Make This Last Forever Pt. 01


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"So that's you then?" Sandy asked quietly.

"That's me, alright," Dani said as looked over at Sandy and saw her face had turned pale and stoic.

"This... This isn't the first time you've seen this video, is it?" Dani asked.

Sandy shook her head and said awkwardly, "Umm... no. I could have sworn I recognized you when we went on our first date, but I couldn't place where I knew you from."

"Oh good God," Dani groaned as she buried her face in her hands.

"Hey, I thought you were really hot in those videos," Sandy joked. "Even more now that I know that blonde and black-haired cutie is you. Nice dye job by the way."

"Not helping," Dani grumbled. "I feel mortified knowing you've watched these before."

"Oh, I was doing more than watching," Sandy said with a lecherous grin.

"What could you possibly find enjoyable about my exploitation?" Dani asked with disbelief tore her gaze from the screen and looked at Sandy with tear-filled eyes. "I only wish I could say this was the worst thing that's ever happened to me."

"Hey, if I had known this wasn't consensual that would have been different," Sandy assured Dani. "I mean, you can tell there's a kind of reluctance there but I honestly thought you were acting. Because at a certain point in each video, something just clicks and all of a sudden you are into it and enjoying yourself. That change was like the sexiest thing."

"Well, I sure hope you enjoyed getting off on my torment," Dani huffed as she crossed her arms over her breasts like an impudent child.

"I do feel guilty," Sandy admitted. "But not ashamed. I didn't know any better."

"You're not the one I should be blaming," Dani conceded. "It wasn't your fault videos of me ended up online."

The video reached the point where Dani started licking Paige's pussy. Not just licking, but totally going to town on Paige's vagina. Dani's eyes had been sad and pleading while she stripped and assumed her position beneath Paige, but as she stared into the camera whilst tongue-deep in Paige's cunt Dani's gaze took on a different cast. Dani watched as lust took control of her onscreen persona's sense and the younger version of herself submitted to her basest desires and ate out Paige with all the skill she could muster.

"Right there," Sandy pointed out. "That's exactly what I'm talking about. The way you changed from reluctant to enthusiastic and submissive as soon as you became aroused. God, your blue eyes haunted my dreams for days after I first saw this video."

"It's weird thinking about it that way," Dani said. "I never thought about women like you watching these. I assumed everyone watching was more like..."

Dani scrolled down and perused the comments section below the video for a moment before continuing, "Like NotSea1939, who says he would "show this dyke cunt what a real man could do when he facefucked her mouth, raped her ass, and pounded her pussy". That's my audience. God, there's some that are even worse than that."

"You might find this hard to believe, but these videos really helped me," Sandy protested as she wrapped her arms around Dani's torso and held her close. "I was still really confused about myself and why the thought of having sex with men never sat right with me. I found these videos on a porn site and watching and being aroused by them helped me realize who I truly was. I never in a billion years would have believed I would someday end up dating the beautiful girl that starred in these videos but here we are. I can't possibly be the only one that you made genuinely happy with these."

Dani scrolled further down the comments section now expecting the same vileness she had already. But she was surprised by what she found.

"She's GORGEOUS!!"

"10/10 beautiful pussylicking. I bet she makes her girlfriends so happy :)"

"I would love to be her girlfriend, hot damn!"

"With those skills, she is wifey material."

"I think this video turned me into a lesbian."

Maybe people weren't as awful as Dani assumed. Dani still wasn't exactly thrilled these videos had been made, but she felt less regret over them than she used to.

"Those videos are out there now," Sandy said. "They are never going away. It's up to you to choose how you let them define you. You are a victim and it's perfectly okay for you to continue feeling that way. But there is something to be said for reclaiming that image and becoming a proud, even triumphant survivor instead."

"Why are you so good to me?" Dani asked as she turned around to face Sandy while firmly plopped down in her girlfriend's lap.

"Because I love you!" Sandy replied with surprise. "Do you need any more reason that that?"

"No, that'll do nicely," Dani grinned as she rubbed noses with Sandy's before kissing her on the lips. "I love you too, roomie."

Dani and Sandy went to bed so completely exhausted they didn't bother taking off their clothes. The next morning, Dani helped Sandy unpack all her belongings so that task could be completed before Sandy left for Vancouver for the rest of the week. Thankfully it was a weekend and also spring break so Dani had plenty of time to devote to helping her girlfriend move in.

Girlfriend. Dani loved the sound of that so much. She had missed out on so much never taking relationships seriously when she was younger. To devote all of your love, your whole being to a person could be so wonderful. How many Sandys had she already missed out on for rejecting monogamy? Dani hungrily watched her strong, lovely woman as Sandy lifted boxes easily and carried them around the apartment.

