Hopes, Dreams and Porn


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'This should keep you back for a while longer,' she started, 'every time I think you're going to lose it I'm going to do this, I'm gona make you beg me to cum, now keeping up what your doing big boy, please just keep building me up' she continued to plead. At least I'd grown up a little since this began.

There's nothing worse than being brought back from the edge. Although I stayed hard, the sensations that had been building for the last 30 minutes, right from the licking of my ear and the massage, were now gone. The slope was now steeper than before, and she would certainly get her wish of me lasting out, I just hoped she wouldn't do it to me too many times. There's a line between pleasure and torture, and I didn't want to cross it.

'The way you're crushing my prick is amazing hun, this must be getting you so close huh? You getting ready to gush on my prick?' I asked, the dirty talk already bringing a response in her speed of grinding. 'You like that do you? Want me to start pushing this thing to your limits? We're not there yet are we, nowhere close I bet' I continued, egging her on, trying to coax this along and get me up the slope faster. I wasn't disappointed. With a quick twist of her body she spun around me, the pleasure being exacted upon my rod almost too much, and sat across me with both legs pointing my right. I ran my hand up her back as she began a circular motion in my lap. Grasping her hair lightly, while raising my other hand to cup her delectable nipple, I began slowly rocking myself into her, the each half inch of depth causing her to lurch, almost bottoming within her -- taping gently at her cervix.

'Holy shit! Slow down... keep it slow... oh god keep it slow... ah fuck Joshua' - pant - wheeze - 'god Joshua, PLEASE... oh that's good, keep doing it like that, yeah...so good... sooo fucking good...' she muttered, slightly incoherent, but audible enough for me to match the pace she was after.

We continued like this 'til sweat was pouring off of us onto the carpet and pillows below us. The pace we'd been maintaining was excruciating still, and I couldn't take it much longer. She'd already had three or four tiny little precursor orgasms, the evidence dripping from our joining, and it was time to take this up a notch. My left hand, now disentangled from her blonde locks, traced down her back again, my thumb squeezing gently into her sides as I did, resting into the cleft between her flushed red ass cheeks. The sweat was trickling through this valley and as my finger gained some lubrication it continued to travel to crest and treat itself around her tight little star. A long twitch worked its way up her body, a sure sign another of her small climaxes had rocked her. I continued to run my finger around the edge, feeling it relax, feeling a new ridge opening to my touch.

'Go on Joshua, slowly... gently, keep caressing it. Do you feel it wanting you? Can you feel it wanting to play? Oh that's so good... keep going... I can feel it spreading me open... I can feel it going deeper... oh... oh my... I can feel it rubbing your cock. Can you feel it? Can you feel your own prick inside me?'

The talk was driving me insane, trying my best to keep things slow but ever pushing, adding a second finger to my first invader, she lurched up and slammed back onto me with a guttural moan. 'Fucking do IT! Don't stop oh shit...' she began to cry.

I roughly pulled my fingers from her, making her groan once more, and raised them to her mouth. Hesitant at first she resisted, but a few sharp pushes from me made her open her mouth and sigh wildly. She looked down at me, and without breaking contact snaked her tongue out licking my index finger from knuckle to tip. We both groaned. She shifted her weight, her legs not quite being able to take it so I took the strain. She reached around and slowly, but surprising me, she rubbed my again sensitive prick against her puckered bud, testing the waters.

'How does that feel sexy, do you like it?' I asked, my breathing heavy from holding her up still.

'Don't speak. Just stay rock hard' she whimpered, lowering herself onto me, the ridge felt earlier growing over the head of my cock. I could feel every vein in me pop past her ring as I slowly bottomed out. 'Oh wow. I've never felt so full before, never felt so bloody full,' she said quickly thrusting forwards, needing to bite her lip to contain the scream. A new pace was being set here, her body no longer a controlled rhythm but a jerky pace, rocking from extreme to extreme very quickly. The pressure being exuded onto my pole was incredible, something of a standard for this entire encounter. She started to shake fast and then came to sudden stillness. I learnt this last time, so stayed completely still 'til I wanted to put her over the edge. 'I've got to cum, please... I need to cum' she fought out. I saw her hand trying to get at her clit, but I was having none of it.

'Who's going to beg who to cum?' I said, a slight chuckle in my voice 'Ask nicely' I said, almost bursting into laughter.

'Don't toy with me just do it Joshua, make me fucking cum on your big... hard... co...'

I thrust.

