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"Considering what just happened here, I couldn't agree more. God, I'm still tingling."

Sandy stood up and folded her arms over her head, as the breezes caressed her and her hair gently tossed around she said, "God, how I love how this feels."

Holly stood up next to her and just tipped her head back slightly letting her arms just hang by her sides. "Once again you're right, this does feel heavenly."

"I often wish it could just stay like this, warm sun on my skin, clear skies and the sweet salt air washing around me."

"This really is awesome. Sandy, it was Loren that got me here, but it's you that's teaching me how to enjoy it so much."

"Don't look now but Loren is teaching you too."

"I know. Sandy, I don't know what to do. I know what I want to do but...you know about what I was telling you."

"I wish I could give you an answer to that problem, but that's one you'll have to figure out for yourself, but I also think you better talk to Loren about it."

"I know but...no, you're right, I have to do that. I should have told him a long time ago."

Loren and Chuck appeared and slipped his arm around her waist as though being naked together was nothing new. "We are now in the Atlantic Ocean and headed north."

Sandy just smiled as Holly's eyes widened and she said, "Are we really?"

"We really are."

Chuck joined them and told them, "I thought we would run up to Willoughby Harbor Marina for the night. They have a very nice seafood restaurant and we can tie up at one of the guest spots. In fact at our current speed we should be there just about dinner time."

The shore now lay far enough to the port that it was a gray and hazy and the waves were long and gentle. Chuck increased their speed slightly, but the only difference that could be noticed was a slight change in the faint hum of the motors. The air was several degrees cooler than in the sound, but if anything that made it easier for them to be out in the sun. Holly was glowing, so Loren put more lotion on her because she refused to get in the shade provided by the canvas canopy over the stern deck. Chuck put his arm around her waist and kissed her cheek and then asked her, "Doing okay beautiful?"

She smiled and said, "I can't imagine doing any better." He was several feet away before she realized that his naked body had pressed up against hers as he kissed her. She licked her lips and then smiled to herself. She really was learning to relax and enjoy the whole experience. In fact, she hoped he would do something like that again before the end of their vacation. She liked how that felt and that he called her beautiful. She liked the subtle tingle she was feeling as she thought about what had just happened. Chuck wasn't anything exceptional in looks or build but he wasn't bad. But that wasn't the issue for her. It was somebody she had just met the day before. She was still getting used to feeling Loren touch her, and now she had Chuck touching her. Her world was spinning.

The autopilot was holding their course true so they gathered in the shade on the stern deck and had ice cold beer and shared a bag of potato chips. Chuck looked at Holly and said, "You've had about all the sun you can handle love. Even your nipples are glowing a hot pink."

It wouldn't have much more of an affect had he touched her nipples. She looked down and his words echoed in her head. He was staring at her nipples. She knew he had been checking her out, but to hear him say that really caught her off guard. She wanted to touch her nipples for some reason and her two beers were just enough for her to do just that. She touched both of them and then looked at Chuck. "I think you're right, it wouldn't be much fun going around with burned nipples." Loren stared at her, and then looked at smiling Sandy as they both shook their heads in surprise.

Chuck went to the helm and came back to tell them, "We're only about seven or eight miles from Chesapeake Bay, so we'll have to be careful as we near the highway thirteen bridge.

Holly looked at him and asked, "You mean we'll be close enough to shore to encounter a bridge?"

"The bridge is over fifteen miles long, so the only thing we'll have to be careful about is the traffic while we're near there. Then we'll have awhile in the bay before we have to get dressed."

Chapter Twenty Two

They were a little ahead of schedule, so Chuck eased back on the throttles. Chuck saw the boat coming, but he didn't worry until they were getting close. Then he noticed them turn toward them and something told him he knew who it would be. As the boat neared a voice called out, "Ahoy Skinny Dippin,' permission to come aboard." Holly looked at Loren in a near panic, but he put his arm around her and said, "It's okay."

"What do you mean it's okay? I don't want everybody on the eastern seaboard to see me naked."