While Dani unpacked a box filled with Sandy's books and proceeded to shelve them she asked out of the blue, "So do you still want to make a video with me?"

Sandy thought Dani was joking and set her box down as she scoffed, "Yeah right! I won't make the mistake of asking for that ever again. Believe you me."

"Well, part of the issue was that you never actually asked before recording me," Dani reminded her. "That was what bothered me more than being in another sex tape."

"Sorry," Sandy said with an embarrassed blush. "Not cool of me. Bad form, won't happen again."

"I accept your apology," Dani said with a nod. "So I'll ask you again. Do you still want to make a video with me?"

Sandy turned to Dani and looked her up and down. Dani didn't have makeup on, hadn't done her hair, and only wore jeans and an old ratty-looking sweater. She was still the most beautiful thing Sandy had ever seen. Sandy thought she was catching on to what Dani implied and her smirk slowly grew into a full-toothed grin.


On the computer screen's media player a video played that showed a POV shot of a pair of thick thighs dangling from the cushion of a loveseat. The sitting woman looked hefty, but not fat. Between her thighs were the thick, engorged lips of a woman's genitals surrounded by a tangled nest of dark pubic hair. The POV woman's long black hair and large breasts were barely visible in the frame.

A few seconds into the video, a beautiful naked blonde woman crawled into the frame and stared at the camera from across the room. She wore a wild-looking, sequined mask such as one might wear to a masquerade ball. The mask obscured the woman's identity but allowed her mouth freedom to work and the eyeholes in the mask revealed a pair of brilliant, striking blue eyes looking out through them.

The blonde woman crawled slowly and seductively over to the woman sitting in the loveseat and knelt submissively at her feet. The blonde rubbed her hands and up and down her partner's stubbly legs and thighs while kissing all over her shins and kneecaps. The sitting woman reached down and pet the blonde woman's hair and lovingly caressed the sides of her face.

"What do you want, baby?" the sitting woman asked.

The blonde smiled and answered in a voice wavering with barely contained lust, "I want to taste you, lover. I want know what the inside of your pussy feels like with my tongue. I want to feel your come dripping down my face."

"Show me," the brunette whispered.

The blonde woman nodded in acquiescence and started kissing her way up both the camera operator's thighs. She kissed all over the sitting woman's pubis, letting the curly black hairs spill into her mouth as she teased the woman's mound by pulling on the woman's pubic hair using her teeth. The blonde sniffed at the pussy in front of her in an exploratory fashion before breathing in the scent deeply and moaning needfully. She was clearly more than pleased with the smell. The blonde extended her tongue as far as it could reach and ran it up the sitting woman's gaping slit. You could hear the brunette groaning in the background as the blonde's slowly ran her tongue up and down her lover's pussy.

The blonde brought her hands up to her lover's pelvis and used her thumbs to worry the skin folds next to her pussy. She then pushed her thumbs outward to spread open the far, dripping lips of the delicacy she dined upon. The gorgeous blonde sat back and looked contemplative as she considered intently the inside of her lover's vagina from only inches away. She licked her luscious red lips and looked straight into the camera with her piercing blue eyes. She held that gaze as she dove right back in and devoured her lover's cunt. The sitting woman's hips bucked forward and she thrust her crotch right into her lover's face while the blonde's mouth continued its oral assault. The blonde's lips made the sexiest sounding sucking and slurping noises as she ate her lover like this was her last meal.

The brunette woman's moans grew increasingly louder while the blonde tongue-fucked her by stabbing the tip of her tongue inside the brunette's welcoming gash over and over. Her moans turned into gasps when the blonde slid two fingers deep inside her pussy and firmly attached her lips to the woman's throbbing clitoris. The sitting woman reached over and grabbed the blonde's hair, pushing her down into her groin until the sounds of her orgasm became unmistakable. The blonde detached her mouth from the camerawoman's pussy but continued fingerbanging her relentlessly until she came suddenly and unexpectedly.

The brunette's ejaculate spurted out of her pussy right onto the blonde's face in a single powerful blast. The blonde looked surprised by this like she hadn't expected it at all when the thick, sticky translucent goo squirted all over her face and mask. The blonde licked the come off her lips and then pulled her fingers out of her lover's cunny while the camerawoman screamed her climax voluminously. The blonde made a big show of sticking her fingers deep in her mouth like she was trying to swallow them and then sucking all of her lover's juices off her fingers as she slid them out from between her lips. She finished with a loud smack of her lips when her come-drenched fingers exited her mouth. The blonde then proceeded to clean the brunette's soaking wet pussy using her tongue while her lover stroked the blonde girl's hair affectionately.

The blonde kissed the her lover right on the opening of her slit and purred, "Mmm, that was yummy."

