Out of Sorts


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He opened my door with the same sad look he'd had since Saturday.



"Daniel, we haven't spent any time together since - in a while. I was hoping you might want to."

His eyes pleaded with mine briefly before I answered. "Yeah, we can. What do you want to do?"

"We could watch a movie together."

He looked so hopeful it was kind of sweet really. "Ok sounds good."

"We could watch one on my laptop in my room. If that's ok?"

"Kay." Turning back to my desk I shut down my computer before following him to his room.

Climbing onto the bed our backs against the head board Draven started the movie. At first it looked promising but soon got boring, laying my head against his shoulder I drift off.

"Hey sleepy head."

Looking up it takes a minute to realize my arms are wrapped around him. "Um sorry."

"Don't be sorry Danny, I've missed this."

"Yeah me too."

"Can I ask a favor?"

"Of course."

A tremulous smile fills his face, "Even though I hurt you?"

"I still care about you Drave. You can ask me for anything."

"Even if it's a kiss?"

I know I looked like a fish out of water but I couldn't help it. "Do you really want one?"

"Please Daniel." Draven was fidgeting nervously, his expressive face filled with fear.

"I've never really kissed anyone, you might not like it."

His eyes swirled with gold, "You're my mate of course I'll like it."

"Oh." I blink a few times, trying to figure out how I felt about kissing him.

Sitting up I lean forward placing my hand on his cheek. Wrapping my arms around his neck our lips brush against one another.

He groans while pulling me onto his lap. His teeth nibbling on my lips, eventually I feel his tongue slip into my mouth. 'Mmmm'

When we finally pull apart I can barely breath, we are both panting like we'd run a marathon. Stupid oxygen.

A wave of desire slams into me from out of nowhere begging for more. My hands run through his hair as we share a look of hunger. Again our lips meet over and over. It is as if someone has turned the heat on full blast. I was burning up begging for his touch, suddenly my shirts too heavy; off it goes along with his own. We change positions laying pressed together, still lost in each other. Touching, tasting. I want it all am thirsty for more when we hear dad call us for dinner. We jump apart nervously, unable to catch our breath before bursting out laughing.

"That," he panted, "was fucking hot."

"Oh yeah," I whispered my cheeks red with embarrassment.

"Want to sleep in my room tonight," Draven whispered conspiratorially?

"Try and stop me," I whisper back.

"What was it like?"

Draven turned his head to look at me with a smile. "What?"

"Growing up a wolf, having a dad, what was it like?"

Turning on his side he propped his head up with his hand. "A lot like it is now. We've always been close, although I'd never spent so much time with Uncle Gage before you came along."

Obviously my confusion was easy to read, because he laughed.

"Uncle Gage wasn't around much, I mean every now and then he'd go to the cabin with us but we didn't see him every day maybe once every few months."


Draven growled.

"What," I asked turning toward him curiously.

"You were smiling, because of Uncle Gage."

I nodded not understanding why he'd growl because of that.

Pulling me into his arms he gave me a stern look meant to intimidate. "I want to be the one who makes you smile Danny, no one else."

I petted Draven affectionately, "Don't be jealous, it's just he's the only dad I ever had or wanted when I was young. I didn't have what you had growing up. It was hard and when he went away I thought it was because he didn't care or like me or something. His staying around now means he really does love me."

"After all that's happened how could you doubt it? Dad, Uncle Gage, Dillon, me...we all love you, well I love you more than they do but still."

Tears slid down my cheeks.

"Don't cry Danny," he whispered while wiping the tears from my cheeks.


"Shh, it's ok, but I stand by what I said in the hospital...your mom was a real bitch."

I nodded in agreement only feeling a twinge of remorse.

"Were all her boyfriend's as bad as that one?"

My cheek rested comfortably on his chest while I contemplated the answer. Frowning I shrugged nervously. "I guess."

Draven froze his hand coming to my cheek his eyes meeting mine. "Daniel it's not really a guessing kind of question."

I was uncomfortable but trying to hide it, thought I was doing a fairly decent job of it too until he spoke.

"I can feel it you know?"

I didn't know and looked up at him in question. "What?"

