Love Me Tender - Please Pt. 04


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"You didn't seem to care about being married when you fucked him, did you?" Sean asked gesturing towards Montrell.

Stretching out next to her, he lay on his back and played with his cock to regain its lost hardness.

"Does she suck cock good?" he asked Montrell.

"Yeah, she likes it. Don't you baby girl?" he replied and pulled her hands away from her face. "Now be a good girl and do what he wants and everything will be OK. Understand?"

Karen nodded her head and allowed him to pull her hands down to her sides. Her body was still shaking with her hiccupping sobs but she did not try to scream again.

Sean rolled on his side and reaching over he caressed her breast with his right hand while still playing with his cock with his left.

"C'mere, baby," he said and holding her by the back of her neck, he lay on his back and pulled her face down towards his cock.

"Here, let her have some more first," Montrell came into view and set a little mirror lined with powder on Sean's belly. "Here you go, sweetheart."

Karen did not hesitate but lowered her face to the mirror and inhaled the powder. She held her breath for a few seconds before flopping back down on her back and stretching her arms above her head.

"Oh, shit! My heads going to explode," she moaned. "That's so good my eyes hurt."

"C'mon, baby, I'm waiting," Sean urged her.

Karen took the mirror from his belly and rested her head on it. Sticking out her tongue, she licked the head of his cock like a black ice cream cone. Sean groaned and she licked it again. Each time he groaned she repeated it until he could not take it any longer and he pushed her head down so she could take him in her mouth.

Using her tongue to guide him, she sucked the head into her mouth and Ray could see her cheeks vacuuming and her tongue swathing the head. He had become so objective about what he was watching that he again felt his cock swell with lust. That was not his wife, it was a hot looking woman sucking a guy's cock and he wished she were sucking his.

A hand moved in front of the camera lens and the walls and ceiling of the hotel room swept across the screen. Montrell was holding the camera and he focused a close up on Karen's lips sucking on the head of Sean's cock.

"That's all," Sean said. "I don't want to waste it in your mouth. Kneel down."

Karen rolled over and kneeling on the bed, she rested her head on the mattress and arched her back as she waited for him to penetrate her. She groaned and pushed back when Sean found her opening and entered her in one push. She fucked back at him until he held onto her hips and pulled himself out.

"What's wrong," she said.

"Nothing, I'm going to try a new hole, that's all," he said and holding onto her hips with one hand, he held his cock in the other and searched for her rectal opening.

Karen screamed and tried to twist away.

"No, no," she yelled. "Not there. Please, not there."

"Hold still, bitch," Sean said. "Help me with her."

Montrell dropped the camera onto the bed and all Ray could see was a flash of arm or leg as they wrestled with her. One of them must have had his hand over her mouth because her screams of "No" were muffled.

Grunting sounds came out of the speakers followed by a long, muffled moan. Ray pictured her being anally raped but he felt no compassion. The moans continued but they were no longer muffled and Montrell was back in control of the camera. Ray could now see Karen lying flat on the bed with Sean fucking her in the ass. Each time he pushed himself in, she moaned in pain and each time he pulled himself out her colon turned inside out around his cock.

It was hard to see because the camera was moving again and did not focus on any one spot for very long.

"Don't you dare bite me, bitch," Montrell's voice said and her sounds of pain were again muffled, but this time it was because he must have had his cock in her mouth.

The sounds of flesh slapping against flesh and Karen's whimpers of pain painted the images in Ray's head of what was taking place on that bed. He vacillated between pity for her circumstances and a vicarious feeling of revenge for allowing herself to get into the situation.

Someone picked up the camera and standing alongside of the bed focused it on the remaining two people. It was Montrell because while Ray watched, Sean pulled out and grabbing her hips he flipped her onto her back and reentered her body. Forcing her legs back against her chest, he pounded himself again and again into Karen's inert form.

Karen made not a sound but allowed the abuse until he finally released himself into her. Pulling out he sat back on his haunches and allowed her legs to drop back down onto the bed where she lay with her arms crossed over her face.

"Goddamn, I'm too old for this shit," Sean said.

The camera showed a close-up view of the bed sheets followed by Montrell's voice talking to Karen.

