3 Families Vol. 03 Ch. 03


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Alex was a tit man having grown up in a house full of them and though he never showed it she sometimes felt inadequate in that area. She talked about getting hers done but he told her he didn't like fake tits, when hers had started to grow she been more than a little happy. She smiled as she looked over and saw Abbey come in.

"Hey sexy momma, Kasey asleep." Jo smiled looking at Abbey in her cute little night gown.

"Yeah, had to read the book to her twice, stubborn little shit." Abbey said with a little laugh. She joked about Kasey being bad but she loved spending time with the little girl. Kasey wasn't bad just strong willed which she got naturally and Abbey had a way with her. Abbey would make a great mom, Jo was the one who was so damn worried about messing her poor kid up.

"How is it you're two months ahead of me and you haven't gained a pound." Abbey smiled looking Jo over.

"I have put on weight." Jo laughed.

"Yes in your tits and ass, Alex must really hate that." Abbey frowned touching her own belly. "I feel like a cow." Abbey pouted, Abbey had packed on a little bit of weight though Jo nor Alex seemed to mind in the least, Abbey never been little per say. if nothing else, Jo thought she looked adorable pregnant. A little harder to hug and cuddle maybe since they were both pregnant but Jo still tap that.

"I can't help it sis if Kitty knocked you up with twins." Jo joked as she came over touching her sister in laws belly. "Beside I think you look gorgeous." Jo smiled and stole a quick kiss.

"Thanks." Abbey blushed.

"Want to come join me in bed, until Alex gets home." Jo smiled as she softly caressed Abbey's belly. She felt close to Abbey, now more than ever. It was nice to have someone who was pregnant as well and who understood.

"I don't know if Alex is going to feel up to it, after school and sitting at the hospital with Kitty."

"Two hot naked women pregnant with his babies in his bed waiting on him to get home, if that doesn't distract him from a hard day I don't know what will. Besides I still think you're one hot momma." Joanna gave her a pinch on the ass.

"Ah, Joanna." Abbey laughed. Jo went into the bedroom and lay on the bed and began to rub herself. She found herself horny a hell of a lot more now, which mom said could happen because of the hormones. Either she was going to masturbate, have a twosome, or a threesome if she was really lucky but someone was going to fuck her tonight even if she had to do it her fucking self. Abbey grinned as she looked at her and walked over joining her on the bed as Jo scooted over. Abbey pulled off her shirt showing off her pregnant belly and those damn tits of hers that could almost rival her mothers and her milk hadn't even came in yet. Jo leaned over and kissed Abbey as she slid into bed with her.

Late Spring 2004

"It's going to be okay." Alex said as he carried Abbey into the hospital, he didn't bother going through the front desk instead going through the ambulance bay.

"It's too soon, It's too early." Abbey said before she had a contraction and screamed out in pain. They had been out shopping for the babies. Looking at different stuff when Abbey had started having pains, by the time he got her to the car her water had burst in the parking lot.

"We need a doctor." Alex yelled as he went up to the nurse's desk.

"What's going on?" A nurse behind the desk asked.

"She seven months pregnant, her water broke and she is having contractions." Alex said, knowing Abbey was right to be concerned.

"Bring her this way." Another nurse said grabbing a wheelchair.

"Abbey everything is going to be fine." Alex said as he set her down and they quickly found her a room. A doctor came in to look at her as the nurse brought in an ultrasound machine.

"Hello I am Doctor Jones, we're just going to take a little look, Miss?" The doc said as he came in lifting Abbey's dress.

"Smith." Abbey said.

"Okay Miss Smith, try to relax." The doctor said as he took a look and then looked at her stats and the ultrasound, the look on his face said it wasn't good.

"Okay we need to get you an emergency room right away. Sir are you the father?" The doctor looked at Alex.

"Yes, why." Alex nodded.

"Can I talk to you in private?" The doctor said, Abbey squeezed his hand as if asking him not to leave her.

"If you have something to say, you can say it in front of Abbey?" Alex said, he wasn't going to leave Abbey and she had as much right to hear it as he did.

"The baby's seem to be in distress, we have to take her into emergency room now her blood pressure is dangerously low. We may end up having to decide between saving the mother or the babies." The doctor said. Alex felt like he couldn't make the choice, his sister who he loved or the babies, his babies.

"The Babies. Save them damn it." Abbey squeezed his hand and fainted.

