Pillar Ch. 03


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"We don't really have to walk back do we?"

He chuckled and poked her in the side, ignoring her weak protests. "Maybe we should. It would be good exercise for you."

She looked at him in horror. "You can't be serious! I can't walk back!"

He smiled and stretched out on his back, watching the blue sky. "I've called a cab. It should be here in an hour or so. We'll grab a bite to eat when we get back."

"Thank god, I can't move my feet another step."

"If I wanted to, you'd be walking back home in whatever way amused me."

She weakly swatted in his general direction and said, "Oh shut up, just let me enjoy my peace."

"Sure, now could you turn around?"


"I'm sure your tush makes for the best pillow ever. I want to be comfortable."

She rolled her eyes and turned around, shaking her head. "There you go, enjoy."

"I will, thanks."

He slapped and fluffed up his pillow before he settled down. Alex giggled and put her head down as well, dozing off in the pleasant sunlight. The cab driver found them just like that, Alex taking a nap and Tom reading a book with his head cradled by a pair of soft cheeks. They were quiet on their way back.

In front of her dorm, Alex grabbed Tom's hands and said, "Thank you for doing this for me, Tom."

She ran off before he could answer, she didn't want to hear what he might say.


Alex stood in front of Tom's door, her face red with exertion and her eyes wild with fear. "Tom! Someone filmed us! He knows my name and yours. He knows where my dorm is and where you live. You said I was safe! And now this! You just go ahead and have your fun with me. Do you even care that some pervert is threatening me to send a clip of you fucking me up the ass to the whole fucking university? Did you even think something like that could happen? What the fuck will we do now?"

"Calm down, Alex. What are you talking about?"


She threw an envelope on the ground with her name written on it in capital letters. "Go ahead, pick it up. Look inside."

Inside there were two pictures, a note and a DVD. One picture showed Tom's apartment, the other Alex's dorm. Their names were written on the back of the pictures. The DVD was dated to the day they'd had their walk, about a week ago. He pulled out the note after putting the rest back.

'Alex Iglinski, you picked the wrong place to play.

I uploaded your little adventure. It's only a click away from being sent around your university, along with your and your boyfriend's information.

I'm sure people will like it, you'll be a porn star in your very own amateur porno.

Unless you do the following:

1)Come to the empty warehouse at Industrieweg 37, tomorrow at 10 PM.

2)Come alone.

3)Do not notify the police or your boyfriend.

I promise, if anything seems at all strange the whole city will know you love it up your ass.

Don't be late. If you're a good girl we'll see if we can work something out.

A fan'

Tom looked up from the note, deadly serious. "Come in."

Alex stormed into the living room and started pacing up and down the room. "I can't have this, Tom. What if somehow this whole thing blows up and I lose my scholarship? They warned me after my first year. I don't have the money to keep studying without it and if my parents know why I lost it, they'll cut me off completely. This can't be happening!"

"Alex! Calm down, Alex."

He grabbed her by the shoulders and forced her to stand still before him. "Sit down, now."

She didn't budge, her shoulders tense with pent up stress. Her entire body was rigid, trembling with despair. Suddenly, she plopped down into a chair. Her shoulders slumped and the fight had left her. "What can I do, Tom? He's blackmailing me."

"Nothing's going to happen, Alex. We'll take care of this together. Nobody needs to know."

"Oh really? And what are we going to do about it?"

"We can handle one guy who saw something he shouldn't have seen. I bet you he doesn't even know what he's doing. You'll go to the meeting place and distract him, and I'll come in to beat the shit out of that asshole."

"You can't, he'll send the video."

"He won't, Alex. He needs to send a signal to do that. I have enough tech friends to know at least a couple that can get jammers that block all kinds of signals. You go in there with the jammer and mess up his laptop or smart phone or whatever he has, and I'll follow you a minute or two later and knock him out. I'm perfectly capable of doing that.

"Once we have him tied up, we either take him to the cops or we go to his place and trash his computer and erase any copies he might've made. If we want to be really sure, I can ask a friend to clear his stuff from top to bottom. And with that we're done."

"Like it's that simple, you just pull some stupid plan out of your ass and poof the problem's magically fixed?"

Tom leaned over towards her, grabbed her hand and squeezed it. "Alex, this guy wants to scare you. He saw us at the chapel by accident and he took advantage of it. If he followed the cab, he could have found out where we live and from there on it's not that hard to find out our names. Mine's in the yellow pages and yours is by the entrance of your dorm. He's bluffing. He doesn't want anyone else there because he's scared he can't handle it. Don't let him get to you or he's got you where he wants you."

He scooted closer to her and pulled her in tightly, sheltering her.

"I don't know, Tom."