"Hey, sweetheart? Are you OK? Look we have a present for you."

"You hurt me," she accused him in a whimpering voice. "You told me you would take care of me."

The camera showed Montrell holding Karen's hands above her head with one hand and holding a small baggie with the other.

"Give her some more stuff. Let's make her happy again."

"I don't want any more, please let me go now," she said and attempted to pull her hands free from Montrell's grasp.

"It'll be OK, baby. Here, let me get it ready for you," as she released her hands and moved out of the range of the camera.

"I said no," she said and rolled over to the other side of the bed in an effort to get up.

Sean reached for her but the ringing of Karen's cell phone interrupted him. Ray felt his heart lurch again when he recognized his "Love Me Tender" tune.

Sean held the phone in his hand and looked towards Montrell for direction. Karen tried to grab the phone from his hand but he yanked it away.

"Give me that, that's my husband calling me and I want to talk to him. Give me that phone."

Sean laughed and said, "Why? Do you want to tell him you just fucked two guys?"

The phone was still ringing when he opened it and then immediately closed it breaking the connection.

"Ray, Ray, I'm sorry. Please help me," Karen's voice came from out of camera range.

"How do you turn this fucking thing off?" Sean asked fumbling with the buttons.

The sound of the phone cycling off was heard as Sean tossed it towards the dresser. The camera was back on the bed and only the wrinkled sheets showed on the screen.

"No, I said, I've had it. I'm leaving."

"Fuck her, let her go. I'm tired of screwing with her. I just wanted to fuck her to get back at her puny husband for humiliating me in front of my friends," Montrell's voice bragged.

"He's not puny and you got what you deserved. I shouldn't have let you do that to me and I shouldn't have let you get to me again this weekend. I'm so ashamed."

The sound of the door slamming indicated she had left the room.

"Hey, she forgot her panties. Want them? Give me some of that shit, man then let's go find a good club."

Ray keyed the remote and the screen went back to the blue menu. Retrieving the DVD, he stacked it with the others and locked them in his safe. He spent the rest of the evening keeping busy and trying not to think of the future. He knew that there were some more steps that he would have to take but there was no sense in doing anything else at this time. He figured he would take them as they came up.

He felt better after he took a shower and lounged around in his shorts and tee shirt. He was almost asleep in his recliner when the phone rang and it was Brian on the other end.

Brian was less enthusiastic than Melody, but that could be expected since he was eating, sleeping and playing baseball with a couple of hundred sweaty, smelly boys. Brian told him how much he was learning and the fun he was having. Ray could tell that he was enjoying himself but that he very carefully avoided mentioning his mother. Finally, when it appeared the conversation was ending, Ray let him know that she had returned on Sunday and was back at work. Brian's only comment was, "That's good."

Chapter 51

Ray's first surprise was when Vincent's secretary called him Tuesday afternoon and told him that Karen was served with the separation and divorce papers. She could not tell him how Karen had reacted since they used a service and not someone from the office.

The second surprise came while he watched the six o'clock news. Vincent was right. The story was leaked and the video showed Montrell in handcuffs as he was being led out the front door of his condo to a waiting police car.

The reporter already had the background information on Montrell, including the fact that he was the senior broker and branch manager for Mike's Tybee Island office. The reporter said that Mike was out of town and he could not be reached for comment.

Ray waited for them to say something about Karen's connection but it never came. Maybe the attorney that Vincent had recommended was able to work out some kind of a deal for her.

He knew that Brian and Melody would not find out about it until they got home. He kept waiting for a call from Karen but she made no attempt to contact him either directly or through Vincent. He was sure that she wanted the rest of her clothes and things from the house but she never tried to get them.

After waiting a week, Ray packed Karen's belongings and stored the boxes in the garage. His anger at her and at Montrell slowly dissipated. He found that he could go for hours without the two of them taking over his head.

He wrote letters to the children explaining his side of the story without going into the details of her sexual exploits. He planned on giving them to Brian and Melody when they returned. He expected an emotional scene when he told them what had happened and he thought the letters would help mollify the situation.