"Abbey." Alex said touching her cheek. "Abbey." He yelled.

"Sir we need to go now. You need to make a call." The doctor said.

"You heard her." Alex said as he began to cry. "Save the babies first."

"Okay people let's get her into the OR one stat. Get a specialist down here stat to deliver the babies." The doctor yelled giving orders.

"Sir you need to go to the waiting room. Please come with me sir." A nurse grabbed Alex's arm. Alex didn't want to leave her, he wanted to stay with her but there was nothing he could do for her.


Abbey slowly awoke taking a second to realize where she was, the hospital. She looked down to see her pregnant belly was gone. Abbey saw Alex lying there as he sat in a chair facing her with his head and arm on her bed asleep though he had looked better. She noticed a bandage on his arm, he had given blood, no doubt for her or the babies. She tried to move but grunted as she felt sore as hell.

"Abigail." Abbey heard, She looked over to see Jo get up out of a chair and take her hand.

"The babies." Abbey managed to say hoarsely, her throat was dry.

"They're both fine, they had to go in incubators to cook a little longer. They were in a rush to get here, I swear you just had to beat me, by having yours first."

"Sorry, They're fine though right." Abbey asked.

"Their beautiful sweetheart, and perfectly healthy they just need to build up their immune system first." Jo smiled at her stroking her hair. Abbey smiled, she hadn't cared what happened to her.

"Alex?" Abbey ran her fingers through his hair.

"He hasn't left your side, this is the first he has slept. He has been up for two days now." Jo said.

"How long was I out?" Abbey looked back. It only felt like a moment ago to her that she was in the emergency room.

"You came in the day before last." Jo said. "Abbey there is something I need to tell you." Jo took her hand tightly.

"You're..., the doctors say that you will never be able..." Jo began to cry. "You won't be able to have kids again." Jo said wiping her face with her other hand. "I am so sorry."

"Jo it's okay." Abbey squeezed her hand. "I had my babies with the only man I ever loved." Granted they weren't hers but Kitty said Abbey would be as much a mom to them as she would.

"He will be happy when he gets to hold his daughters." Jo said.

"Two little girls?" Abbey smiled as she looked at Jo. Abbey hadn't wanted to know what she was having.

"Yep." Jo smiled and brushed her bangs from her face. Abbey couldn't be happier than she was right now unless she was actually holding them in her arms right now.

"Hum." Alex sat up looking around.

"Good morning." Abbey smiled at him. Alex jumped up and touched her face with both hands and kissed her forehead. "Abbey, you're awake. I been so worried, I thought I lost you, when I told them to save the babies first."

"Alex, I am not going anywhere besides home with our babies when I have healed." Abbey smiled.

Alexander and Joanna, Three days later

"Come on you can do it." Alex said as Jo held his hand and squeezed down.

"I can't do this Alex, she won't get her stubborn ass out." Jo panted, exhausted. The doctor said if she went any longer they have to do a caesarian on her to get the baby out to which she had refused. She also refused pain killers though Alex might want some afterwards when they put a cast of his hand.

"She wouldn't be our daughter otherwise." Alex smiled. "Come on sweetheart you can do it. You aren't going to stop fighting now are you?"

"Fuck." She screamed out.

"Okay I can see the head. I need one more big push." The doctor said in her calm voice. Jo had been insistent on a female doctor saying the only way a guy was going to do it was if Alex got his medical license. Alex was more than happy being back here. Whoever said child birth was a beautiful natural thing never witnessed it live he thought. It was hours of pain and blood. It was what came after child birth that was beautiful he thought.

"Come on Baby, you can do it." Momma Vicky smiled and brushed her bangs out of her face. Jo screamed as she squeezed down and out popped the baby, a second later the baby began to cry, probably from the cold ass room if she was anything like her mother he thought.

"It's a girl." The doctor said.

"She is a redhead." Alex added. Though the hair was dark and matted there was no denying had her mother's red hair.

"What is her name?" A nurse asked.

"Jessica Isabelle Smith." Jo smiled.

"You sure you want to name her that?" Alex teased; the deal was if she had a boy he got to pick the name, if a girl she got to.

"Why." Jo panted.

"Jessie Belle, Jezebel. Child is going to be a handful." Alex teased. "If she is anything like her mother."

"Good thing you are used to having a strong willed woman around." Jo let out a little laugh, as much as she could since she was tired as hell. He held Jo and wiped her brow as the doctor did whatever was needed.