"Trust me it's okay," and they heard a splash and saw a naked figure swim toward them and pulled herself up at the stern. A second later she appeared and Chuck gave her a hug and said, "Gwen, I knew it had to be you. Somehow I just knew."

She saw Loren and for the moment ignored Holly and went over to him. They smiled at each other and then she kissed him and put her arms around him. I had to come see you, lover."

"You look fantastic as always."

"Thank you." Then she looked at Holly and said, "I'm Gwen."

To Holly's credit she smiled and said, "Yes, I've heard stories about you, I'm Holly."

"Oh don't believe everything you hear, most of it probably but not everything, nice to meet you, Holly. Is this hunk your squeeze now?"

"It would seem so."

The boat she arrived in cut a long arc to the port and headed back toward the marina several miles away. Chuck asked, "Who brought you out and how did you know where to find us?"

"That was Tex. I don't know if you've met him, but he's an old friend and I bribed him into bringing me out. Now as to how I found you, I called your marina and asked if your boat was out and Katherine told me you were out and headed up here. I took a shot at your timing and I did pretty damn good if I must say so."

"You did very good. Now how are you going to get ashore with your clothes on the other boat?"

"I was counting on being able to borrow something of Sandy's."

Gwen's arm was still around Loren's waist and she asked, "Got anything to drink below?"

Chuck was smiling as he watched the scene in front of him and answered, "Help yourself, you know where everything is."

She wrapped her hand around Loren's cock, and said, "Yes I do remember where everything is," and then she smiled at Holly and disappeared. Holly's nose flared and she took a deep breath as she tried to control herself. Then she stared into his eyes and wrapping her hand around his cock for the first time mocked him saying, "Yes, I know where everything is," and held onto his cock for several seconds as he flushed red but stayed silent. Chuck and Sandy laughed and said, "Loren, you better watch your step or you'll be in more trouble than you know how to handle."

Sandy sat down and said, "Loren sit next to me and Holly you sit on the other side of him. Maybe that will help just a little." Gwen came up the steps of the gangway and handed a beer to each of them and put the tray on a little table before sitting next to Chuck.

"Having a good cruise, bro?"

"We're having a fantastic time. This is Holly's first cruise so we're trying to be on our best behavior."

"Now you tell me. Sorry, Holly."

Holly did her best to smile and said, "You're forgiven." Chuck went up and shut the engines off so he could join in the conversation and the five of them settled down to talk. Holly relaxed her guard and enjoyed her drink and the conversation and the five of them got pretty jovial. She saw Loren's right hand on Sandy's thigh and caught him glancing at Gwen's naked form. Holly had to admit Gwen had a pretty nice body. Not especially good looking by her measure, but she did have a body and she liked to move it around. Gwen seemed to be the embodiment of energy barely contained. Chuck disappeared and came back with more beer and they continued to drift and talk as the beers disappeared again. By the time Loren's beer was gone, his hand had slipped closer to Sandy's treasure and her legs had relaxed slightly as Holly's eyes danced between Gwen the intruder, and Loren's hand and wondered if Chuck was aware of what was happening. He didn't touch her pussy, but it was so close that she wasn't even sure of that, and Sandy was having trouble holding still. Holly couldn't decide if she was getting mad, or if she was spellbound by what was going on. She didn't feel threatened by Sandy like she did with Gwen, but this was more than she had to see happen after she and Sandy had talked. Had she and Loren really made love at some point in the past? Or was this what she considered just teasing. She found herself wishing Loren would tease her instead. Then his left hand found her thigh and she closed her eyes behind her sunglasses but didn't move. She didn't even breathe. She too let her legs ease apart and even more so than Sandy had. Her breathing was coming faster and she could feel her cheeks flushing as he explored ever closer to the sweet divide between her legs. She didn't know that Gwen knew what was going on and kept glancing at them as she talked to her brother. Loren's finger just brushed Holly's lips and then moved away slightly as he entered into the conversation. She swallowed and opened her eyes and allowed herself to breathe, and watched his right hand linger right at Sandy's sex but not move. One day out and she was naked along with the others, she had held his cock in her hand, and now he had just touched her between the legs and she loved it. She had forgotten Loren was her boss and that she had decisions to make. She was living in the moment and nothing outside of that existed. They hadn't had anything to eat since breakfast other than that bag of chips, and she hadn't had enough fluids so those two beers went straight to her head. It was her turn to tease as they continued to talk. Her hand went to his thigh and watching him in her peripheral vision she let her hand very slowly move until the back of her hand brushed against his half hard cock. Then she moved more until she could feel his balls press against her, but she didn't take him in her hand. Instead she slowly and gently moved her fingernails on the tender skin of the inside of his thigh and watched as his cock grew to full proportion. She had never done anything like that, and it was like Sandy had said, it was fun to watch him get hard when he saw her, and now go get hard as she teased him even as he stared at Gwen. She wasn't about to let him forget that she was right there.

