Anna's New Boss


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"Yes, but I'm not sure how I'll repay you, as I said: I did get carried away," Anna said with an embarrassed grin.

"My instructions were to buy yourself more appropriate clothing and use my account, exactly when did I stipulate a limit? Or mention repayment?"

"Er, you didn't ma'am."

"Good. So, was there anything else?"

"No, no ma'am, thank you."

Anna still wasn't entirely sure that she didn't have to repay the money, but it seemed that way, and assuming that the matter was closed she went to leave but was stopped as she reached the door.

"Oh Anna," Corrine called.

"Yes Miss Bletchley?" she replied turning her head to look back.

"You do look very nice" Corrine declared smiling and holding on to Anna's gaze.

Anna wasn't quite sure how to reply so just mumbled "thank you," and returned to her desk, realizing, as she sat down that she was blushing and grinning like a child.


An hour before she was due to leave for the day Anna's intercom buzzed "yes ma'am," she said holding down the button.

"There are a few issues with the Heywood account that need fixing, we'll be working late tonight," Corrine informed her.

Anna immediately searched for her copy of the Heywood account in an attempt to get a head start. If Corrine said late it usually meant late. It had happened a few times before and Anna usually bemoaned having her evening ruined, but for some reason that she couldn't define, that particular night she felt quite happy to stay late, in fact she was looking forward to it.


It was nine pm and Corrine was sitting on one of the small armchairs with her feet resting on the other, she held a sheaf of papers which she dropped onto the coffee table with a sigh, then she stood, stretched her shoulders and arched her cramped back to call a halt to the working day. She walked around the office in her stockinged feet - her shoes had been kicked off an hour previously- while Anna, sitting at Corrine's desk, checked her notes ensuring that she had everything down.

"Well, I don't know about you but I'm starving. How do you fancy Chinese?" Corrine asked.

"Um Pardon?" Anna was still concentrating on her pad.

"Put that down and fetch your jacket," Corrine said as she reached for her shoes "we're going to eat."

Anna knew better than to protest, and in fact she was very hungry and Chinese did sound nice. So they called a taxi, leaving Corrine's car in her garage, and thirty minutes later they arrived outside a restaurant that Anna had never been to, but judging by the reaction of the staff, Corrine was clearly a favoured customer.

It was late on a Wednesday evening and apart from Anna and Corrine there were only six other customers. The waiter greeted "Miss Corrine" and guided them to a secluded table. Corrine ordered a number of dishes without consulting the menu, plus two expensively sounding bottles of wine. She clearly noticed the look of concern on Anna's face and said "don't worry, It's my treat," as she filled the two glasses.

The food was wonderful and the wine delicious, a fact that Anna commented on "I could get used to this," she said taking a large swallow from her glass "so much better than my usual supermarket plonk."

Corrine clinked her own glass against Anna's "only the best for my girl now hey?" she said.

"Cheers," Anna responded. Corrine's good humour was infectious and Anna couldn't help smiling, but at the back of her mind was a tiny itch that wondered what Corrine meant by "my girl." And she took another sip.

They ate and they talked, first about work but soon found other common interests. Anna grew more comfortable and began to understand why everyone liked Corrine so much. Over the past few weeks she had learned to understand her boss' ways, and actually enjoyed working for her, she had grown to appreciate her dry sense of humour and respect her hard working attitude. But outside of the office she was a different person, maybe not too different, just more relaxed and open, and without the clipped speech that always made her sound so utterly serious. And all in all Anna found herself really enjoying her company.

A bottle of wine had vanished and two glasses were missing from the second. The immaculately presented dishes had been destroyed as Corrine leaned back contentedly and asked "so, who's Anna? Who is she?"

Anna sipped her wine; she was feeling uncommonly merry "I'm Anna Greer," she said brightly "twenty eight years old and single, I..."

"No, no no. I want to know about you, the real you, who are you really Anna?" Corrine said.

Anna thought for a minute, Corrine's beautiful blue eyes stared unwavering, and when she spoke it was little more than a whisper "I'm Anna. I want people to like me. I think it's because I only really have my sister and she lives in New Zealand, and I'm scared of being alone. Not physically, but emotionally. I hate letting people down, so I only have a few good friends, that way I know I can be there when...if they need me. I suppose it could be seen as being selfish but it's a self preservation thing really, an attempt to insulate myself from the risk of disappointing."