"Don't worry about it, Saschenka. I'll make this go away."

Some of the tension left her shoulders and she put her arms around his waist.

"Do you want to get more comfortable on the couch and have a drink, maybe forget about this for a while?"

Alex nodded against his chest and squeezed him. He peeled off her arms and gave her a gentle push towards the living room. "I'll be right there."

They settled in, soft music played in the background. Scotch and liquor 43 for her, straight for him. She slammed down the first two and slowed down at her third glass. They cuddled for a while in silence until Alex raised her head and said, "Where's Ruth?"

"She's out with her friend Jenny tonight. I'm not seeing her today."

"Could I stay over then? Sleep here, with you?"

"Sure, Saschenka. I don't mind."


"It's okay."

He put her head back down on his chest and ran his hand through her heavy curls. Before long, they went to bed, keeping each other close to find comfort in the other's nearness.

"Are you going to be alright?"

"I hope so."

He took her hand in his and didn't speak again that night. All he could do was hold her close while she cried and struggled with her fears. It was a bad night for Alex but they made it through together.


Tom dropped Alex off at a short walk's distance from the address. The street lights were the only lights that shone, and the boardwalk was strewn with dark nooks. There were several old warehouses in the street, some of them still in use but most of them old and shabby. Who knew how often anyone came by here?

Alex got out of the car and looked back at Tom who nodded at her. "You can do this, Alex. I'll be exactly two minutes behind you."

"I just hope nothing happens."

"You'll be okay, Sachenka. Trust me."

Alex clenched her jaws and nodded. She stepped out of the car and paused for a second before she slammed the door shut and set off at a brisk pace. At the warehouse she hesitated. After taking a few deep breaths, she pushed open the gate and went inside.

Inside, it was dark, empty. The place had a feel of abandonment to it, and she could hear water drip from the ceiling into puddles on the floor. Alex made her way to the center of the space. She stood there and waited with her heart pounding in her throat. Two minutes later nothing had happened. Tom sneaked into the warehouse, making sure Alex knew he was there. He made his way along the edges of the warehouse, checking the corners. When he finished inspecting the entire space, he made his way back to her. "There's nothing here. I think he backed out. Let's go."

"No wait, I hear something."

"I don't hear anything, what are you talking about?"

"I don't know what it is, it's like some kind of rumbling."

"Really? I..."

Two bright spotlights shone at them, one from each side. Alex shielded her eyes and tried to see something through the glare when two strong arms grabbed her from behind and pushed a cloth to her face. She flailed her arms and tried to grab Tom to let him know she was in trouble. But she couldn't reach him and she quickly grew weaker. She drifted off to sleep.


Alex woke up, cold. A wad of cloth was jammed into her mouth and she could hardly make a sound. She tried to move her arms but they were bound together in the small of her back. Her mind cleared fast and she moved her legs, to test if they were also tied up. The sound of chain links rattling made her stomach sink with dread.

She wasn't going anywhere. Even if she hadn't been naked. Nobody could see or hear her here, and Tom was the only one who knew where she was. Where was Tom? What happened to him? What was going to happen to her? She started to squirm, to loosen her bonds and push the cloth out of her mouth.

Alex screamed in her gag when her feet lifted off the ground. Chains clattered as she struggled madly to stop what was happening. Fear gripped her insides with cold claws. But nothing she did helped, she rose higher and higher until she dangled from the ceiling. Her nostrils flared as she labored to breathe. The lights turned back on and a face appeared in front of her. She tried to pull away, but then she recognized Tom. He untied her gag and words burst from her. "Tom! You're okay, what happened? Get me down from here and help me look for my clothes so we can get out of here."

The look in his eyes wasn't urgent or even worried for that matter. He seemed relaxed, and she didn't understand how he could be so carefree at a time like this.


"I'm the blackmailer, Alex."

"What? You asshole!"

"Calm down a little. Now's the time for you to decide if you want to go through with this."

She glared at him and snapped, "Fine, no sense in wasting this. But I really want to punch you in the dick right now."

"I understand, use that. It's going to be rough."

He stood up in front of her, his stiff cock already out of his pants.

"Open your mouth bitch. And make it fast or you won't be standing straight for weeks when I'm done with you."

Her anger blended with the worry and fear she'd felt just minutes before, it all felt eerily real. There was nothing she could do now short off stopping everything. She was helpless in front of her abductor. Alex accepted her role and just went for it, drawing from the emotions raging inside of her. "Just let me down! Let me go!"

"Oh stop begging and take my fucking cock down your throat."

He forced her to open her jaw by painfully pushing on her joint until she opened her mouth. His cock easily slid deep into her throat from that angle. He grunted and tangled one fist in her curls, keeping her head down on his shaft.

