Love and Trust


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When we were done we sat down. Petra no longer tried to cover herself, instead she wiped sweat away from her body with both hands. All over.

"What next?" she asked "This is getting kind of exhausting."

"We run outside, lay down and roll around in the snow until we have cooled down, then back inside to wash with clean cloths and cold water from buckets. After that it's a cool shower, sit and after-sweat in the changing room before we dry and dress and go back to the house. Or a shower right away and get dressed if you're in a hurry."

"Let's get outside then before I pass out."

She got up and ran outside with me on her heels. Not far from diving from the porch Petra hit the snow face down and started to roll left. I rolled right a few seconds later, then back. We collided halfway, laughed and gasped, got up and ran back inside, filling water in the buckets and grabbing cloths.

Sitting in the sauna we dipped our cloths in the cold water and wiped our skin.

"Will you do my back?" Petra surprised me by asking.


"Yeah, just be tender."

She handed me her cloth and turned her back to me, pulling her knees up to her chin and holding her legs with both arms leaning forward. I wetted the cloth in her bucket and wiped her neck and shoulders. Another wetting and returning to her shoulders. Down her shoulder-blades and out to the sides of her breasts for a short visit. More water and down her spine, left and right to the hip bones, down the top of her ass.

She didn't move at all, just sat there and let me wash her. She had a beautiful back, lean and soft. I kissed her neck once.

"Want me to do your legs too?"

A moments hesitation, then:

"Not this time thank you. I liked your touch on my back though. Your turn now."

So I turned my back to her, handed her my cloth and took up the same position. She copied what I had done exactly, even the kiss on the neck.

"Do you want me to do your legs now?" she then wondered.

"No thank you." I mumbled.

"Are you blushing?"

"Yeah, I guess I am. Hard not to with you naked here, asking that. I understand now that I shouldn't have asked that either."

"Peter, asking is not a problem. Doing might be."

We finished washing and I let her shower first while I brought the embers from the fire outside to cool in the snow. We sat wrapped in towels on the chairs for a while, waiting to get dressed, when Petra spoke again.

"Why get dressed here? I feel like putting on my nightgown, maybe wrap a blanket around me, and stay that way until I go to bed. Getting dressed here to change at once seem stupid."

"Well, I sure don't feel like wearing jeans and sweater right now, but what about the others? I don't want to upset them or give them any wrong ideas about what happened here."

"They won't mind, trust me, and if they wonder I will tell them the truth. Get your boots on, grab your clothes and let's go."

Irina saw us enter the house and raised an eyebrow, that was it. Anna and Marija was in the kitchen preparing dinner and had their backs to us. A quick glance over a shoulder from them as I passed on the way to my room didn't even cause a raised eyebrow.

I dressed in sweatpants and a t-shirt, and Petra did as she had said and wore a nightgown ending mid thigh. Her face glowed when she recapitulated the sauna, rolling in the snow and washing with a cloth sitting in the warmth, while we were eating. With still damp hair in disarray and excitement in her voice she was adorable.

I caught Irina glancing my way, expression neutral, and wondered what she was thinking. After doing the dishes (me and Petra since we had 'relaxed enough' Anna said) we joined the others in the living room in front of a fire. I sat in an armchair opposite to the girls on a couch, and Petra waited until I was seated and then dropped onto my lap sideways with an arm around my shoulders. That got us another look from Irina but no-one commented.

Petra lowered her cheek to let it rest against my head and dangled her feet over the armrest. Her hand twirled my hair. Her behaviour made me uncomfortable, not least with her breast pressed against my shoulder and cheek, and me getting hard. Ten minutes like that, then she kissed my hair and got up to lay on the rug close to the fire, face down with head in her hands and feet in the air.

I took a pillow and lay it in my lap to hide the bulge but probably drew more looks to me that way.

"Anyone wants something to drink?" I asked standing up instead "Whiskey, Rum, Vodka, Gin, Brandy, Sherry, Wine, Beer, Coffee, Tea, Water, anything?"

"Since you're asking, white wine?" Marija answered.

"Red for me."

"Ditto." Anna and Petra added respectively.

"Whiskey please, with ice only." Irina put in last of all.