Her whole body set off into spasms unlike before. I pulled her into me and grasped her against my chest, her legs flailing around next to us. I pushed her round and laid her back against me and pulled her close and tight, her face turned towards and pushing into the crook of my neck, where she nibbled and bit against me. She made no sound, just continued to jerk against me, her cum jetting out onto our legs. Before I knew it I could feel my own climax swelling up in me, her movements still bringing me intense pleasure.

'Oh god, I can't hold back... oh fuck...' I said, the words coming out in almost a whisper as her body was starting to relax against me. She reached down, and I thought she was going to do her shaft trick again, but instead pulled me from her ass and began slapping me against her clit, prolonging her climax, eliciting a few more spurts from her gorgeous cunt. I couldn't take it anymore. I was about to cry out when her finger pressed against my lip.

'Just cum' she commanded. That's exactly what I did. It leaped from me and cleared both of us, hitting the chair behind my head, the second drawing much shorter and hitting us across our cheeks. She milked me at this point, draining me as completely as she could, capturing one nice shot to her mouth as she continued to kiss my neck, then letting the rest trail down her red and sweating chest, until the final couple of shots managed to pool in her belly button.

We both lay spent, aftershocks coursing through us. It was a long time before either of us moved, let alone spoke. She broke the stillness by sliding off me and reaching for her robe.

'I need to clean up... but I don't want to go anywhere.' She said, reaching over me and across the floor to reach her robe. I swatted her ass lightly bring with it a little yelp after which I rolled her off me. 'I'll go get us some covers and you some wet wipes.' I stated, tying to stand myself up.

'Ok, but give me a kiss first' she asked, in a lovely little innocent girl voice.

As I approached her, my slowly deflating cock bobbed in front of me. 'One for him, and one for me' she said, leaning forward and taking one long slurp on my prick, then tilting her head up I moved down and kissed her in a long embrace, no tongue, just a highly pressured lip lock, my hands holding her face.

'Mmmmmm, that was nice. Now go find something to keep us cosy' she tweeted, happy and swaying with her eyes still closed.

It took me all of thirty seconds to get the things required and I returned to see the fire re-lit, the blinds tightly close and a sexy young lady, glowing in her post orgasmic bliss, lying on the floor in a pose only fit for playboy.

'Come snuggle big man' she cooed. Looks like I finally grew up.


Late evening was upon me as I woke up, Sandra lying on my chest as we'd stayed tightly together all night. I managed to pull away from her gently, only rousing her slightly, and reached for my cigarettes. Heading out onto the back porch, my shorts now back on and Sandy's robe pulled tightly against me, I lit up and took a nice, long, drag.

As I stood outside on the edge of the patio, staring out into the distance I was mesmerised at how chilling the night air felt upon my face. There was something calming about it, but carried underneath was a feeling of great woe; a great feeling of unease was being proliferated via every sharp gust of wind, as if a deep sense of dread was upon us. I took another long pull on my cigarette and added something else to my 'out-of-mind' list.

Smiling I remembered that there was something else on the tables for me tomorrow. I took my final drag and headed back into the house, staring at the beauty that lay waiting for me. My smile grew larger and as the cold air turned my breath to steam I warmed myself quickly, I slipped myself back into the place I realised I'd missed terribly in the short time since I'd left.

- Interlude: It Darkens-

The cold steel of the kitchen worktop was pressed hard against my face, the sweat cooling almost instantly as it crept from my forehead to the surface; it left my previously rosy cheek ice cold. I understood that I was being punished; I could surmise that from the way he attached the handcuffs made of thick leather to my wrists as I walked in the door.

My night had been wonderful, catching up with old friends I hadn't seen for months. The meal was fabulous, The Ivy was such an exclusive venue for my best friend, Melissa's, birthday it made them all feel lavish and pampered beyond words. The food had been glorious, delicate in flavour and design and reminded me of the joy that life held for me once. The night had ended on a high, promises being made to do this again sooner than before. 'The break has been too long' Melissa had said, and she wasn't wrong.

The whirlwind that began 9 months ago hadn't stopped, and I was subjected to ever growing wonder and the treatment from my new man, Jacob, had left me in a dizzy haze of love, lust and happiness. Goodnight girl was our song, and every time I heard I knew there would be a loving caress, a tender kiss on the nape of my neck, a warm breathe in my ear and I grew to relish these times, even crave them.

That changed after only a few months. I craved him, and he knew it. Jacob began toying with me, our lovemaking becoming more a list of games -- of trials -- that I had to win to receive my reward.