Chapter Twenty Three

Chuck stood up and said, "I better get us underway so that means I have to get dressed. We should be at the marina in an hour or less, and that's good because I'm starved."

Holly looked at Loren and smiled at him innocently and said, "We better go get dressed to." When he stood up his cock pointed at her and she looked down at it before looking back up at him. She put her arm around his waist, and they made their way to the gangway and one by one went below to their cabin. As soon as they were there she closed the door and put her arms around him and they kissed like they had never kissed before. She looked up at him and let her hand wander up and down his back and neck as she looked into his eyes and they kissed again, deeply and passionately.

She stopped him and said, "Loren let's sit down. I think we better talk."


"Please, it's important to me."

They sat on the bed next to each other, but she couldn't keep her hands to herself. She caressed his cheek and said, "Loren, what are we getting into? Is this what you intended or expected?"

He kissed her and said, "I didn't know what to expect and I didn't have certain expectations beyond enjoying ourselves. But it's been amazing watching you. I've never known anybody as brave and strong as you are. I didn't know how you even handled the beginning where you came out in your bikini. Then you saw Chuck naked and you handled that somehow. Things just kept happening like that." Somehow they found themselves lying on their sides touching each other's face or arm or waist as they talked. "Holly, I want you so damn much."

"Loren, do you realize how much our relationship has changed in just one day? Do you realize that we can't possibly go back to the way it was? I want you so much I could cry, and when Gwen grabbed hold of you I wanted to hit her. I like her, but I didn't want her touching you like that."

"Is that what made you touch me?"

"I wanted to long before that, but that was what pushed me to do it. Loren honey, I have so much on my mind. I have something that we have to talk about and soon, but if we talk here it could spoil things for you and for me. But...oh damn it, I don't know what to do."

"Hey, you two lovebirds," Chuck said, "Sorry to bother you, but Loren I just got a call from your secretary."

"You what? How did that happen?"

"There's cell service here, and I guess she looked in your phone directory or something."

"Oh, that's right I did leave your number with her, but I figured we'd be out of area."

"Anyway there's some kind of emergency and you're supposed to call her right away."

"Damn. The next time we better stay out of range of phones or something. Okay, thanks Chuck, I'll call her now."

"Come topside and you'll get better reception most likely."

"Be right there."

He lay back down next to her and said, "I'm so sorry. Holly, I agree, we do need to talk." They kissed again and then he got up to put on his shorts and shirt. She did the same and they went up and she watched him as he called his office.

"Hi Betty, it's Loren." They talked back and forth and Holly tried to figure out what was going on by Loren's side of the conversation but she couldn't put the pieces together. Then she heard him said, "I'll be there as soon as I can, and I'll keep you posted. But Betty it will likely be tomorrow sometime." Then another pause and the he said goodbye and closed his phone. He put his arms around Holly and pulled her close to him and just held her. Sandy and Chuck joined them and as he held Holly close he said, "I have to get home as soon as I can. Frank's in the hospital in very serious condition and they aren't even sure what's wrong with him. Ginny called the office and asked them to find me and get me home."

Holly asked him, "How does Ginny figure into this other than as Frank's wife?"

"Well, if something happens to Frank, that puts her in control of about thirty eight percent of the company stock. That would give her a lot of power over the company, because if she had thirteen percent of proxy votes she'd control the company. I know she sees me as in her corner, but I have to tell you I don't want to see her in control. She just doesn't have what it takes, and just a little bad advice from somebody, and it's feasible she could bring the company down to ashes."

