How to Ruin a Perfect Marriage


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"But why did you come up with the story about getting married and then being dumped by Donny?" Anna asked.

"I wanted people to like me. I thought if they saw how unhappy I was they'd pay more attention to me at work instead of you! Everyone was always fawning over you. Oh Anna's so pretty ... oh Anna's so nice ... oh Anna's so charming ... it made me sick!" Kendra said.

"But that was never true," Anna blurted out, "people did like you ..."

"Did they ... did they really?" Kendra interrupted, "if that was true then why didn't I get the new project and the promotion. I was just as capable as you! I knew what it was of course. You were always so nice and everyone loved you, especially the bosses, which just made my hatred for you grow deeper and deeper. So much so that I longed for the day I could ruin your life. I came up with several ideas as to how I could pull it off but it wasn't until Jake arrived on the scene and I found out he had a reputation for seducing the women he worked with, especially the married ones, that I finally saw the perfect opportunity to gain my revenge!"

"Jeez Kendra you really are one fucked up individual," David said. He shook his head and looked over at Anna. She looked as shaken as him. That was until Kendra stuck the knife in a lot deeper.

"Jake was good wasn't he Anna!" she exclaimed, changing tack and loving the look of horror that suddenly appeared on Anna's face. "You just loved how his big cock felt inside your pussy, didn't you!" Kendra looked over at David and smiled at him malevolently, "Are you happy that you've found out your wife is a size queen now? That she's just a slut who loves being fucked by someone with a big cock!"

"I know what she did in our house Kendra. I don't need you to gloat anymore about it." David was trying to remain calm but his stomach was knotted that tightly he felt sick.

"Oh don't I," she exclaimed with glee. "So she hasn't told you it was more than just the once then?" She saw the look of disquiet come over David and delightedly stuck the knife in deeper and then twisted it!

"I was an interested voyeur when Jake fucked your goody two shoes wife multiple times in the office on Friday night and I know he'd fucked her a couple of days before that on your living room sofa the night they worked late. That wasn't long after I showed her the photo's of you fucking Alexia. I have to say, it didn't take her long!" She was grinning from ear to ear now. "And I'm not even going to mention the nights they spent texting each other that eventually led to Jake getting her to masturbate and cum for him!"

The look on Anna's face before she buried her face into her hands told David everything he didn't want to know.

Chapter 28

Not knowing what else to do and not wanting to leave Anna at home alone and vulnerable to the possible further attentions of Jake, David took her with him when he went back to the cabin by the lake. They made the best of the rest of the weekend for Sophie's sake. Thankfully his parents asked no questions and were extremely civil towards Anna.

On Monday morning David and Anna were ushered into Mr McKenzie's office at MPMS where David informed him about the whole sorry mess and Anna tendered her resignation. It was solely her decision to leave, there was no pressure from David. Secretly he was pleased she'd quit but the choice had to be hers alone and made of her own free will. He didn't want her to come back to blame him a few years down the line that he had forced her into doing something she later regretted. After a brief internal investigation both Kendra and Jake were summarily dismissed for gross misconduct.

Despite Anna's pleas for him to come home, David continued to lodge at his friend Craig's home. He was finding it tough to get the images of his beloved wife fucking someone else out of his mind.

He still saw his wife when he went to visit his daughter. And it tore him apart every time he left. It was a few weeks later that he agreed to Anna's request that they seek professional help.

"Did you enjoy it? Was the sex with him good?" David quietly asked the question. The couple were on the first appointment with their

marriage counselor.

"It was different. It wasn't you," Anna replied softly.

"What kind of an answer is that," David said, his voice rising as he felt his anger bubbling up to the surface. It never seemed to be too far away these days. But he felt the question was more than justified and deserved a better answer. After all isn't it the one thing the man wants to know when they find out their partner has cheated on them.

The counselor knew better. He knew that David was searching for that assurance that he was the better man and because she wouldn't give him a simple yes or no it meant to David that by default he wasn't; that she preferred Jake.

"The only one I CAN give. Like I said it was different because it wasn't you." Anna went quiet. She knew David wasn't going to accept that as an answer.

"For fucks sake Anna. Was he bigger than me? Was he better than me? It's a simple question. Is that why you won't answer me? Would you rather have sex with him than me from now on? Have I lost you?"

"No, no, no," Anna broke down and began to sob, "of course he wasn't better than you. I keep on trying to tell you it was different. Why are you not listening to me?"

"Because I'm a man and you've just emasculated me by breaking the oath you swore on our wedding day to love, honor and cherish me, forsaking all others. That obviously meant nothing to you did it!" David was on a roll. He knew he was being hurtful but it struck him that whilst she kept telling him Jake was no better she'd stopped short at telling him he wasn't bigger. Jake must have given her more pleasure than he could. My god, she DID prefer Jake to him! Was it all over for them? His stomach muscles clenched as he fought back the urge to throw up. He hurt so badly.

Anna was sobbing uncontrollably. Why couldn't David see her anguish? Why couldn't he see that cock size and technique was unimportant? She loved David not Jake. On all levels. It was David she was supposed to grow old with. Had she now ruined that forever?