I hadn't expected any of them to want whiskey since it isn't considered in female taste, but what did I know? I brought three wine glasses and two bottles, white and red, poured and left the bottles on the table for refills. After that I returned to the bar and put ice in two glasses, added water to one and filled up with Glenfiddich. Giving Irina her glass I sat down on the floor beside her with 'our' bottle.

"What's the occasion?" she wanted to know after sipping the drink.

"Winter, snow, cosy fire, great friends. Why?"

"You haven't offered to get us drinks before. You have always said 'get something to drink if you like'."

A look on her face told me she was teasing me: her eyes twinkled with mischief.

"I can be a gentleman, even if it is a strain." I replied blushing.

Irina leaned over towards me and whispered:

"Petra used to be a tease around men she liked. I'm happy to see she still have the ability. I used to be one too, wonder if I still got it?"

"It sure looks that way to me." I whispered back.

"Maybe, maybe not. I might just be evil instead of a tease."

Her tone was suddenly sad.

"Maybe, but you're being a tease now anyway. I don't mind as long as you're happy."

"What are you two whispering about?" Petra cut in.

"You being a tease." Irina answered "In the sauna, in the armchair, laying there kicking the air with your panties visible under the gown. I'm happy for you."

"So am I!" Petra replied "It feels great!" she giggled, rolling over on her back.

With knees bent, her nightgown hitched up her thighs and for a moment I wondered if Irina had been wrong about her panties: did she wear anything at all under? Then Petra got serious and sat up, pulling down the gown again.

"I only wish my family was here too. I miss them so much I could cry."

I actually think there were tears in her eyes, at least they looked very shiny.

"We all miss them but there's not much to do about that." Anna mumbled.

"I know, but it still sucks!"

They talked about their families the rest of the evening, with periods of silence in between. Then they emptied their last drinks in silence. Petra got up, followed by Anna, kissed me on the cheek and said goodnight. Anna only said goodnight and left with an arm around Petra. Marija followed a moment later and Irina and I sat there alone with half-full glasses.

"Peter, we really appreciate everything you have done for us and continue to do. It is hard though to be forced to be separated from our families, not knowing when or if we get to see them again."

"I know. I never asked before, but how large are your families? Do you have brothers and sisters, nieces, nephews?"

"I have an older sister and a younger brother. Petra has two younger sisters, Marija three younger brothers and a younger sister, and Anna has two older brothers and sisters. We are all related in some way from a couple of generations back, don't ask how because it's complicated. So, how many is that? Eight parents, six sisters and six brothers plus us makes twenty-four, right?. Plus grandparents, cousins and many more. Why do you ask?"

"It hit me that I don't know much about you at all. Where you're from and resent history is all."

"Resent history? Yeah, that's one way to put it."

"I'm sorry Irina, I didn't mean to diminish what has happened or joke about it. It's just that I don't know what to call it. You said 'whore' but that's not true. Victims would be a better word."

"It's okay. It is resent after all and thankfully also history. So, what else do you want to know about us?"

"Everything, I guess, but there's no hurry. How old are you?"

"Really? Are you asking a woman about her age?" Irina giggled.

"Yep. Or I can ask you about theirs and them about yours if you like. If they add twenty to your age it's your own fault."

"Okay, okay. I'll tell you. I'm twenty-five, Petra twenty, Anna twenty-three and Marija twenty-four. What about you then?"

"I'm thirty two. Jenny is thirty six. Our parents are dead and we have no other siblings."

"I'm sorry."

"It was many years ago, it's history too."

I emptied my glass.

"Well, it became a sombre ending to a nice and cosy evening. You want a refill?"

"No, I'm good. I guess I'm off to bed too." Irina said and emptied her glass with a grimace.

I stood and took glasses and bottles to the kitchen. When I returned Irina stood waiting.

"Would you mind very much if I shared your bed?" she asked, putting her arms around my neck.

I put my hands on her waist, answering:

"No, not much. Not at all actually. Are you sad? Is it your family?"

"No, I remembered something tonight, Petra reminded me. Who I used to be, and I miss me. Maybe I can find myself again, maybe not, but at least I have to try. Mind you, I have never been the one to sleep around without discrimination, not at all actually, at least not of my own free will. All I'm saying is that I want to be close to you tonight, see what happens. Cuddle, tease a little, kiss... maybe more."