Chuck said, "Thirteen percent of proxy votes wouldn't be all that hard to get I'm sure."

"It's within her reach if she does it right. If I put my twenty one percent with somebody else, we just might be able to block it, but it's going to be close. Damn close."

"Loren," Holly said, "Ginny is going to end up hating you, are you ready for that?"

"No, but I have to do what's best for the company. I'll try to talk to her and steer her away from that bad decision, but that's even iffier than the proxy issue. She can be pretty determined sometimes."

Chuck took the helm from Gwen and kicked the engines up a little and set a direct course for the marina. Loren joined Chuck and Gwen went down and sat with the women. Holly's head was spinning again, but for different reasons this time. Sandy touched Holly and said, "I'm so sorry this had to happen."

"Thanks. Damn the timing couldn't have been any worse. We were lying on the bed and were...you know, talking I was about to talk to him about my problem when Chuck came in."

"You could talk on the plane going home."

"There's no privacy then. I don't want any distractions once we get into that and other things. It's like we talked about. There's no going back now. I have to see this through, I just have to."

"If anybody is strong enough to deal with everything it's you, Holly. I really admire your strength."

"Thank you."

"Would you mind if I told Gwen your story after you leave?"

"No. Sorry to be such a wet blanket on such a happy time, Gwen."

"Just come back and pick up where you left off."

Sandy added, "Yes, we really do want you to come back and soon. I told you before that if Loren doesn't behave, we'll be up there to shake some sense into him and I'll be calling you to check on you."

"I better give you my home number." While Sandy went to retrieve a paper and pen Gwen asked, "Holly, are you in love with Loren?"

"One minute I'm certain that I am, and the next I question myself. I have things going on that complicate that whole issue, but Sandy can explain that later. I do know that I care for him very much."

"That's easy to see. I thought you were going to lay into me for a minute earlier."

"I'm sorry, I'm feeling a little insecure right now I guess. You are so attractive and he really likes you."

She smiled and said, "Thank you, but I'm not looking for a husband. I don't have a very good track record with marriage. Loren is such a neat guy. He's solid and level headed and yet he has these times when he surprises me with something crazy, something unexpected."

"I've experienced that too, and I agree he really is a neat guy. Not a stud, but I'm not impressed with studs."

Chapter Twenty Four

The marina was in view and Gwen, wearing shorts and top that belonged to Sandy, took charge of the bow line and Sandy was at the stern as Chuck expertly eased into a slip and they tied off. The five of them headed to the restaurant, and Chuck went to the desk and used their phone book so he could get information about flights out of Norfolk to Cincinnati. He joined them at the table and handing Loren a piece of paper said, "Give them a call and pick your flight. You might as well wait until morning to leave though, if you have a choice, because you can't help anybody anymore tonight anyway. You can get a taxi from here and the airport is just across the bay less than an hour away." Loren excused himself and found a quiet place to call Ginny.

"Hi, it's me, any news about Frank?"

"Thank you for calling. He's resting, but they're still running tests so we don't know much. Loren, it isn't just his body he's about half confused too. I don't know if he's had a stroke or not, but he has other symptoms so it's pretty confusing."

"We should be home by noon tomorrow barring complications. If I can get an earlier flight, I will but don't plan on it. As soon as I get home I'll change and be either at the office or at your house."

"Just come to the office and I'll either be there or with Frank."

"Ginny, I'm so sorry you're going through this."

"Thank you Loren, but it's something I've thought about many times because of his age and how hard he pushes himself. I've been after him for a year to retire, but he wouldn't listen. How was your vacation going by the way?"

"Great. The weather has been perfect and my friends have a new and very large boat for us to play on."

"And Dixie?"

"You wouldn't believe the change. When things settle down I'll tell you all about it."

"Well I'll be glad to see you tomorrow."

"See you soon and keep your chin up."

"I'm doing my best, bye." Loren closed his phone and just stood there for a second before returning to the table.