"What about goals, ambitions. What do you want to make of your life?" Corrine cut in.

"I'm not sure I have any. Oh I used to, I wanted to be successful, to be rich and powerful, no, that's not true, I never wanted to be powerful," she paused, considering her words "power implies control of others and that's just not me. I'm a follower, happy to blend in. that's probably why I was still in the main office: I guess the less responsibility I have the less chance I have of failure. I'm quite shy, well maybe not, just nervous around authority," she dipped her finger into her wine and swirled it around for a moment "I didn't want to work for you, you know" she said quietly.

Corrine made no effort to respond, she sat patiently waiting for Anna to elaborate.

"I begged Sheila to give the job to someone else. I even considered leaving," she continued.

"I know, she told me," Corrine said.

"What! The cow, I asked her not to say anything," Anna squeaked, and then giggled when the people on another table looked round.

"It doesn't matter, I wouldn't have let her take you away anyhow," Corrine said. Anna didn't know what to say, so Corrine added "after all, I didn't want to start training another girl."

"I'm glad I didn't, leave I mean," Anna hurriedly put in.

"So am I...alright, so what about romance? Does the lovely Anna have someone special, a boyfriend...a girlfriend?"

"Nope, No one, just little old me. I suppose you could say I'm just unlucky in love," she was silent for a moment before continuing "I had a boyfriend, a few actually, but they never last. I guess it's me, I must do something to drive them away, perhaps I'm too needy, I don't know. Oh God, this is so embarrassing, I can't believe I'm telling you all this." Anna quickly turned her head to the side to hide the hurt.

Corrine reached across the table to touch Anna's cheek, her thumb stroking away an imaginary tear "I'm sorry, I didn't mean for you to get upset."

"It's okay, drink always makes me maudlin." Anna said.

"This is all getting a bit serious, I think we need to lighten the mood. Time for some cocktails," Corrine announced, waving to attract the waiters attention.

Seconds later three men appeared, two to clear away the redundant dishes and another to take their order "my very special friend here would like sex on the beach, and for myself I'd love to get my lips around a slippery nipple," Corrine said, causing Anna to squeal with laughter and the waiters to chuckle politely at the oft heard joke.


A taxi was waiting as they exited the restaurant close to midnight. They were both, if not drunk, a little tipsy. Corrine gave the driver her address and Anna said to drop her at a convenient bus stop.

"Don't be ridiculous, it's too late and you've had far too much to drink, I'm not allowing you to go home alone as you are. You'll stay with me, I have ample room," Corrine said, trying unsuccessfully to use the same authoritative tone she used in the office.

Usually Anna wouldn't dream of imposing, but it was true that she had had quite a bit to drink, and she suspected that the last bus had already gone. And she had had such a good time that she was reluctant for it to end. So maybe despite her better judgment she agreed.


Anna thought her apartment was nice, but Corrine's was luxurious, like something from a magazine. She sat on a couch, teetering on the edge, afraid to disturb the fabric.

"Make yourself at home, and I mean it: I'll find you something to sleep in and if you don't have your feet up when I come back you're fired," Corrine said leaving Anna to gaze at the opulence of the apartment.

Corrine returned a moment later with a bottle of whiskey and two glasses "or would you prefer tea?" she asked.

"Oh I don't mind, whatever you're having," Anna said.

Corrine disappeared again and Anna walked around the room, she noticed a remote control and somehow managed to work out how to use the audio system. Amongst all the wealth and finery she felt a bit out of place and wondered if she should have insisted on going home. But then she caught her reflection in a mirror, she saw a smart elegant woman, attractive and sophisticated. Nothing like the old Anna, who slouched about in jeans and tee-shirt. She'd just had a very enjoyable evening with wonderful company so why shouldn't she make the most of it? She kicked off her shoes and sat on the sofa with her legs tucked under her, and trying to appear more confident and comfortable than she felt she poured herself a glass of spirit.

Corrine returned moments later bearing a tray and they sat and drank tea and whiskey while they talked into the early hours.