"You want to hold your daughter?" The nurse asked as she brought their little redhead over.

"Alex. You hold her." Jo looked at him, too tired to do much more then lay there. Alex carefully took the little redhead and smiled at her as he bounced her, his and Joanna's daughter. He could see so much of her mother in her already and knew she was going to be trouble but he was looking forward to every moment of it.

Alexander, Summer 2004

Alex smiled as he walked into the living room as the six women talked. Jo was nursing one of the babies, one of the twins and not her own, little Makenzie he thought. Abbey and Jo took turns going to get whoever was fussy, especially while Abbey had waited for the twins to get out of the hospital. The two of them had almost fought over little Jessica though the baby didn't seem to mind the steady stream of milk, she had her mother's appetite. Abbey sat next to her nursing little Jessica. Abbey and Jo had become best friends sharing the pregnancy and now babies. Alex felt a little left out now that Jo had more female friends she could talk to, but it was nice to see her happy . He couldn't complain since Abbey had moved into their room, at least for now, so both girls could be next to the nursery. Candy sat next to Abbey admiring and talking to little Jessica though the baby was more interested in the tit then Candy.

He glanced over at Kitty who held the other twin as she nestled between Angel and Izzy on the love seat as they played with the other twin Makayla. It was good to have all the girls home he thought as he smiled at Kitty. He leaned over and gave her a kiss on her bald head; though he be glad when her hair grew back it was his little way of letting her know he still loved her.

Angel and Kitty had become very close; Angel had spent a lot of time with Kitty in the hospital. Though he'd say it was more romantic then friendship and Kitty was now sleeping in the room with Angel. They didn't have sex much though as Kitty was still regaining her strength. It was funny considering Kitty described herself as a Cat while she said Angel was like a dog, slow to trust someone but loyal as hell once she did. Of course Kitty was kind to Kasey which was why Angel had grown fond of her.

"Here you go." Alex smiled down at Kasey handing her a juice box.

"Thank you." She was busy coloring in one of her books. He smiled at her picture. She was getting better at coloring inside the lines he thought. She had even written her name of sorts like Kitty had shown her, KC.

"Knock, knock." He heard at the door. He looked up to see Nicky coming in with her own baby girl in arm and Little Samantha went over to play with Kasey.

"Oh hey sis." Alex said as he came over and gave Nicky a little kiss on the cheek. Now with a little age and two kids she was starting to look more and more like their mother though that wasn't a bad thing. She went over and parked her butt in the recliner and popped out a tit for baby Allyson who was starting to fuss. The other babies looked small compared to the butter ball of a baby who took after his dad. He was almost twice as big as the twins put together. Nicky had become sort of the one the younger girls went to for baby advice since she was on her second, not counting she help raise his baby sister and Angel's little one. Alex smiled as he looked out at them all.

"You ladies mind if I take the girls for a swim." Alex smiled.

"I want go swimming." Little Sammie smiled.

"Me too." Kasey grinned.

"No it will give us time to talk about you while you're gone." Nicky grinned at him.

"That's okay Jo will tell me everything later." Alex smiled. Jo just did a little shrug and nodded.

"Can you set up the crib under the tree babe?" Jo smiled.

"Yeah sure, going swimming." Alex grinned.

"We might come out for a bit." Jo smiled.

"I thought none of your bathing suits fit you." Izzy teased, along with all her bras Alex thought. Jo liked to think that she was a size bigger than Izzy now. At least till her milk dried up or Izzy had kids of her own.

"I will just go topless." Jo grinned as she looked at Alex. Alex smiled back at her trying to remember a time when she was shy about her body. The only other guy who came over was Sam and he had seen her breast feeding before but didn't seem to care less. Sam was more of a big tit man, so only Abbey's massive tits could interest the big guy if his eyes ever did wander, but he was loyal as hell to Nicky.

Alexander Summer 2004

It was a nice summer day as Alex put out the food on the table as Jo brought out chips and stuff, Abbey was fixing her dress as she lay the baby in the playpen. He smiled as he looked up to see Izzy and Candy coming up hand in hand. They were the most unlikely of couples but they made a good pairing. Izzy kept Candy grounded while Candy brought out Izzy's more outgoing side. They moved in with Aunt Maggie who was glad to have someone back in the big house again.

