warned. "There is a strange scent in the air! The alchemist may be trying something!"

"He will be the meat between our teeth!" Teru hissed. "Our numbers will overwhelm any tricks he may have in store."

"We are here for the glory of Gormak!" One worg-riding goblin said. "Your packmate seems to have little faith in the Master!"

"She's been timid since the clearing," Audeger spat. "If you want to stay here and suck your own teats, then stay. Just get out of our way!"

Vigdis watched the bloodthirsty fellowship move ever closer to the house.