"Your confusion about my question, all this anxiety you feel, I feel it too."

Coming up on my knees I start to back away.

"Daniel, I feel it through our bond, you sitting on the far side of the bed won't stop it."

"I should go," I whisper nervously.

Grabbing my arm he stops me. "You don't have to tell me, if it upsets you. I hate that you were hurt by her and those bastards she brought home. I-I wish I could do something to make it better. I just want to keep you safe." Holding me tight he kissed my forehead. "I'm sorry I asked, please stay."

Beautiful green and gold eyes lock with mine. With a nod I climb back under the covers. Draven pulled me into his arms, his own fears and insecurities flooding me as well.

Man we are jacked up, both of us trying not to hurt the other neither succeeding as successfully as we hoped.

One week flew by quickly only two more to go before I can shift.

Nervous and excited I occupy my time with Draven doing other activities, mainly kissing but also some heavy petting. It occurred to me not long after that I hadn't seen my brother's wolf in weeks. Although I hadn't said the words to him since our mating I did love Draven and maybe I'm perverse to even think this but I truly loved and missed his wolf.

We were lying in bed the weekend before my shifting would begin, when I brought up my errant pet.

"Hey, you haven't shifted since we came back."

For a moment Draven froze, "I wasn't sure if you'd be scared of him now."

Frowning I look at his serious expression. "Guess not cause I kind of miss him." Kissing Draven's well-defined abs I growl low in my throat.

"Oh okay. Come here."

Rolling atop, he begins kissing me in a frenzy.

The last week has been amazing. We've spent hours kissing and grinding against one another, but nothing more. I think we're both a little hesitant to push our relationship to the next level, yet at the same time we're both so desperate for the other that I'm wondering what the hell we're waiting for. Draven must have been thinking along those same lines, because suddenly our makeout session became more intense. He licked my lips nibbling at the corners his hands gently roaming my body, pinching my butt making me squirm and yelp in surprise. I was really nervous about his hands being back there no doubt he could feel and smell my fear because suddenly he stopped his eyes locking with mine. "Hey, I'm not going to hurt you and we are not going all the way until you're ready."

Releasing a breath I smiled up at him. Throwing my arms around his neck I pulled myself closer to him nipping at his ear lobe. "I love you so much Draven. Thank you for waiting."

He growled caressing every inch of my body hungrily.

The first full moon came on a Wednesday. I was a mess all day at school, restless, jumpy. Gray tried to help me, actually explaining how shifting made him feel and what it was like to be a wolf. I did feel a bit more at ease although my body still hummed with wild energy that was my inner wolf.

Draven picked me up smiling as I approached, "You look nervous.

I shrug, "I am a bit and a little psyched as well, I wish I could just shift right now and get it over with."

"I know Daniel, let's get to the cabin then maybe you'll be able to relax."

Dillon sat forward his arms dangling over the seat, "I'm excited to see what your wolf looks like, this is gonna be so cool. We'll all get to run together as a pack, that's the most awesome part."

I nod, my leg bouncing with nervous energy.

The minute we hop out of the truck Dillon starts to strip, letting his wolf loose before his jeans hit the floor.

I pet him for a minute before he takes off on a run.

Draven on the other hand just smiles at me, "Won't be too much longer before we can run together."

Nodding I stand there fidgeting for a while. Releasing a pent up breath I take a seat on the porch swing, "Show me your wolf Draven."

With a smile he starts to strip. He really does have an amazing body, a part of me wants to touch him and the other is anxious to see my pet after so long.

After he shifts his wolf sits before me his tongue hanging from the side of his mouth in an endearing wolf -version of a smile.

"Hey boy come here." I pat my lap. He whines a bit then lays his head on my knee. "Now you best behave this weekend."

He licks my hand making a huffing sound.

"If you're a good boy when I turn into my wolf I might just let you make me your slut puppy," I giggle knowing I'm tempting his beast.

Draven's ears perk up and he gives a low growl that sends shivers down my spine.

Moving closer he licks my cheek and my neck. "Down boy, it's not time, I don't want to be on the SPCA's most wanted list," I'm laughing as I push him off me.

