Angela's Journey Pt. 01


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Monday was a busy day in Palmdale. It was the official opening. Jack and Maggie had flown down in time to cut the ribbon and open the doors. After a brief introductory meeting with the staff, the caregivers received their assignments and were off. By the time the big wigs were done making the rounds, it was lunch time. Jack, Maggie, Rosita and Angela all went back to the Italian place that Jack and Angela went the last time. Jack and Maggie sat in a booth across from Rosita and Angela. Jack again was mesmerized by Angela's big green eyes. "Those damned green eyes" thought Jack.

Jack was quiet through most of lunch. While he knew she was hurting, he also knew he needed a way to get Angela into his life; and not as an employee. Angela sensed Jack staring at her but she interpreted his actions as a hungry grizzly after a salmon. Like she was again, a piece of meat.

On the flight back, Maggie noticed the normally effervescent Jack was unusually stoic. "OK, spill it Jack" said Maggie.

"What are you talking about?"

"You've been quiet since before lunch. What's on your mind?"

"I'm just thinking about the new opening and all. I want it to be a success."

"Bullshit" exclaimed Maggie. "You don't think I saw you staring at that girl. You're infatuated with her. If you had your way, we'd turn this plane around and you would sweep her off her feet."

"It's that noticeable" asked Jack.

"God damned right it is" retorted Maggie. "She is hurting right now and has been though a lot. If you want her, I mean really want her, and not someone just to fuck, you have to be patient. You can do a hell of a lot worse though. I think she would be good for you too."

"I don't know. The distance between us geographically, her distance emotionally, not to mention, I'm her boss. Sure, it's two levels up, but still it's something to consider."

Maggie replied, "Jack, if she is what you want, we, and I mean we will make it happen. I can't make her fall in love with you, but I can help with the logistics."

"Thank you my friend" said Jack.

Jim parked his Jeep Wrangler across form Angela's office that afternoon. He waited for her to get in her car and he followed her home. Jim discreetly parked a few rows down the complex from her and watched as she got out of her car. He snuck out of his Wrangler and crouched down so he could see what apartment she went into. It was 3C up on the third floor. He went back to his Jeep and decided to wait and see if she would go back out. She didn't.

Jim spent the next day on job interviews. He had a couple of prospects. When asked why he was fired from his previous job after sixteen years, he simply said that he and the new president had a disagreement and he let his temper get the better of him. While he was terminated for cause, legally, Golden Age can't give the reason. He could take his time because he had been frugal with money. He was single, after his common law wife left him. She walked in on him while he was balls deep in the next door neighbor. The neighbor girl was seventeen at the time. What was worse, the girl's mom agreed to let her daughter screw Jim in exchange for him helping out with her rent money.

Now that Jim knew where Angela lived, she put his plan into motion. He watched for her to leave work and follow her. One day, about a week later, she stopped at the store. He followed her in. She was in the personal items getting a box of tampons, when Jim crept up behind her. "Hello, Angie. Imagine meeting you here. You're looking deliciously lovely as usual" he said with a sneer.

"What the fuck are you doing here and stay the fuck away from me you fat bastard."

"My, my; is that anyway to greet your old boss. How about a nice hug?"

"The only way, I'll hug your sorry ass is if someone puts a gun to my head. Then I will have to think about it. You ruined my life. You ruined my marriage. Now get the hell away from me before I scream."

"Ok, my dear" said Jim. "It was nice seeing you again. Maybe we can have dinner sometime. MMM dinner would be nice, don't you think?"

Angela didn't respond but just turned and ran away.

Over the next three weeks, but on different days, similar encounters happened. One night after work she stopped at the In and Out Burger and Jim walked in. The next time, she stopped at the drug store and Jim walked in. Finally, the third time, when she ran into him at the mall, Angela was convinced she was being followed. Finally, she asked one of the caregivers Stan to act as her boyfriend for a couple of weeks. Stan was tall with sandy hair and skinny as a bean pole. He was nice enough but more importantly he was as queer as a three dollar bill. Angela felt safe with him.

Jim for his part bribed a kind of buddy of his to make a key for Angela's apartment. He went by during the day and peered into her windows. He didn't see and alarm panel but would be careful. If she did have one, he had an escape route. He didn't notice any security cameras either. A couple of days and a hundred dollars later, Jim got the key. It worked perfectly. He went into her apartment and looked around. On a whim, he decided to move things around to mess with her. Using gloves, he would open a dresser drawer or move a lamp. He repeated this several times over the next few weeks. He still managed to "accidently" bump into her at various places.