"Hey sis." Kitty smiled as she came out carrying more food followed by Angel who held Casey who seemed to already be eating something, a couple of French fries from the look of it. She hadn't been too pleased when the babies got here, being a little on the jealous side that she wasn't the baby no more. Everyone took their seats at the table. Alex still felt weird sitting at the head of the table where dad or mom had sat. Jo and Abbey sat down to either side of him.

"Well now that everyone is here, I got something to say before we start eating." Candy grinned.

"Oh." Alex smiled.

"We are engaged." Izzy held up her hand showing off a ring she had somehow hidden until now.

"What?" Kitty stopped in mid chew.

"Oh my god, congratulations sis." Jo jumped up and ran over hugging Izzy.

"So how are you two going to?" Abbey asked.

"I figured we drive up to Massachusetts one weekend and have a little private thing, now that it's legal there, maybe have something just for show later here." Candy smiled.

"Well you're welcome to the lake if you like." Alex smiled, figuring Izzy might like to have a little ceremony here where her sister was married.

"Thanks." Izzy grinned.

"There is something we wanted to talk to you about Jo, if we could borrow Alex for the honeymoon, you all got kids so we were talking about starting a family of our own." Candy glanced at Alex.

"What am I a prized stallion?" Alex laughed.

"Pretty much." Kitty smirked.

"Daddies a horsey." Kasey giggled and made a noise.

"Talk to him, I am fine with it." Jo shrugged and smirked at him in a playful manner. Knowing her, she find a way to turn it into a foursome or something.

"Finally got the baby bug too." Kitty teased.

"There's going be more babies?" Kasey smirked.

"Something like that." Kitty reached over and rubbed her head.

"Ah man." Kasey pouted a little and stuffed a French Fry in her mouth.

"You know, you and Angel can join us Kitty, have a double ceremony." Candy smiled at Kitty, the two had gotten pretty close.

"I don't think I am ready for that, besides don't give this one any ideas." Kitty shrugged over at Angel who sat on the other end so she could see everyone without having to look back and forth. "Ouch." She said rubbing her side having gotten a kick under the table from Angel. "Maybe one day though I will make an honest woman out of her, if she will have me though." Kitty reached over and took Angels hand as they smiled at each other.

"We just got to find someone for you Abbey." Candy smiled over at Abbey.

"I am where I have always wanted to be." Abbey grinned looking at Alex and Jo. "So which one of you is going to be the mom?" She said looking back at them.

"We figured we let fate decide; whichever one of us gets knocked up. Izzy is talking about working part time from home for now and I can put off the whole doctor thing for a little while if I have the baby." Candy shrugged.

Margaret 2010

Maggie walked across the yard avoiding the children as they dashed by saying hey. Her four grandchildren were easy to spot in the brood with their blond hair. Heaven knows she loved them to death but handling one set of twins was a chore let alone two. She smiled as she saw the guest of honor talking to her nephews Alex and Sam. She smiled snatching a plastic cup from the table.

"Hey stranger." Maggie smiled to James. It was strange to see the convict out of his prison orange. She had visited him every now and then having grown close to him after she had taken in Angel as one of her own. Something about the bad boy really got her fired up.

"Maggie, good to see you." James grinned as he came up. "You don't mind if I hug you do you." He said as he came over wrapping his hands around her.

"Not at all." She smiled hugging him back.

"He has been hugging everyone since he got out." Sam grinned. Maggie could understand the urge. Not being able to hug anyone for over a decade.

"True but you two don't look anything like this." James said goosing her ass.

"Owe." Maggie blushed, she wasn't used to that she thought, but at her age it was a compliment. She couldn't recall the last time a guy had grabbed her ass out of the blue.

"Sorry couldn't help myself." James grinned.

"I didn't say I minded." Maggie smiled.

"Come on they might be awhile." Alex said as he went off. Maggie smiling at him glad to get a second with James alone.

"So what are we drinking?" Maggie grinned.

"Some pretty good beer, care for some." James shrugged holding up an empty cup.

"Actually I have something a little better." Maggie smiled and reached into her purse pulling out a small bottle.

"Is that?" James smiled.

"Yep. Smith family Whiskey, one of the last bottles." It had been a wedding present for her and Edward from Frank. His great grand father or great grand father used to own a still during prohibition and was a bootlegger. By the time prohibition had ended and the depression started he had made enough to buy all of this. As far as Maggie knew there were only three other bottles, one for each of Frank's kids though Sam and Nicole had probably drank theirs already.