He was becoming very pleased with himself and his ability to handle this tragic situation when he received the letter. It was more than two weeks after Montrell had been arrested when he heard the beep of the mail carrier's horn. He was in the garage at the time and when he walked out to the truck, the carrier handed him an envelope and a receipt to sign.

At first, Ray was sure that it was either from Karen's attorney or from the courts. He was surprised to see that it was from the health department informing him that he might be infected with an STD. Ray read the letter on the way back into the house and his rage at her infidelity and uncaring attitude towards the health of her family increased with each step he took.

Since he had not had sex with her since her return from Vegas, she must have been unfaithful to their marriage before she left. Running over the timelines in his head, he was sure it must have happened at the Cinco de Mayo party.

Picking up the telephone, he pressed the speed dial for Karen's cell phone and waited with increasing anger for her to answer. The realization that his ringtone was sounding at the other end brought back what he had witnessed in that hotel room. He no longer thought of her pleas for him to help her but he recalled the image and sounds as she encouraged Montrell to take her to new heights of passion.

The ringing stopped and a canned message informed him that the number he had called was no longer in service. He waited for the new number but there was no further message. He called the real estate office and the receptionist told him that Karen had taken a leave of absence and she did not know when she would return.

He considered calling Adele but he was sure Karen had left instructions to not give him any information. Since the whole purpose in calling Karen was to scream at her for something she had done that could not be undone he decided against bringing anyone else into the situation. Slamming down the phone, he went upstairs to his bathroom, pulled his pants down and began to carefully examine himself in the mirror for any unusual signs.

He really did not know what to look for and even after he determined that there was nothing frightening going on down there he decided to call their family doctor. When he told the receptionist that he had what he thought was an infection, he got an appointment the very next day.

While he had the phone in his hand he decided to call Vincent and tell him about Karen's dropping out of sight. Vincent was not available but his secretary told him that Karen's attorney had already informed them that all contact with her was to be made through her.

He no sooner put the phone down when it rang and this time it was Melody. She was all upset about not being able to contact her mother since her cell phone was disconnected. There was no way around not telling her so Ray gave her a synopsis of what was going on in their lives.

When she asked why her mother had left, he told her that she wanted to try to succeed and she felt that he was holding her back and not supporting her. Ray tried to make it clear to Melody that it had nothing to do with her or Brian and that the issue was between her mother and him.

He lied and told her that he thought everything would work out in a few weeks or months and for her to try and continue to enjoy her trip. He promised her that the next time Brian called he would explain the situation to him.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Just garbage. Pure and simple garbage

Can you write a more pathetic and stupid loser for the husband character? This writer has to hate husbands because of the negative way she portrays them. Wife is a whore and a slut with no real consequences. Hubby is just a wimp and pathetic fool. No real man would put up with 1/10th of her actions yet this writer has hubby taking no action for his wife becoming a whore. What is her problem with strong characters for husbands. Who is she trying to vilify? Ridiculous

loveoverlustloveoverlustabout 9 years ago

It is for the first time during this series that Karen seems to have truly realized the consequences of her actions.Realization is the first step to change. Its never too late.

The story is facing a 'forked' path - BTB or reconciliation?

I'm betting on a 'Kathi Twist',though.

A 'snort' of 5 stars for you. lol.

dyonysosdyonysosover 9 years ago

I think that karens real problem isn't the drugs or alcohol but her own vanity,she needed the alcohol and the drugs in order to dare show off to her colleagues and to categorise her actions

firemanlitfiremanlitover 9 years ago

DRBeeemer, I did not notice any mention of drugs until after she started her disrespect and general emotional decline.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 9 years ago
One more thought

it is at this point where I have to ask how much of her behavior is due to drugs. I am asking not with the purpose of making an excuse, but with the very general Need to know how much any of us are truly responsible for our actions. We have all found ourselves doing things that we thought we never would, or not even understanding why we did what we did. Drugs always exacerbate the situation and rarely have us thinking right. Even as he watches this video she is clearly wrestling with her own actions, and is only able to proceed under the influence of alcohol and cocaine. It is sad. However, the choices she made previously led her to this situation. She created her own downfall. She was not using hard drugs when she started this journey and started acting inappropriately and disrespecting her husband. The drugs just made things worse - hastened the inevitable. Ultimately, she cannot blame the drugs.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 9 years ago
Loving it

wow! That's all I can say at this point. Total degradation. Five stars.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
"You can fool all people some of the time"

This story has a middle aged man who apparently has never been conned or he would understand that his wife; just like himself can be tricked by those who profess to care for her.