Angela was getting worried. She had a feeling that someone had been into her home. She had no proof and she wondered how that could be. There were no signs of an attempted break in or anything but a feeling. Because of her intuition, she decided to call Jack. "This is Jack."

"Jack, this is Angela." Jack's heart melted right away.

"What can I do for you honey?" He knew it was a bit unprofessional to call her honey, but he couldn't resist.

"Jack. Does anyone else but you have a key to my apartment? I have a feeling someone has been coming in and moving things. I think Jim Peters has been stalking me and I am becoming afraid. Over past few weeks, he has been running into me at different places around town. I thought he lived farther south."

"That is weird. I tell you what; let me make a couple of phone calls. I will tell you, the building manager Phil, who is about two hundred years old, has a key. Of course I have one also. I doubt he is stalking you. I'll call you back in an hour. In the meantime, if you don't feel safe, go get a room at the Marriott. We have an account that is good at any location."

"That's ok. Just let me know what you find out. Jack, I really appreciate all you do for me." She hung up.

Jack made a call. "ADA Mike Ruger."

"Mike, this is Jack. I need a favor."

"Hey asshole" said Mike. "No, you can't fuck Doris and no I won't bail you out. Other than that, what's up?"

Jack went on to explain the situation about Angela and how she was worried about Jim. "Jack, I'm afraid there's not much we can do. It's not enough for a restraining order and no proof of a break in. I'll call a buddy of mine who is on the local PD and have him have a discussion with this Jim guy. If you have a picture on file, email it to me."

"Thanks buddy, I owe you one."

"Already paid in full" responded Mike. "Those tickets to the opera did it. I don't know how or why those shrill screams they call singing gets D all horny and all but she damn near fucked my dick off. I was sore for two days."

"Thanks again Mike." Jack hung off. He called Angela back and told her about the conversation. Jack then had an idea. He told Maggie he was going to drive down to Palmdale. He explained the situation. She agreed. Jack went home and packed. He got into his Z4 and made the over six hour drive in about five and a half.

After hanging up with Jack, Mike made a call to the Palmdale PD. He had a work buddy named of all things Pete. Pete was a big ole boy. He was about 6'4" and weighed in at over 250. He could scare the shit out of a Hell's angel. After explaining the situation, and telling him where Angela's office was, Pete went over. Before he left the office, he ran Jim Peters through the DMV database and got the make, model and license to his Jeep. As it was close to quitting time, he drove his cruiser over to Angela's office. He saw that Jim's Wrangler was parked across the street.

When Angela left, Jim again followed her. He didn't pay attention to the police unit tailing him. Pete observed as Jim repeated each and every turn that girl made. Mike had given Pete Angela's address. About two blocks from her apartment, Pete decided to light up Jim and pull him over.

"Good evening officer" Jim politely said as Pete approached the Jeep.

"Good evening sir" replied Pete. "License, registration and proof of insurance please."

"What did I do? Why are you pulling me over" asked Jim?

"We'll get to that in a minute" snorted Pete.

Pete went back to his unit and ran the license. Jim had not wants or warrants so he went back to speak to Jim. As he approached Jim's jeep, Pete made sure not to touch it. Normally, officers touch the back fender leaving their finger prints. That way is something bad happens there is proof the officer was involved with that vehicle. Unfortunately for Jim, Pete's dash cam mysteriously malfunctioned. Pete was going to have to get that looked at.

"Mr. Peters, please step out of the car and walk backwards to my car." Once Jim was out of the car, Pete patted him down making sure he was not carrying any weapons. Once satisfied, Pete had a discussion with Jim. "The reason I pulled you over was because you have been stalking that girl Angela. She is the friend of a friend. For the record, you were driving suspiciously. Off the record, if anything happens to that girl, it's not going to be pleasant for you. In fact, it would not be unheard of for a person to go for a hike in the desert and not return. Bad things just happen. You get my drift?"

Jim tried to posture a bit, but Pete just grabbed him by the throat and repeated, "Do you get my drift?"