Anna spoke more about herself: how both her parents had died when she was young and how she cared for her younger sister while they both lived with an elderly aunt. How she did exceptionally well at school but had to miss out on university due to financial reasons.

"Couldn't you get help? A grant or something?" Corrine asked.

"Yes, I could have, but I couldn't leave Alison, my sister. I did a college course though: business studies. It's really helped me with my job," Anna said.

Corrine had studied Anna's file, she knew just what qualifications she had, and she knew just how bright she was. She admired the sacrifices she had made but felt for her, knowing how much more she could have achieved.

Anna also found out more about her employer: she was an only child with a privileged upbringing. She spent a lot of time travelling after leaving university, only having her first real job when she was thrown into the deep end on the death of her father.

Anna recalled how Corrine had asked about her love life, and so enquired in return "it's complicated. I don't have anyone at the moment, but I'm hopeful," was all Corrine would say, leaving Anna none the wiser.

Eventually Anna couldn't stifle a yawn and Corrine handed her a flimsy piece of material "I think we should be getting to bed," she said, and laid her hand lightly on Anna's thigh.

"What's this?" Anna giggled, holding the small nightdress up in front of her and she peered through the near transparent material while making a comical face.

Corrine's expression changed and she spoke in a tired voice "It's your nightie. I thought you'd like it but clearly I was wrong."

Anna held the garment to her chest: it barely reached to her crotch and was extremely low cut at the front "Oh Miss Bletchley, are you trying to seduce me?" she mocked and her giggles turned to laughter.

Corrine pulled her hand away from Anna's thigh and gently relieved her of the nightie, she stood and moved toward the door "I'll show you to your room," she said.


"You'll find a toothbrush and anything else you need through there," Corrine told Anna, indicating the ensuite bathroom "and more suitable pyjamas are in the top drawer," she said pointedly dropping the nightie on the foot of the bed. And then she bid goodnight, walking to her own room leaving Anna staring after her, standing in the doorway feeling suddenly quite deflated.


Anna sat on the bed staring at the wall, she felt the nightdress beneath her hand and in a fit of self loathing she gathered it up and threw it from her. Feeling uncommonly angry she brushed her teeth, then found some sleep shorts and a top and lay in the darkness. It was late and she was tired, but sleep wouldn't come. She thought it must be because of the alcohol and was surprised that she wasn't drunk, in fact she felt more sober than at any time during the evening. and as she lay alone she thought about the woman in another room just feet away, a woman who had been nothing but nice to her. And she had repaid that kindness with mockery. She pictured herself in the plain pyjamas she now wore and remembered the disappointment on Corrine's face. She had hid it well but a lifetime of avoiding disappointment had taught Anna to recognize what it looked like. But she had her own life, she told herself, she wasn't on call 24/7, and okay, so she hadn't had a proper boyfriend for five years: that didn't mean she was gay. And even if she was it was up to her who she slept with. Just because Corrine was rich and yeah, okay she was gorgeous as well, it didn't mean she could expect Anna to jump into bed just when she wanted.

Thinking back on the evening she smiled at the memory of some of the things they had said and done, some of the things she had told Corrine, the personal things. It had been so easy to talk to her, none of the usual reluctance and stumbling over words. She had wanted to talk, to tell Corrine all about herself and get to know her in turn. Moments flashed through her mind: the way Corrine had touched her cheek, the way she had said "my girl," and "lovely Anna," the way they had entwined their arms when they drank their cocktails...almost like lovers.

She turned in bed, thumping down on the pillow, cursing Sheila aloud, because she had persuaded her to take the job. Then she stared at a ceiling that she couldn't see in the dark and wished she were anywhere but there.


Corrine lifted her head at the sound of her door slowly opening. No light showed, but the grey outline in the darkness was clear. "Is everything okay?" she whispered.

"I'm sorry ma'am, I'm so sorry," Anna said sadly, sitting on the bed.

As her eyes adjusted to the dim moonlight Corrine could see that Anna now wore the small nightdress "you're drunk Anna, go back to bed," she whispered.

"I'm not drunk and I don't want to," Anna said.

Corrine sat up, the bed sheet slid down exposing her breasts "it was a mistake; I thought...well it doesn't matter what I thought. None of it matters."