While this made me feel special, and wanted, I also knew that he had to control me this way to make sure I knew what I had, to make me understand that without I had nothing. All of this I could endure but when I was cut-off from my friends it was almost my last straw. I was going to leave him; I still craved every inch of him, of his exquisite tongue, his long cock, his chiseled figure. I would give it all up for my friends. They we're the most important thing in my life and had known them for over 10 years. I needed to have them in my life. I needed their support and friendship. I was going to do it tonight.

He proposed.

He had taken me on a surprise holiday to New York, and after building up the courage to say I was leaving him -- sat on the large veranda, with expansive, elegant views of the city, he got down on one knee.

"Andrea, I know we've had our ups and downs, and I know I've asked a lot of you but I don't ever want to lose you. Please, will you marry me?"

What was I to do, the feelings I had for him welled up inside me and I couldn't bring myself to say it.

"Of course I will" came out of my mouth where 'Jacob, I'm leaving you, I can't leave my entire past behind me just for you' was exactly what was running around my head. In a reinvigorated maelstrom everything was reignited. He lavished me; he sent me and my friends on long pampering weekends. Jacob even bought me a 'masseuse' at the Spa, a man who would give me anything I wanted for 4 hours. The trust that took of him began to win me over, I was happy I was with my friends and I was looking forward to being married.

The night I came back from the meal I was in such a good mood, I was excited to see him, excited to spend hours worshiping him, excited make him feel as amazing as I did. I wanted to lick every inch of him, make him beg for me to finish him all over me.

As I walked in the door I could see, dimly lit from round the corner, the kitchen light on, so with my sexiest walk and making my hips bounce on each step, I strode in hoping to see him reading the newspaper, or preparing some dinner, but all I felt was something being pulled over my head, a cord being tightened around my throat, and being roughly pushed against the kitchen counter

"Did you think you could get away with it? I know you've been seeing him! I know that your girls nights out are all about him, that prick! You Whore!" he yelled. I felt my hands being clasped in the hand cuffs and the thin material from the hood was pressing against my face, allowing the cold to affect my skin.

'I haven't done anything wrong Jacob, please, I'm so happy with you, I've wanted you all evening please, don't do this' I sobbed into the mask as I felt the material slide up my face slightly, the cord loosening ever so. His swift hand came down on my now exposed cheek and I flinched, whimpering.

"You're mine Andrea! MINE!" he spat as he roughly shoved his prick inside me, the suddenness of his attack leaving me perplexed as to how he managed to strip and expose me without feeling it.


I awoke in the larder, cold and almost naked, the clothes being ripped off me, hanging around my waist and thighs. He had beaten me down. I was petrified of him but I couldn't call for help. My tears had long since dried up and my smile was set never to return to my face. I was his now, his however he wanted me. It had been another month since that night, him just taking me whenever he felt like it. I just didn't have it in me to fight any longer. I wished I could get out of there, find a way to break the cuffs, but the padlock through steel ring was too tough for me to even attempt.

He had thrown me some scraps earlier and told me I would be let out to shower and prepare myself for the dress fitting. This gave me a chance. I needed to get a message out. I wondered about taking some pictures and sending them to my dearest of friends. They needed to look cheeky, in the vein of our previous flirtatious fun, but I hoped he would see a mark, a welt, anything that would tip him off to what was happening to me.

Oh Joshua, I hope you understand the message... I will get it to you, somehow...


Feedback is greatly appreciated. I need to know what you want more of to make this better. This is the first set of chapter's in this story, but I haven't got any further ideas just yet on how to move it forward.

More to come as I hear more of how people want this to go.


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AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Kidding, right?

Come on, It can't be that you don't have any ideas on how to move forward. This story has way too many openings and great possibilities on how to go forward! A scam Jacob needs to be put down. Why not make it an IT project, with cameras and streaming video in his house. A plan where those delicious friends try to trap Jacob. You could make awhole bdsm chapter around him. Anyway I hope you'll.find the plot you need to go further. This was way Hot!

HyperBoLHyperBoLabout 12 years ago
Very good mate

We talked about this and I gave you some criticism. Just showing my support on here too!

tazz317tazz317about 12 years ago

he just cant fathom it yet, TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
More please!

I want to read about how they trash Jacob.

GentleVikingGentleVikingabout 12 years ago
Very good indeed

A hidden treasure.

Please continue but not taking two years to do it :-)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Wow! Quite an accomplishment! More, please!!

Can't believe I'm the first to comment. I very much enjoyed reading your ambitious effort & look forward to more. Enjoy the protagonist's voice; found it dark, bit gloomy, very kind, & unique.

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