The counselor had let them have their heads to blow off steam but it was time to calm it all down. He interrupted and asked them to take their seats. Neither Anna or David had realized that they had both jumped up to confront each other.

Their second session a week later was not much better than the first. David was constantly seeking reassurances that Anna was unable to provide.

"How do I know you won't go off with someone else now. Now that you've experienced the delights of wanton lust, who's not to say you won't want to again?"

"Because I won't David. That's not who I am."

"But you say it's who you used to be. And you were with Jake. So how can you say you won't do it again?"

"Because I can make choices. Life is all about choices and I have the right to choose just as you do. And I choose us. My choice is that I want to be with you. I want us to grow old together with our children. I want us to be a family."

"Yes I see that. But what about your wild side? Maybe you'd just repressed it and now Jake's brought it back to life there's no knowing what fantasies and desires you might now have!" David said. He appeared on the surface to be calm as he spoke but inside his nerves were jangling.

"Do you remember what Kendra called me when we went to see her?" Anna said to David. "She said I was a cock hungry slut but she was wrong. I'm not because the only cock I want is yours." She paused to let that statement sink in before she chose her next words carefully.

"You talk about my wild side and yes, when I was at college and a lot younger I admit I was a bit wild. But that was then and this is now. It was a part of me in the past. I could choose to go there again but I don't want to because I've matured past that. I want us and only us. I don't have the need to be wild again. Yes I admit it resurfaced but that was only because I thought you'd cheated on me but it meant nothing. It isn't what I want from my life, I don't need to have meaningless sex with random men to feel fulfilled. You fulfill me."

She was staring intently at David, willing him to understand what she was saying. "When we make love or have sex I bask in the afterglow for days afterwards because it was with you, a man I love beyond all others. Sex with Jake was just that. An emotional release that had no depth, no feeling and no emotion. He tapped into my wild side but when it was over I just felt empty and I wanted him to go away. I never, ever feel like that when I'm with you. When we finish I just want to lay beside you forever. Can't you see that? I love you and only you! We're soul-mates!"

"Huh," David exclaimed, "how can we be soul-mates when we know so little about each other. You've kept secrets hidden as I have from you. Maybe Kendra was right about one thing. Maybe the term soul-mates is an overblown bag of crap!"

"Well then we need to correct our mistakes. Surely that's what life is about. Making mistakes and learning from them. Growing together as a couple, overcoming life's obstacles each time one gets in our way."

Anna paused and looked at David. He saw the love she had for him radiating all over her face. She was right of course. all she had said was true. Now if only he could erase the thought of Jake's cock ploughing into his wife's body over and over again whilst she screamed out his name in passion then he was sure they'd be fine.

On the third session they talked it through once more, starting again at the beginning. The counselors strategy was to get them both to admit they had made mistakes, that they were both to blame for their current situation. It took a bit of doing as tempers flared, recriminations were sought but eventually it was David that was led first to the light. By this time they were on their sixth session.

"Look let's agree on one thing Anna, we both made mistakes. It's just that yours were worse than mine!"

The counselor cringed. That was NOT what he wanted to hear at this stage of the proceedings. Your blame is bigger than my blame!

"That's not fair," Anna said loudly, "and come to think of it, it's actually your fault."

"And just how do you work that one out then Anna? It was only you that cheated," David replied.

"Maybe so but if you hadn't have had a relationship with that crazy bitch none of this would have happened," she retorted, her nostrils flaring, a sure sign to David that she was really pissed with him!

"I'd like to think that was true Anna but the fact remains you slept with Jake. Do you not realize how that makes me feel. My wife, the love of my life thought so little of me that you blindly accepted the word of a woman you work with over your supposed soul mate!"

"I did not accept it blindly as you put it. Those two evil bastard's worked on me for weeks, drip feeding me lies about you, chipping away at my resolve. Even you have to admit those photos were pretty convincing. And just where do you draw the line at cheating? And what actually constitutes it? Is it full vaginal entry followed by orgasm or is it just vaginal entry? But what about fondling another woman's breasts and putting your hand up her skirt and your fingers in her pussy, or making her cum orally? What about kissing and deep throating with tongues? Just where do you draw the line David? Is there a scale from one to ten of the most heinous acts so that we can add up the points to see who committed the worse sins?"

She paused for breath. "Well is there? Dammit David answer me ... please!"

David slumped back down in his chair. The counselor looked as shell shocked as he felt. They were going around in circles, seemingly resolving nothing.

"And at the end of the day, whilst I've admitted my indiscretions and laid myself bare and thrown myself on your mercy, I still have no proof either way of whether you did cheat on me with Alexia!"

The last statement tore straight through David's heart. She was right. He had no proof. He could tell her to trust him, to believe that he was speaking the truth but he thought they'd pretty much exhausted their supply of that commodity. And the thing was he'd wanted to fuck Alexia so badly and it had taken great willpower to tear himself away from her. In some ways now he wished he had fucked her.