Jim nodded. Pete gave him back his license and other documents and Jim hurried to his Jeep and headed home. While driving home, Jim thought to himself "Tomorrow, come hell or high water, I'm going to take that bitch once and for all."

Jack arrived in Palmdale at about 8:00 that evening and checked into a hotel. It was a Thursday so he would stop by the office in the morning. He hoped to spend time with Angela and let her know what was going on. After grabbing a quick bite to eat, he showered and went to bed. As Jack was lying in bed, he again thought about a relationship with the pretty girl. His mind drifted again to her eyes then to her lips. Man if he could feel those lips around his cock. As he was thinking about her moving up and down on his shaft, the one he was jerking, he shot his wad and drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, Jack walked into the Palmdale office. It was totally unexpected. Since it was casual Friday, Angela decided to wear jeans and a nice pullover. She also had on her blue wedge sandals. The jeans were tight and the shoes changed her posture thus highlighting her beautiful bountiful ass. Her curvy hips just added to the delight. Jack thought he was going to have a heart attack.

Rosita met him in the lobby and asked "Is everything all right? You were just here not too long ago."

"Yes its fine but I need to speak to Angela for a bit." Angela, hearing the exchange, came out of her office. She walked up and they shook hands and retreated to her office. Once inside, Jack closed the door.

Jack relayed his discussion with Mike, explaining who Mike was. He didn't go into any details but assured that things were being taken care of. He also said he would be around for the weekend. "Jack, do you want to stay at the apartment? I can take the couch."

"No honey. I have a hotel and don't want to make you feel uncomfortable. Besides, I have things to do. I would like to take you dinner though. What do you say?"

"That would be wonderful Jack. How about you meet me here and we'll go after work."

Dinner was a nice casual affair. They had easy conversation. Angela began to feel things that she hadn't for quite a while. It scared her. She needed to think about building that wall up again. Jack was falling deeper for this lovely lady. If only he could convince her.

While they were having dinner, Jim was sitting outside Angela's apartment with key in hand. He had parked a couple of blocks away. He was wearing black jeans and a black T-shirt. He didn't want to be seen after dark. Jim didn't know where Angela was. It didn't matter. He wouldn't do anything till after dark anyhow. The only kink, if she was on a date, though he doubted that. It was eight thirty when she finally drove up. We would wait until her lights went out to make his move.

Unknown to both Angela and Jim, Jack had followed her back to her apartment. He was going to watch her apartment from one of his other rental units. It too was vacant. He slipped in and watched with his binoculars. From this vantage point, he could see her front door. If anyone entered, he could get there inside of five minutes.

Angela went in, and showered, watched TV for a while and turned out the lights at 11:00.

Jim waited until 11:30 to make sure Angela was asleep. He then made his way quickly up the stairs to her apartment and using his key, he slipped quietly inside. Even though there was a halogen flood light, Jim figured since he had a key, if anyone saw him, they wouldn't take notice.

Once inside, Jim used a small penlight to make his way to his target's bedroom. Just before entering, he took a small piece of duct tape and positioned it so he could quickly cover her mouth. He listened for a couple of minutes to make sure she was asleep. He turned off his light being that his eyes had adjusted and a small amount if illumination emanated from the alarm clock next to the bed. Angela was sleeping on her back wearing her sweatpants and tank top. She had the covers pulled up to her voluptuous chest. Like a serpent catching its prey, Jim quickly covered Angela's mouth with the tape. She immediately woke up but in the darkness couldn't make out who was in her room. She had an idea though.

"Don't move or you're dead. Do what I say, and I may let you live. Do you understand" asked her attacker? She simply nodded.

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Storm113Storm113about 9 years ago
uh uh

I'll say it before the marines hunt you down "the marines do not have corpsman"! They are Navy.

arrowglassarrowglassabout 9 years ago
Good story...I'm hooked!

More please...SOON!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

Sure hope Jim gets more than a bj this time around

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
interesting and needs proofreading

Interesting story line. Please do a better job of proofreading, spell checking, grammar checking. Lack of polish will hurt good stories.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Well done!

I can't wait for part 2.

Angela5985Angela5985about 9 years ago

Thank you JJ for taking my ideas and turning it into an amazing story! I truly had fun working on this story with you! You definitely have a lot of talent and imagination that bring so much depth to your stories. Thanks again JJ!!!!!

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