I only gave this 2 stars because it encourages readers without self awareness to "kick the victim".

vietvetvietvetover 14 years ago
Addict MY ASS

Karen is no addict. she is a dirty cheating slut that got caught like most cheaters do. Ray is a cowardly wimpy pussy that doesnt deserve to continue to contaminate good skin.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
I hope You continue this story

I hope tha you finish this story off. Give us some closure on this story.

OldfaithfulOldfaithfulover 15 years ago
Answer to petrelo

I am not a physiologist so my explanation may very well be wrong. From what professionals have told me some people have latent addictive tendencies. They may never manifest, but if there is an important change in the life of that person they may surface. In this case it could be that the new environment, the excitement of a new carrier, and also peer pressure my have triggered the latent tendencies in Karen. In any event she is behaving like an addict and she says so in her letter to Ray. We all know that addictions are hard to fight and this is why I don't see a bright future for Karen. But then again I may be wrong.

petletopetletoover 15 years ago
Ref to Oldfaithful post:

While I tend to agree with you regarding she behaves as an addict in the last part, having in mind I’m not quite familiar how it works, I have a question: Does one becomes an addict and starts justifying his/her actions later or one becomes an addict because he/she can justify them prior to taking the first fix? I’m asking this because at the earlier stages of the story she didn’t use drugs but she still justified all her actions. For me all drug abuse followed her justifications or may I say it came as a result of her ability of doing that (“Come on girl this just one time, you aren’t doing anything wrong”) but not the other way around. So it seems to me she was “pre-addicted”. Again I don’t know how it works and which ever comes first.

After I re-read Part 4 I would allow myself to give the author a piece of advice (I would like to reiterate the fact it is the way I feel it): I think you’ve spent a lot of energy on providing us all the details of all sexual scenes. While I don’t mind that at all (that’s why I read Literotica’s stories) I think most of us expect a little bit different focus. The story started being about a marriage with problems, where both parties had ups and downs, both went through uncertainty and denial and so on. We also saw both Ray and Karen wanted to keep their marriage. It would be logical if the main focus stays on their relationship - how they handle their differences, how they workout their problems, who would compromise what in order to keep them staying together, etc. So we have 5-6 pages describing different sexual acts and then we got a page or two related to what the story should be about. I believe that’s why some people are disappointed. Again this is my personal opinion so don’t feel like you have to agree

OldfaithfulOldfaithfulover 15 years ago
Karen is an Addict, Addendum

FYI: The name Montrell does not exit in the Spanish language. Check the Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (Diccionario de la Real Academia Española) at The Academy is the official arbiter of the Spanish language.

OldfaithfulOldfaithfulover 15 years ago
Karen is an Addict

This is a very sad and sometimes hard to read story, but is very well written. Karen is clearly an addict. She shows all the usual symptoms. She lies to herself and she lies to others. She has manages to destroy her marriage already and is in the way of alienating her children as well. I don't see a very colorful future for her. If she is lucky she'll end up in rehab but not before destroying more relationships on the way. If she is not so lucky she may end up dead of an overdose, or worse, selling herself to get her daily fix.

In any case congratulations to the author on a story well written.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
He's still passive, she's still despicable

The husband is still almost entirely passive; he's at least started to actually *react* to the betrayals. That's a start. But I think the author's comment that the wife is just "testing the bounds of their marriage" is sadly reflective of just how far off-base the story is. That's not "testing" at all. Better words include "repudiating", "betraying", "leaving", "abandoning", and so on. There is really nothing *positive* to be said about her actions, even her tearful lies in this chapter.

petletopetletoover 15 years ago
Just to add something previous post

about Montrell taping everything - even if he did that for some reason he wouldn't put the CD's together with the drugs. He would simply take them with him - no security seraches through CD's. What he did? Put them in together with the drugs so he saved his "mule" and will turned himself in.....

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