Yo-yo Chronicles Ch. 02-3 Ending


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I didn't ask for an explanation, nor did I allow her to provide one. I leashed her collar and took her downstairs.

"What's going on, Stu? Is something wrong?" she asked nervously.

I didn't respond. I was too angry. To think that she was still betraying me, taking enjoyment from my rape and humiliation. I walked faster, almost dragging her along. I passed Xavier on the main floor, and saw a smirk on his face, as I dragged Ellie along.

"Please, Stu!" she whined, stumbling along. "Why are you so angry? Talk to me, baby."

I took her to the pen, and she was tugging at the leash. "Stop it, Stu! You're scaring me," she cried.

"Master Stu, stupid slave," I growled through clenched teeth.

I had to drag her the last few feet, before I could leash her to an open ring on the floor, beside Cheryl, our newest, Dr. Phil's ex. Ellie was sobbing. I reached down and ripped the silks from her body. "Why, Stu?" she pleaded.

When the last shreds were ripped from her body, I went to the tool rack, and grabbed a rather light weight flogger. She wasn't use to any physical punishment and she was still my wife. This was a lesson, I didn't want to injure her. When I returned, Xavier was squatting in front of her. I heard him clearly.

"I knew you'd be down here one day. You're like all the rest, aren't you? Traitorous cunt!"

She looked up at me and saw the flogger. She scrambled backward to the limit of her floor leash. "No! Please! I didn't do anything!"

She was a squirmer, and took many of the blows on her sides and legs, while trying to escape her punishment. She was prone, crying hysterically before I was finished with her. She kept sobbing "Why?" like she didn't know.

"You know why," I finally said, nudging her with my foot. "When you explain to me what you did wrong, and I hear a worthy apology, I'll consider allowing you to work your way back into my good graces, slave Ellie."

"Please, Stu," she started, and I gave her a couple of quick blows of the flogger.

"How do you address your Master, stupid slave? You're Tier two now. Do you want me to bust you all the way down to Tier one?"

"No master," she mumbled piteously.

Xavier stood to the side watching. We had quite the audience, to be honest. The slaves in the pen of course, but also the ones in their rooms had a clear view, since doors weren't allowed to be closed during the day. They all were smart enough to keep their distance.

I looked over at Xavier. "Her cunt's off-limits without a condom. I'm trying to breed her." That wasn't a problem. Dr. Phil had new rules of safety in place, and the bins of condoms outside the pen made sure plenty were available. Normally they were only used on the new girls until they'd finished their testing, or while we got them on a birth prevention program. We didn't want accidents.

She looked up nervously as Xavier opened his pants. "Damn, I'm going to enjoy this," he laughed.

"Master!" she called out to me, as I left her there. "Please, Master. I'm sorry. I won't do it again. I'm sorry."

"You will be," I muttered, before grabbing Annette, and dragging her into her room. I needed to get rid of a bit of stress, and she was always good for that. I gave the new girl, Cheryl, a ride afterward, and found that Xavier hadn't tired of Ellie yet.

That night I took Diana to my room. I wasn't in the mood for Petra's fawning, or Janine's lustful acrobatics. Diana was a changed woman since she'd started hearing from her kids, and she was always appreciative, but had no interest in trying to wheedle her way into my regular rotation.

Once I'd had my fill of Diana, or better said, she'd had her fill from me a couple of times, I was able to finally relax, while she held me. It was one of the things I liked about her. No questions, no nagging, she provided physical intimacy without verbal interaction. She was a cuddler.

She didn't ask me if I wanted to talk about it, or question me about what was going on. She held me. It was what I needed at that moment. I hadn't been prepared for the latest betrayal. Maybe I'm a fool. Alright, no maybe about it. I wanted to believe the best of Ellie. I lied to myself. If I shed a few tears in self-pity, Diana would say nothing. She'd just hold me, no effort to get me excited or anything like that. She'd hold me, her presence comforting.

The next day, I waited until after breakfast to check on Ellie. The girls around her dispersed quickly, as I headed down the stairs. Xavier must have been up early, because the wife slaves were all up and about, and Ellie showed signs of being used.

I expected Petra to be all over me, but only Nicole approached me directly. "Is it alright if we take care of her, Master Stu? You never said anything."