He yips at me but I stand up and head inside still laughing a little. He follows me into the kitchen and I grab a water from the fridge. Taking a sip I pet his head and rubbed his ears, while he nuzzles me. Eventually Draven shifts back to his human form.

I can feel how nervous you are Daniel. Maybe we should go to the pond, shifting is a bitch the first few times, but I don't want you to be scared of it. Maybe a swim will ease you a bit.

"You just want to see me naked," I tease.

He playfully slaps my butt, "Well there is that."

We'd swam for a few hours and were now relaxing.

I was enjoying my view of Draven more than the water though. His skin had this natural honeyed hue to it that made my mouth water. The way the light touched him made me itch to do the same although the places that the light didn't touch made me want to investigate. Every inch was ideal, my ideal.

Before I could stop myself the words came tumbling out. "God you're gorgeous. I-I want to make love with you so badly."

He looked hopeful and uncomfortable. "You're sure?"

Nodding, I watch as a hesitant smile crosses his lips. "Tell me what you want Danny and I'll give it to you. I'm yours, you know that right?"

"You're so sexy when you say stuff like that."

We still hadn't moved to touch one another yet but the tension in the air was getting thicker by the minute, so was his cock. I stared at it hungrily.

"Hey, eyes up here mister."

I blushed having been caught looking, but he was just so beautiful and we hadn't done anything in almost two weeks mainly because I was too nervous and Draven was afraid of losing control.

"Sooo..." his eyes cut to the side mischievously, "you would be ok if I did this?"

Leaning forward he kissed my lips, gently.

Releasing them all too quickly he then sat back. I studied the green gold orbs that looked back at my own.

"Definitely," I whispered.

"And it's ok if I touch you?" Draven was staring at my naked body hungrily, a low consistent growl coming from deep within.

It was kind of sexy. "I want to do everything with you." Glancing away I tried to tamp down the sadness.

"What Daniel tell me?" I could tell how hard it was for him not to give in to his desires.

Biting my lip tears filled my eyes. "Why couldn't you be my first?"

"Come here." Gathering me into his arms he whispered, "I will be the first guy you say yes to, the first who really loves you, and the only to truly make love to you. That is enough for me."

Kissing his face I murmur, "That is the sweetest, most wonderful thing you've ever said to me. I don't care how scared I am, I really, really want to be with you; to be your mate."

Kissing the tip of my nose he smiled, "You are my mate Daniel no matter what. You're also not ready, soon but not today. Ok?"

"Soon. Promise."

He growled then playfully nipped my shoulder. "Promise."

He was about to climb off me when I murmured, "Draven?"


"We can still do other stuff can't we?"

A slow hungry smile filled his face. "Yeah, we can."

Suddenly his warm skin became even more heated. I relaxed into his touch allowing it to permeate my very being. Nibbling my neck he slowly eased me onto my back. His hands hesitant then deliberate followed a path that began at my shoulders before working themselves lower. My own arms were wrapped around his neck buried in his hair. He needed little encouragement although I'm sure my panting and moaning were somewhat of a help.

His body slid lower on mine his kisses working their way down to...(O.M.G Draven's going to blow me)

I was already excited and just the thought of his mouth on that part of me had my dick drooling. Please, please, please...I chanted in my head until I felt that warm wet wonderful sensation that was his tongue.

My hips bucked and I moaned it didn't take more than a minute before an explosion went off behind my eyes rendering me mute while I emptied all that I had in his mouth.

My body lay there limply in the grass while I panted. He licked me clean then sat up a smile on his face.

I glanced down at him and realized he was still hard.

Sitting up I leaned in for a kiss. "Want me to help with that?"

"Only if you want to, I don't want you to feel pressured. We can go slow." His face was earnest but I could feel the urgency in my body, one I was certain mirrored his.

"I really want to."

"Then have at it," he growled.

Instead of waiting I dove right in, afraid we might get interrupted or my nerves would get the better of me. His gasp of surprise meant he hadn't expected that either.

"Mmmmm," I moaned enjoying his salty sweet flavor. It wasn't long before he shot in my mouth. It must have taken all his will power to hold it that long because he flooded me. I couldn't swallow fast enough though and some leaked down my chin.