"Enjoying yourself, honey?" the brunette woman asked in amusement. "Because I sure as hell did."

"You know I loved it," the blonde grinned before kissing her way from the camerawoman's crotch up to her tummy. She sighed plaintively and rested her head upon her lover's belly. "And I love you."

"I love you too, baby," the unseen woman answered in returned.


The video ended and the screen turned black for a second before previews of other homemade lesbian porn videos moved across the screen in a slideshow. Dani leaned back against Sandy and kissed her with tongue while Sandy's hand continued rubbing inside of Dani's underwear. Sandy was still dressed in her tank top and jeans and Dani only wore a t-shirt and panties while she sat on Sandy's lap at the computer desk. After they started the video, Sandy stuck her down the front of Dani's underwear and stroked Dani's hot, beggarly cunny while they enjoyed watching their porn together. Sandy's attentive, stimulating fingers delivered her girlfriend to three separate orgasms before they reached the end of the video.

"I think watching that with you was even hotter making it," Dani said once she caught her breath and had a chance to bite Sandy on her neck hard enough to leave a mark. "I still can't believe you actually squirted when I made you come. That was amazing! I didn't know you could do that!"

Sandy rubbed her neck where Dani bit her and grinned happily. She loved how wild Dani could get when she was horny. Which was awesomely often.

"That's never happened to me before, but I also don't think I've ever been so turned on in my life," Sandy said. "That might explain it."

A few hours ago, Sandy uploaded the video she created with Dani earlier this morning to a lesbian porn site that featured homemade videos made by amateur couples. They finished unpacking a little bit ago and just now got around to watching their sex tape. Seeing herself on the screen licking Sandy's pussy helped Dani relive the experience all over again and quickly made her feel all hot and bothered. Fortunately, Sandy was there to take care of her.

Dani took Sandy's hand out of her underwear so she could turn around in the computer chair and straddle her girlfriend. Dani threw her arms around Sandy's neck and kissed Sandy all over her face while Dani grinded her soaked underwear against the crotch of Sandy's jeans.

"Goddamn girl," Sandy said incredulously as she broke their kiss and began fondling Dani's fantastic breasts through her thin shirt. "You ready to go again already?"

Sandy knew Dani loved sex but she wasn't sure she had ever seen her this horny before.

"Can we do that again sometime?" Dani asked giddily. "Both the filming and the watching? Please? Please please please please please?"

After making this video and posting it online, Dani felt so much better about everything that happened to her all those years ago. Dani could finally move past the betrayal, the exploitation, the violation, and the shame she experienced. By choosing to make a video this time and share it of her own initiative rather than being forced to, Dani had reclaimed her own image. Dani's friends turned tormentors stole something from her six years ago, but now Dani had taken it back.

"You really liked that, huh?" Sandy asked as she grabbed Dani's perfect ass and moved Dani against her body more slowly, just the way Sandy like it. Fuck, that feels good, Sandy thought.

Dani nodded with a burning desire glowing in her fiery gaze. Sandy worried she might melt if she stared into those eyes for too long.

"I was thinking next time I could be laying down in bed," Sandy mentioned as she bucked her hips in the chair so their pelvises met, making Dani gasp and moan at the contact. "So maybe I could film you as you ride my strapon. Mask on, of course."

"That would be amazing," Dani said intensely as she rubbed her crotch against her girlfriend and stuck her breasts in Sandy's face. "Can we do it tonight?"

"How about when I get back this weekend?" Sandy suggested with her voice muffled by Dani's nice large tits. "I've got a long week ahead of me. You've gotta let me rest at some point and it's already midnight."

Sandy left in the morning for Vancouver and wouldn't be back for almost a week. She hadn't needed to travel for work more than a day or two before so this far of a distance for such an extended time period was uncharted territory in their relationship.

"I'm going to miss you so much, Sandy," Dani said as she stopped writhing against her lover for a moment. She wanted to be serious.

"I'll miss you too, Dan," Sandy replied as she held Dani's wide, bony hips. "You can always come with me, you know. It's not too late. I won't be working the whole time, we could still have some fun."

Dani shook her head sadly and said, "You know I can't miss class. Even though I'd love to go and spend time with you. You just make sure you come back to me, eh?"

"I'll never leave you," Sandy said as she kissed Dani on both her cheeks and then on her lips. "Never ever. I'm just glad I have material online I can access any time to keep me going until we reunite. But believe me, I'll be counting the days, if not the minutes, until I can be back in our home."

"Our home," Dani sighed. "I love you so much, Sandy."

"I love you too, Danica Meadows," replied Sandy.

"We are going to be so happy together," Dani said as she held her girlfriend close.