I glared at her and she stumbled, rapidly dropping to her knees. "I'll deal with you later," I said. She knew better to speak without permission. I wasn't in the mood to allow little infractions they might otherwise get away with. I freed Ellie from her leash, and led her to the training room. She kept her eyes down, and didn't speak. I'll give her that much. Once I had her leashed to one of the overhead rings, I selected a paddle off the wall. Without speaking to her, other than to tell her to hold still a couple of times, I reddened her ass thoroughly. Then I sat down and watched her, until she stopped her crying.

She was weak. I probably should have put her through the regular training earlier, if she took a simple paddling that poorly.

"You have something you'd like to say to me, slave Ellie?"

She raised her head. "I... I'm sorry, Master Stu."

"Sorry for what?" I asked.

"For betraying your trust. For watching your video," she admitted readily.

"What else?" The truth is, I didn't know if there was anything else. It would be interesting to see if she confessed to any other misdeeds.

She looked surprised, and took a few moments to answer. "For getting you involved? For all the times I watched it before. For making a mockery of our anniversary?"

"Is that a question?"

She started crying again. "No, but I don't know what you want me to say. I know I shouldn't have watched that stupid video. I thought the rest of it was over." "Sir!" she added hastily, while I waited to see if there was anything else.

"So you've done nothing else since we've been here you think you should tell me about?" I asked.

She bit her bottom lip. "You said it was alright if I took care of them. I didn't think you'd mind if I slipped them a few Tylenol, or a couple of snacks. I... I was only trying to help. I never wanted to undermine your training. I'm sorry."

If that was the worst of it, things were better than I had started to fear. "Why do you get pleasure out of my rape and humiliation, slave Ellie? I don't understand that?"

She was slumped over, only the ropes attaching her wrists to the overhead ring kept her upright. "I don't know, St—Master Stu. I don't know."

"But you admit you do," I said.

She nodded slowly. "It excites me. I hate that it does."

Now what was I supposed to do about that? How the fuck do I get around the fact that despite my best efforts, my wife got off on seeing me abused and humiliated. "I guess it's time to see how you like it."

"Please, Master! I'm sorry! I'll never do it again. I swear I won't."

I laughed. "I know you won't. You won't get the opportunity. I'm not that stupid."

~ * ~ * ~

It took her a month to earn her way into one of the rooms. Another six weeks before I took her back to our bedroom. Of course I hadn't been alone during that time. Nor had she.

The men accepted my insistence that she not be used without a condom. I was still determined to have my child. That didn't stop them from sating their curiosity about her. I'll admit, I was a little proud to hear she was recommended for Tier III status, at the same time as Annette and Nicole.

When Bob saw Ellie chained up in the pen, I guess that loosed something inside of him. Velma spent a week down there as well. He took her home a week later. I guess I understood. They had the kids. But they came every weekend, and he would chain her up downstairs, while he enjoyed himself. I renewed her acquaintance, but it was never the same again. She didn't even make my top three anymore. She didn't lack for attention, however.

Weekends were busy, we usually had three or four members in attendance the whole weekend. We'd get regular visits during the week as well. It wasn't uncommon to have one or two visitors most nights. Xavier and I received notice before any new trainees were delivered, and we had names and pictures of any new club members. They were introducing new concepts, limited memberships. Men who were allowed access, but were not permitted downstairs. That remained pretty exclusive for quite a while, with only Dr. Phil added to the VIP list. Slaves were delivered to the new partial members, while their wives, ex-wives, or somehow significant others were broken in. Both Jilly and Joanna were popular choices to be delivered, obviously for very different reasons.

Joanna? She broke. She was on permanent scullery duty, dealing with the refuse buckets, scrubbing floors, cleaning up after trains and gangbangs. Whatever we could think of to reinforce that she was the lowest of the low.

Sending one of the slaves off to a partial member was considered punishment by our more senior slaves. Only Joanna seemed to enjoy it. I guess it was a break from her menial duties, and I understood that quite a few of our guests would use her sexually, which was more than she got from any of the full members, except for the occasional training session. I know I rarely stuck my cock in her. I mean, seriously? With all the other choices available?