When I sat up to look at him he laughed. "You look so cute covered in my cum."

Again we kissed and hugged our bodies involuntarily thrusting against each other.

We spent the rest of the day by that pond eventually making our way back to the cabin after dark.

We were dragging tail literally, both of us exhausted from so many intense make out sessions.

Dad chuckled, no doubt his nose caught our combined scents long before he saw us. Ewww, could this be any more awkward?

"Hey dad."

"You two enjoy yourselves," he asked attempting to hide a grin?

A blush filled my cheeks, but not Draven he just laughed. "Yeah, we did."

Uncle Gage stepped out onto the porch with a grin. "You two might want to shower, before eating."

My face turned fuschia. "O-ok."

We had barely made it inside, when I heard my dad say, "Thank God, I thought Draven was gonna rub himself raw waiting on Daniel."

Drave spun around on a growl, "Daaaad! I can hear you you know and so can Daniel!"

Dad and Uncle Gage just laughed.

Although the make-out session had calmed me for a while, I was starting to get antsy again. The moon was almost up and my nerves were stretched as far as they could go.

Everything started to tingle and then pain shot through me so intense that I stopped breathing. Eventually my voice returned on a scream.

"Danny. Danny! Look at me breathe baby."

All I could do was whimper, while looking up into my uncle's eyes. "Hey, you're going through the shift now but you're fighting it. I need you to relax can you do that for me?"

I whimpered again as my body tried to change. I could hear it feel it and wanted it to stop desperately. Another scream escaped my lips as I lay helpless on the floor of our cabin.

Draven lifted me in his arms and took me out side. I lay in his lap feeling his heat. "I'm here Daniel, my wolf wants to see yours so badly, he wants to run with you. Can you feel him your wolf? Let him out ok."


"I know, but it won't hurt for long just a minute or so, then you'll be a wolf but you have to let him out or he'll hurt you worse, you have to relax let him take over don't fight it."

I nod starring into desperate eyes that keep shifting from green to gold.

Hypnotized by his gaze I feel the change my back arching in overwhelming pain. My scream only lasts seconds before it becomes a howl.

Draven is crying and smiling all at the same time. I can feel his pride welling from within. Everything looks different, smells different from before. My family shifts all around me and then each in turn comes up and sniffs. Dillon nips my ear, while my father and uncle let out a howl of approval. Draven, still in human form rakes his fingers through my fur while pressing his face against my neck. I pull away lick his face then yip in an effort to get him to change. He shifts and I soon find myself being groomed by my pet. With a final lick to my muzzle he steps back and heads off into the woods. I'm on all fours moving slowly cautiously in an attempt to get the hang of it, but it doesn't take long and soon I am moving faster, the sounds of my family leading me away from the cabin deeper into the woods.

This is unbelievable, surreal, and amazing. I am home. I am loved. I am WOLF.

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Mermaidlover1960Mermaidlover1960about 1 year ago

Loved the story! And would like to read more about the family and the two of them together - maybe during college?

Bluepoohstar08Bluepoohstar08about 2 years ago

omg I sure wish you would come back and write more of this story

StrixalucoStrixalucoabout 2 years ago

Odd - why does he need to be in someone's custody, when according to Gage he is already 19? The story would also benefit from editing.

As a whole the story is great, though. I would gladly read more about those two, and why not how Dillon finds his mate - and Caine and Gage as well. Even Gray. Most of them seem straight, but you don't seem to stick to only gays. (Also I think many editors would think it worth their time after reading this and the other story of yours.)

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Holy crap!!! That was a great story. I would love a continuation of this!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Second read and I just love this story. It has everything, character development, loving family relations and humor. So glad that Daniel finally found love and security.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Now that was good story!

Once I started reading it, I couldn't stop.

buzzie1969buzzie1969about 5 years ago

Totally awesome...loved it

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Please continue

PlayaJumperPlayaJumperover 5 years ago
Why no more?

Please continue!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Loved it.. one thing though

Great read. Well done. You just didn't say... what colour fur did he get?

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