"You're right, you're right, I can't make you believe me. And at the end of the day I admit I did do the things you saw in the photos. I didn't stick my cock inside her though, although I admit I badly wanted to. As you say it's still cheating."

He saw Anna visibly relax and the counselor too. They chatted inanely about minor things until the session was over. Exhausted, they took their leave, re-booking their next session before they left.

As they walked to their cars David looked over to his wife. She was looking at him with a look of pure hope. It damn near broke his heart. "Fancy a bite to eat?" he asked.

"I'd love too," she replied with a hesitant smile. Not quite as radiant as usual but they were both under a lot of strain.

"Do you need to check with your mom about Sophie?"

"Yes," she replied as she pulled out her cellphone.

They had a nice meal. True they were both on edge. it was as if they were on a first date and they edged cautiously around the elephant in the room. A bottle of wine led to a second and before they knew it they were back at home and in the guest bedroom fucking like rabbits. It was raw emotive sex. Nothing tender or loving about it. Well not on David's part.

On a additional private session with the counselor for guidance as to what he; they had done; he later assumed that subconsciously he was trying to reclaim what had been temporarily lost. To reassert his masculinity, to expunge Jake from her memory bank, to become once more the alpha male in his relationship with Anna.

She for her part that night clung onto him for dear life, not wanting to let him go. David had never been so aroused and he fucked her with so much energy that she had multiple orgasms. Even he managed to cum three times before she cried out for him to stop. They cuddled for a while before the dam broke and they both started crying, releasing their pent up emotions as they held each other close.

Chapter 29

Were they cured? Was their relationship back onto the straight and narrow? Were their demons behind them?

Of course not but David soon moved back in with Anna for the sake of little Sophie. She didn't need to see her parents tearing themselves apart so they got on the best they could for her sake. And the first thing he did was buy a new bed and sofa. They continued with their weekly sessions with the counselor and found out more about each other in that time than they ever thought possible. Even for a couple supposedly soul-mates they soon realized that they didn't know one other as well as they thought they did. Okay it was more than some people but less than it perhaps should have been.

It was tough but every day that went by it got a little bit easier, although there was always the possibility of the odd meltdown, mainly from David. In his darkest moments he wondered if he would ever get the image out of his head of Anna being fucked multiple times by Jake.

Was it possible to forgive and forget? David didn't know. He even sought guidance from the counselor that if he couldn't forget but could only suppress the memory, even it it only bubbled back to the surface now and again did that mean that he could never truly forgive Anna? The counselor tried his best to help David but pointed out that only he, David ultimately had that answer.

A few weeks after David had moved back into their home Anna announced that she was pregnant. That caused a temporary flare up of bad feelings from David but the tests were conclusive and the baby proved to be irrefutably his. Clearly their make up session when David amazed himself by cumming multiple times had done the trick.

The only question that remained unanswered was would David and Anna's marriage survive? They were reconciled for now and were working hard to make it work but at the end of the day only time would tell if they would make it out the other end intact. But so far the signs were promising.


It was around three months after David moved had back in with Anna that he received a text message from an unknown number. There was a brief message that read ...

very photogenic, check it out

Below it was a link to an adult website.

David's stomach turned over as he read the message but his hand never wavered as he deleted the message immediately.

The following day he bought himself and Anna a new cellphone each. He also changed their email addresses, just in case.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
KonecranesKonecranes6 months ago

5 stars. One of the best written stories I had read for awhile. Waiting for Part.2

truman2005truman20056 months ago

I wanted Jake to fuck her ass

HighBrowHighBrow7 months ago

Too long, mostly with no real tension. No way they would get back together after what she did. Good wife turned total slut.

Omegaman56Omegaman567 months ago

Later they found Jake without a dick and keandra. Tongue cut out

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbiman9 months ago

Sorry, I only read page 1 and 12 as I sensed what would happen and 12 pages of "talk" is too much for me. And a new pregnancy after such a short time back together, just dumb.

sjmbsrfsjmbsrf10 months ago

I loved the story, a great scenario, well written, and one which pushes several buttons on the indignation and wtf scales. I do hope Team Equipe is working on the sequel, I await it with eagerness :-)

EzrollinEzrollin10 months ago

Fist, I will say this is one of best written stories I've read on Literotica. As for those "out patients" proclaiming they would never reconcile with a woman who had sex multiple times with another man, bull shit, you're living with one so suck it up. This was one of the few five star stories I've read to date.

ffdshowffdshow10 months ago

Great story!

Very enjoyable, well written. Many thanks TeamEquipe. Keep going.

Earthmover65Earthmover6511 months ago

My stomach is still in knots. David was stupid and drunk. Anything I've done stupid in my life had alcohol involved. There is no way 9 out of 10 men could forget about everything that Kendra had brought to light about Anna and Jake.

If you were trying to tap in to the audiences emotions,you absolutely messed up my day. Good for you. Amazing writing

TracklTracklabout 1 year ago

Hmmh, I believe I've read a very similar story, the same crazy scheming ex and the names seems familiar, oh, and it was a better one.

But this one... this one sucks.

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