I could see the pain in Ellie's eyes, when I took a preferred slave girl upstairs for the night. I'm convinced that having Petra and Annette spend the night with me didn't bother her that much. They were always good to her, and she to them. There was little jealousy between them.

I know that having Nicole bothered her, I'm not sure why, but it was plain to see. The first time I took Jilly upstairs for the night, Petra earned a beating of her own, telling me I was cruel, and that Ellie had cried all night. I wasn't too harsh with her. I knew there was a bond between them, ever since Ellie had offered herself up to reduce Petra's punishment.

Ellie's misery made me feel a little better, and I made Jilly a part of the regular rotation. She was still sexy as hell, but I preferred Petra and Annette, even Diana to be honest. But I needed Ellie to suffer a little. I'd been too damn lenient with her, and she needed to learn.

Petra was never accepted as readily as the others, by the members. Few used her, other than me. She wasn't a beauty, by any means, still too small and too scrawny. She never learned to be as talented as the others, and I got the best out of her. I could see why the members would choose elsewhere. Xavier in particular, never wasted his time with her. When I took her off birth control, she was nearly hysterical with joy, and I saw how it pained Ellie.

I felt a little bad about that. It had been nearly three months since her demotion, and I took her to bed. I kept her there three days, during the most fertile part of her cycle. After that, I kept her in the regular rotation, and bounced Jilly out. Unless I was looking for a double.

~ * ~ * ~

So that's my story so far. I turn evil traitorous women into docile sex-slaves. I don't worry about the rest of it, I let Butler, Carter and Dean deal with situations, and deliver the raw goods. Xavier and I work well together, we're getting better at it. It's not an easy job, and we've been doing a lot of research. We make mistakes, but you can't say we don't try. And so far, the results have been outstanding. We've even got a new assistant. The guy was a total wimp when we took him in. Some kind of charity work on the part of the foundation.

He'd been a reluctant cuckold, without the spine to stand up to his wife. She'd subjugated him further and further, bringing a string of lovers into their house, making him watch and even participate, to his humiliation. When he found out his wife intended to have him castrated for fun, he snapped. He fought back, weakly, and was beaten to a pulp by a couple of her lovers.

I don't know how BCD - our inside nickname for Butler, Carter and Dean - found out about him, or the full story for a while, but he was delivered to Xavier and I as our new assistant. A less likely assistant I couldn't imagine, but he was willing to do the grunt work, and whatever he was asked to do. He wasn't very good with the punishment phases, but he tried, and over time he became an asset. His wife was a pain in the ass to break, but we managed. She still had a bit of a hold over him, so we didn't allow him much contact with her, until we broke her of that habit as well.

I work with Xavier to maintain the property and expand our clubhouse. I like building things, and enjoy working with him. We've accomplished a lot already. I have a feeling the improvements will continue for quite a long time. Manolo has become a permanent 'partial' member. He moved into the visitor's wing, only about a week after his wife was delivered. He earns his keep by helping with the property, landscaping, labor, that kind of stuff. He was one of Joanna's victims, and at least once a week, he has Joanna or his wife delivered to his room. He's a hard worker, and an asset. He does what he's asked, and doesn't ask questions. He's also an impressive physical specimen, not as big as Dean, but large and solid. Scary looking. I heard BCD has put him on the payroll, and he helps with some external projects. I don't involve myself in those anymore. Too busy, and it's really not my style. Xavier, on the other hand, seems to have found an external role to his liking, and will disappear on occasion to help out with the cause.

I got two new trainees in today. One looks like a real bitch. I'm gonna love breaking her. She's got an ass on her that just won't quit. She went straight to the box to soften her up. We added music to it about a month ago. Twenty-four hours of the same damn Japanese pop song is cruel, I know, but it does the job.

I'm gonna wrap things up. Jilly probably has my wife worked up by now. If I don't show up soon, I'll catch a lot of grief. And yes, I'm a wuss. Ellie's back to Tier five, and is my regular partner. She's off the floor again, but there's certainly enough slaves downstairs to take up the slack. She hasn't gained everything back. I doubt I'll ever let her on the computers again. Broken trust is a hard thing to restore. Xavier gives me a hard time, reminding me there's no need to trust a slave.