"It matters to me. I'm sorry; I didn't mean to be like that. I've never...not with a woman, and I was scared...scared because I knew that I wanted it," She looked down at her lap, scrunching the flimsy material of her nightdress in her hands "please Corrine, let me stay with you?"

Corrine reached out to touch Anna's hands "You really opened up with me tonight, I never realized..."

"That I was such a fuck up? I know I'm a Fuck up, I can't help it. If it was a mistake, please let it be my mistake, don't make me go through life wondering "what if."

Corrine was silent for long seconds before saying "are you really sure about this? You don't have to; tonight I'm not your boss."

"I've never been surer of anything," Anna said.

Corrine reached out to slip a strap from Anna's shoulder and allowed her fingers to trail down to a barely concealed breast. She circled the nipple with her fingertips and heard a small whimper, then moved to make room and pulled the cover to one side.

Anna smiled shyly in the darkness and lifted the nightie over her head, and then she lay down beside her employer.


Anna awoke alone the next morning, but immediately heard the sound of running water and the occasional burst of singing coming from the bathroom. Smiling like a simpleton she snuggled down into the huge bed and thought about what she had done.

Just one day ago, if anyone had asked her if she was gay she would have laughed in their face. Now she wasn't sure: how could she know for certain. But she did know that after just one night of unbelievable passion she was more excited thinking about Corrine than any boy she had ever known. She flipped over onto her side and cuddled the pillow, she could smell Corrine on the sheet and she thought back just a few hours.


Her body was soft, much softer than any man. Anna knew it would be but it still surprised her, touching her was like touching flawless silk, and her lips? Her lips were plump, soft and hot, it seemed ridiculously romantic but that's how Anna felt: Corrine's lips were sweet, her kiss delicious, and Anna couldn't get enough. The only time she had ever kissed another woman was a drunken, giggling attempt with Sheila that lasted all of ten seconds. But when Corrine lowered her head and her lips touched Anna's mouth it felt like the most natural thing in the world. It was slow and gentle, as though Corrine was afraid of driving Anna away. Small, soft kisses, then longer, her small tongue flicking out, caressing, not just foreplay but an integral part of lovemaking. Then pressing, demanding, searching and delving. And Anna clung to Corrine, afraid to let go should she stop. Their bodies moved against each other, skin rubbing and growing damp with sweat, trying to make contact with every part of one another.

Then Anna stiffened and her back arched from the bed as fingers found the wet, yearning space between her thighs. She spread herself, hoping to show Corrine how ready, how eager she was, how she wanted to be used and possessed. And all the time she held to Corrine's neck, kissing and kissing again.

Anna had orgasmed with Corrine laying on top of her, crushing her in the most beautiful way. She had brought her to the very edge with skilled fingers then stopped. Anna had almost despaired, and she finally stopped kissing to beg Corrine not to be so cruel. But Corrine rolled onto her and supporting herself with outstretched arms she slowly and firmly ground her pussy against Anna's own.

Anna lost all control: she humped her hips, she again pulled Corrine onto her, smothering her face with kisses, biting and licking her neck and ears. And she lasted for only a minute or two before friction told and her pussy seemed to contract and her muscles locked, and she came. She screamed but her scream was stifled as she bit onto Corrine's shoulder.

Corrine still moved against her, but more gently. And the kisses were again soft, allowing Anna to calm, gather her strength. Then she took hold of Anna's wrists and held her arms down either side of her head. She resumed the kissing, but not Anna's mouth. She covered her face, her neck and shoulders, and onto her breasts. She sucked a hard nipple into her mouth and bit down gently. She squeezed harder and pulled with her teeth, making the pain increase until it was almost unbearable, Anna's whimper signalling when to stop, only for her to repeat the process on its twin.

As Corrine moved down over Anna's chest to her belly she released her arms, but Anna didn't move, she knew that this was what Corrine wanted, for her to surrender her body, to give herself to Corrine's pleasure. And she came again as Corrine licked her, and sucked her, and used lips, tongue and teeth to tease and enslave her. And Anna cried because she knew nothing would ever feel so wonderful again.

After, as Corrine held her, Anna felt guilty: she had had the two most wonderful orgasms of her life and it only now occurred to her that Corrine hadn't cum "thank you. And I'm sorry, I didn't think, I was a little distracted," she whispered into the darkness.