Dani couldn't stop the flow of her tears so she just let them come and had herself a good cry. Besides her past trauma being stirred up, Dani still felt regret over how things ended with Sandy. She had truly loved Dani, but Dani couldn't be there for her. Dani didn't regret her decision to stay and let Sandy go, but she still felt awful about it. Dani tried to remember the good parts instead of the bad. How Sandy helped Dani heal and the love they shared for too short a time. Thinking of that helped, at least a little bit.

As for Lindsey and seeing her again? Fuck her with a rusty harpoon. Dani could either dwell in the past or live for the future. She knew which she'd rather choose to do.

After crying till her ducts felt drained of tears, Dani felt her muscles relaxing as she started to calm down. Dani had tossed her cigarette away when her crying fit started and now she rolled up the open window as she wiped her tears away using the shoulder of her t-shirt. While Dani looked through the closing window she noticed that at some point Lindsey drove off in her truck. Which meant she had been privy to Dani bawling her eyes out with her head pressed against her steering wheel. Fantastic. Oh well, yet another thing Dani could never take back. Those were starting to add up.

Dani should have known coming back here would stir up all those old pains she'd tried and failed to forget. She felt a sudden surge of hatred for her hometown and the close-minded bigots who made up the majority of its population. Dani briefly considered just turning around and driving straight back to her apartment. But unfortunately this place was a part of her, whether she liked it or not. Dani remembered why she was here again and that convinced her to stay. She was here to atone, to forgive and be forgiven, and to hopefully make things right with the two people who meant the most in the whole world to Dani. This was despite Dani having not seen nor spoken to them in a decade.

Dani turned the car on and pulled out of the gas station parking lot onto the main road leading into town. She drove in the direction of her parent's house. It was time to go home.

To Be Continued...

End Part One


Expect Part Two to be released at the end of June!

I appreciate all feedback and criticism as long as it is constructive. I write for my fans and my new readers so please let me know your thoughts.

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FZYONEFZYONEover 5 years ago

Now this was a great story!

Thank you for sharing this with us.

germanchocolate4ugermanchocolate4ualmost 7 years ago

I've been on a rollercoaster of revenge and emotions in this story. I went from thinking these bitches would have to die, to holding them at gunpoint, deleting the evidence while making them do each other and filming it, to just stunned amazement Dani is still standing. This is literally good for (the) character and good for us readers. Moreover, I like the spin on Dani's greatest humiliation to it now being a source of gender loving affirmation to a sort of educational/self-awareness video. This character has been to hell and back. I hope there is a little slice of heaven waiting for her

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

I had hoped for more straight girls being led to lesbianism for this continuation. (From an author with the name Gaytripper after all...)

It looks like Dani's experiences might have curbed her lesbian enthusiasm. She seems to have become too restrained and accomodating.

I think Dani has started rationalizing stuff too much. She didn't know she was a lesbian until she tried, and now she should help some unsuspecting young adults and woman to take the plunge.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

I'm really torn regarding this story.

I have to say that I really liked "Remember this moment forever" and part of it was due to the whole idea of a young straight/slightly bi-curious girl being drawn into lesbianism.

As a lesbian woman, those are my favorite types of story. Sadly, I find this new one to be lacking in this theme. Probably my fault for having wrong expectations. :-P

Still good writing though.

JoyJoy4MeJoyJoy4Meabout 7 years ago

You are such a great writer and i can't wait for the next chapter and the two after that. I hope she gets revenge on the bitches that did that to her. I felt so bad for her.

ParadiseTakenParadiseTakenabout 7 years ago

So "Remember This Moment Forever" is still my favorite lesbian seduction story of all time, and so when I saw there was now a sequel, I was both elated and nervous - how could it ever top the first one? But what I like about this is that it takes a great character in a new direction. While I could have happily read about Dani's seducing of other women for days, the revenge angle is an interesting one as well. I trust the author will find a way for Dani to get her proper vengeance, and I can't wait to read all about it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

This story has so much potential, but it leaves me wonder how Dani might get revenge on those bitches if she ever wants it that is. Maybe after she fixes the relationship between Sam and Ashley, she might find a way to blackmail them into becoming sex slaves for them. She could somehow uncover some sort of scandal that one or all of those girls took part in, find out some sort of infedelity that Linsey was a part of, or better yet she discovers the infedelity plus the questioning of if Linseys child is actually her husbands. Truthfully, I excpect that what ever you plan to do, it will be amazing. Can't wait

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Invasion of the Pussy Snatchers Sequel possiblity>

Are you still planning on continuing Cassandra's story from your Invasion of the Pussy Snatchers series? The story, which involves the seduction of straight women, are always a pleasure to read and I look forward to seeing more of it in the future.


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