"A word of warning young lady. After what Petra did today you ought to be careful. Tease me too much and I might not be able to leave you alone."

"I consider myself warned. Just remember that I'm damaged goods, so be loving and gentle."

"Shit! That was stupid of me to say. I'm sorry Irina, I really am."

"I teased you, you teased me. It's only fair. I meant what I said though: loving and gentle if we get that far. We might not get beyond kisses, but if."

Our first kiss mouth to mouth started gentle alright, no more than a soft touch, but evolved. When we separated we both panted. I turned off the lights, put my arm around Irina's waist and led her to my room, making sure to close the door behind us.

Another kiss standing beside the bed, long and heated with hands roaming around the others back. A break to breathe, our eyes locked together. Her hands moved between us and started to unbutton her blouse but I stopped her.

"Will you let me undress you?"

She looked down, blushing, but nodded. I lifted a finger to her jaw and tilted her head so she looked me in the eyes again.

"If you're not comfortable with that I won't do it. You have a say in all that happens between us. Be honest: Do you agree to let me undress you?"

"Yes Peter, I want you to undress me. There are memories though, that is all. There are memories about almost anything. Loving and gentle."

"Loving and gentle."

Button after button was undone, then the fly of her jeans. My hands entered inside her blouse, moving over her sides, to her back. The blouse came out of her jeans that way and I continued to her shoulders and the neck. Pushing the fabric out over the shoulders the blouse fell down her arms to land on the floor.

Another kiss while I unclasped the bra then, and lowering my hands to her ass. Thumbs inside the jeans at each hips and pulling them down, then back up with my hands to rub her bare back.

"You're teasing Peter." she said nibbling my lips.

"I am, and I like it."

"So do I. Keep doing it."

I lowered a hand and entered her panties with it, rubbing an ass-cheek. Then back up with that hand to her back and down with the other hand to rub her bottom on the other side. A finger grazing her neck made her shiver and lift her shoulders, saying:


I pulled back a little and pushed the bra straps from her shoulders. The bra dropped down her arms between us but got stuck at our hips. Kneeling before Irina I threw the bra aside and turned my attention to the jeans. Partway down her ass I lowered them a bit more to place a kiss on each of her hips.

I turned Irina to have her back to the bed and helped her sit, then lay her down with her legs over the side. Inching the jeans down with my hands I followed with kisses on her thighs, knees, shins, feet. The jeans dropped to the floor and I kissed my way back up her legs, ending with a series of kisses along the waistband of her panties.

"Tease." Irina sighed.

My hands under her ass I pulled that last garment down and off, once again followed by kisses.

"Foot massage?" I asked holding a foot in each hand.

"Another time? I'd love it but I want to feel your body close to mine now, naked."

So I stood and undressed with her looking: sweatpants, t-shirt and briefs.

Irina moved on the bed and crawled up towards the headboard with me getting in beside her. My arms around her, hers around me, holding tight. Knees trying to get in between the other's, soft kisses tasting slightly of smoke.

"Have you... been... licked?" I asked between kisses.

Irina stopped and moved her head away. She looked hurt.

"Do you really think any of those men cared enough about me, a who..."

"I mean before that." I interrupted "Back home."

"I told you I didn't sleep around indiscriminately. Actually you would take my virginity in a way if we go all the way... my agreed-upon virginity. I wanted to save myself for the man I would marry, but that is too late now. No, I have never been licked."

"Want to try?"

"I don't know. I want you to know that I don't like sucking a man."

"Doesn't matter. I'm not so fond of being sucked either, I prefer the real thing. I love to lick a woman though, to taste her."

"Okay, we can try but I'm not sure I will like it."

"How could you if you haven't experienced it?"

Another kiss and I turned her on her back and licked my way down her body. I didn't hurry, licked her throat and shoulders, up to her ears and back down the throat to her breasts. They got a thorough lick over and Irina 'oh:d' and 'ah:d'.

Further down I stuck the tip of my tongue in her navel which caused the entire stomach to tense up. Almost at my goal I skipped past it to go to her feet, lifting one at a time to kiss and suck each toe. Ankles, shins, knees. Along the insides of her thighs and I stopped, sitting up on my haunches.

"Like being licked?" I asked innocently.

"So far: absolutely! I'm waiting for you to reach the main course though."