Petra's still our favorite, but with both her and Ellie entering their third trimester, we like to have a more active partner some nights. Not that sleeping between two swollen bellies isn't fun, but sometimes we feel a little more... acrobatic.

Not tonight, however. We're keeping both tonight. Jilly's for Ellie. Petra's as horny as a three-peckered billy goat, and I guess I'm sort of responsible for that, so I'll deal with her.

But that's it. Tonight I'm not letting them talk me into playing with all three again. I mean it. That's seriously exhausting, and I need my rest.

Got a new girl to break in tomorrow, with an ass that just won't quit.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

This is the end of my finish for the Yo-Yo Chronicles Ch. 02. There will be more stories about Carter, Butler, Dean, and the club.

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I think to continue the series, they should buy an island or even islands. Biggest question is, how would they raise children. Perhaps, they could separate the slave area from a child rearing area with neighboring islands??

WargamerWargamerover 1 year ago

I just loved this story it was fun. Such a shame FTDS died before he could add further tales to it

I miss him and his talent a lot. We need someone else to step up and fill his shoes.

Legio Patria Nostra you have talent, could you do it?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I am more than excited about you finishing up some of these old unfinished projects because I am the kind of person who is continually too dense to check and see if it is an unfinished piece. I can’t count the number of times I was totally immersed in some story that suddenly ends and hasn’t been touched in years. I want to throw my IPAD through the wall.

I found this story to be an interesting piece of work that is well thought out and sadly that was when I realized that our “hero” was just your average gutless wonder who got cucked and couldn’t deal with the shame or embarrassment or whatever his little brain was coming up with while he was busy being total hypocrite.

Legio_Patria_NostraLegio_Patria_Nostraover 2 years ago

I think the series was fantastic! Now, when will the musical version be ready?

MasterpuppyMasterpuppyover 3 years ago

Someone was reading the story of O when they wrote this one.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Stu is just as bad as the bastards in the clubhouse.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
NFW! A bit much! Over the top!

Their club house is no better then the shows that many of those men were raped in. Even worse. Torture chambers.

49greg49gregalmost 5 years ago
Wow! Yeah, a little over the top, even brutal. On the other hand ....

It's sexy as hell. Who wouldn't enjoy a passel of slaves down in the basement who'll do anything you want? At least every once in a while.

Well written and a good storyline.

oldbearswitcholdbearswitchalmost 5 years ago
Sorry, Too OTT for me

They all did deserve viscous punishments.

But this just degrades the punishers even worse.

Tough to remedy the original Evil

Dont_miss_meDont_miss_meover 5 years ago
I’m actually pissed that I missed this story...

Great execution, outstanding thought to the storyline, and excellent characters. REALLY looking forward to more of the club.

5 stars!,!

desertdog43desertdog43almost 6 years ago
Down the road

So what happens 10 years later, you guys gonna kill 'em....How long can something like this last ?

Can you do it ? popping another human's not as easy as movies would have people believe....just sayin....T

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
enjoyed it

Great writing. Tough to write an ending to this. You did great. Hey everyone, ,,,,it's called fiction. You can be over the top here because it's FICTION! Thanks for your hard work.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

I like a good revenge, but Damn. This was a little much. Your a great writer but this one kind of got a little out there. Writing is five stars, story line maybe a three for me. So I give four.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Horrible ending

Yes the revenge was good. But continuing in the house and doing what they did was a horrible idea. All it did was keep the memory of what happened fresh in their minds. They would have been better served by killing the men and shipping the women off to whorehouses around the world and getting on with their lives. Of course they should have shipped their wives out too. Ellie showed him multiple times she wasn't going to stop humiliating him. Whether it was watching the video or ass raping him, so wouldn't let it go. She needed to be gone permanently gone. Awful ending.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
oh hell no.

i felt like creating a sequel to punsh the fucking monsters these guys are. isnt it supposed to be eye for an eye. not the whole fucking soul for an eye. the bitches may have deserved to be punished to the same extent as the male victims once. but repeatedly?? gone to far son. your a sick mother fucker. i finished it because i had to finish the damn story. oh well i guess im just as fucked up as the rest of the btb readers. probably your worst continuations. never mind. 3* because i normally like your work.

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