"What could that be? You have anything more to offer?"


"Oh, yes, there is that, but if you don't mind I will forgo that. Kind of unappetising to lick I think. But now I know! There's another hole!"

I crawled up her body again, lay down and kissed her lips. She answered willingly but in between she said:


"I know, but I missed your lips, their smoky taste."

"I have another pair of lips too, maybe they taste of smoke also?"

"That's a thought. I'll investigate."

A final kiss and I went back down and spread her legs. The scent that reached my nose was nowhere near smoky but very exciting. It was the smell of aroused woman.

"The main course." Irina said softly "Taste it as much as you want."

I did, and also drank my fill of the juices I lapped up. Her first orgasm took its time to deliver, as if it resisted my efforts. The second and third came easy though in quick succession, the middle one strong and deep.

"Stop Peter." Irina begged after number three "Please stop and get up here. Hold me and let me collect myself for a moment."

Her voice wasn't entirely steady and when I lay beside her, face to face, her cheeks were wet from tears.

We embraced in silence, the only sound being her soft crying that slowed to a stop over the next couple of minutes. Irina's lips sought mine once more for soft fluttering kisses and nibbles of lips.

"That was more than I expected, much more." she whispered "Thank you. I want to go all the way now. If it's bad I will still have a great memory, so it's the right time. Slow and gentle though."

"Lovingly slow and gentle Irina. Relax and try not to worry."

I lowered a hand to direct me, lined up and pushed forward slowly. Watching her face I saw her eyes close in concentration. An inch more, two, three. A gasp from her and I held still.

"It's okay." she told me "You can go on."

I continued and bottomed out with only soft moans from Irina, then held still again.

"Tell me if you want me to stop Irina, anytime and for any reason. Okay?"

"Okay, but it's really no problem other than mental images, and you are a lot gentler than anything I have experienced. Go slow and we'll see what happens."

So I withdrew most of the way and pushed in again just as slowly, again and again. Irina's arms held me down against her, hands moving over my back and ass. Then her hips moved up to meet my every push.

"A little faster." she gasped "It's good, really good."

I upped the tempo and she followed the rhythm.

"Mm!", "Oh yeah.", "Ah!" she commented frequently, increasing the volume over time.

"I can't hold back much longer. Want me to pull out before I come?" I panted.

"Yes, pull out, but please try to keep it up a little longer." she panted back "I'm getting there."

The pace increased further and Irina's voice increased in volume and intensity with it. Her legs closed around my hips and I knew we had passed the point of no return.

Irina gasped and bent her neck sharply backwards. Her body tensed in release and it became unbearable for me to keep going. One last push inside and a recoil that pulled me all the way out and I came on her stomach with our bodies pressed hard together.

We stayed like that relaxing and calming our breaths. When my lips traced her cheek to find her mouth they encountered wet streaks. Tears again.

"Don't speak." Irina said "Don't ask. Later. Just hold me."

I kissed her cheeks and eyelids but said nothing. Rolling us left we ended up side by side, and pulling at the covers they came up around us. I soon fell asleep.

- - - - - -

Can you guess what woke me up the next morning? The 'click' and 'creak' when the door opened. I had my eyes on the door already when Petra's head became visible. Her eyes met mine for a moment, then moved to the floor. Her mouth opened and she blushed. No doubt she saw our clothes laying there, all of them.

"Irina, you awake?" I asked in a low voice.

"Mm." came the answer.

"We have a visitor, and I think she's a bit shocked."

"Yeah. Well, get in here Petra. Snooze time." Irina groaned.

Petra hesitated but eventually let go of the door and sat on the bed behind Irina. Her eyes rested on our mid sections. She said something I didn't understand, but it sounded like a question.

"English Petra, Peter is here too." Irina admonished "But yes, we did and because I wanted to. It was good too, you ought to try it. Now shut up and lay down or leave."

Petra stared for another moment, then lay down and put an arm around Irina.

Anna and Marija didn't join us that time. When Irina had enough of it she leaned in and kissed me, removed Petra's arm and sat up, letting the covers fall to the side. Skipping down the bed on her bare ass she got up and stood stretching naked, picked up her clothes and left. Both Petra and I followed her with our eyes, exchanged a look and Petra got up and followed Irina.