"Oh fuck, this is incredible. You love it up your ass, and I bet you love it stuffed down your face as well. Oh god, take it! Take it, you slut!"

Alex struggled for breath like a fish on dry land, flopping her body to get air. He pulled her off his cock only long enough to breathe. She coughed and tried to speak, but nothing coherent made it past her lips before he buried his cock back down her throat and fucked it like a pussy with strong, fast strokes. As he got closer to coming he cared even less about her air supply.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!"

With her nose buried between his balls Alex felt the entire length of his shaft pulse as he shot jet after jet of come into her stomach. He pulled out and played with her boobs while they both calmed down. "You've got some great tits on you, girl. I've got plans for them."

Tom lowered Alex back to the floor, and her blood rushed away from her head. She was still catching her breath when he picked her up and lifted her onto a tarp. In the space of a minute he lifted her off the ground again, this time level with the floor. The tarp held up her torso, and it had a wide slit for her breasts. They dangled down through the slit, vulnerable. Tom admired his work and fondled her breasts, pulling and twisting her nipples. "I could play with these all night, but I can't wait to fuck that tight pussy of yours, so I'll be quick."

He clamped her nipples and she squirmed. "It hurts, take them off! Let me go, please! Haven't you done enough already?"

"To a slut like you? I'm just getting started."

He slapped the sides of her breasts, playing with how they jiggled. She gasped and moaned as the pain shot through her.

"I have a little surprise for you."

Tom attached two small weights on short chains to the clamps. They pulled down on the clamps and stretched her nipples.

"Ow! It's too much, please stop! It hurts, it really hurts! Ow..."

One little push on her ass and Alex swung back and forth in her improvised swing. Tom leaned to the side so he could see how the weights swung in small circles and tortured her nipples. "That's a thing of beauty."

"Owowow, no more. Please!"

"You can beg and cry all you want, nobody's going to hear you. And escaping isn't really an option is it? So you're mine tonight. "

He threw a blanket over her back and ran his cock over her wet pussy.

"What are you doing? NO, stop! Ungh."

His cock split her pussy lips apart as Tom pulled Alex towards him and drove forward at the same time. "Look at how wet you are, slut, I'm sliding in like you've been waiting for me to fuck you. You just can't help yourself can you?"

He used her momentum to penetrate deeper into her pussy. Every time he pushed forward, she slammed into him with a wet slap that resounded through the warehouse. Her nipples had gone numb, and every tug of the swinging weights sent a mixture of pain and pleasure to her core. She came, powerless to do anything but submit to her ecstasy. "Fuck me harder, you asshole! Oh god, I'm fucking coming with your cock inside of me! I'm coming!"

Tom stopped fucking her, his cock gripped tightly by her pussy. He couldn't move it while her orgasm blasted through her. Everything melted together inside of her and formed a magma chamber filled to the brim with boiling and hissing pleasure. Parts of her screamed no, while others emitted wordless noises. All the fear and stress she'd felt in the past two days was blown away by a volcanic explosion of pleasure. When the last aftershocks died down, Tom was able to pull out. "You just came. You fucking slut. I want you to taste it, taste your own come on my cock."

He pushed it against her lips until she opened up for him. "Lick it! Do you taste yourself? Taste your own juice?"

His shaft slid into her mouth as he said, "Use your tongue, clean it. Yeah, just like that. Your throat is just made to fit a cock isn't it?"

He pulled out and jerked off into her face, streaking it with his come. "Here, some make up for you. Probably not the first or the last time someone came on that pretty face of yours. Well, I'm done with you. All my files are on the floor next to your clothes. You're a good fuck."


Twenty minutes later Tom and Alex sat in a nearby cafe, a cozy place with small tables and wooden paneling. Alex was sipping on a mug of hot chocolate and brandy when Tom asked her, "Did you like it?"

"Yes and no. It was so much worse than the time in the park. I worried about my scholarship. I didn't know what to do. I just sat there, for at least an hour... staring at that note. Should I go see you or was it better not to? And then I went to you, and you seemed to know what to do. You gave me the courage to go and then you disappeared. I was scared.

Her eyes narrowed as she went on. "When you told me it was all fake, I so wanted to punch you. I still do. You made me so helpless. I could hardly move. There was no way I could stop you, and so I just let you do me. And you made me feel like such a slut, but it was okay because I couldn't do anything about it. It wasn't me, it was just some slut getting blackmailed."

She spaced out over her hot chocolate for a while, reliving fragments of the past hour. She shook it off and said, "How did you do it? I had no idea."

He smiled and took a drink from his beer. "Should I tell?"

"Come on, Tom."

"Fine. I set up a camera at the chapel."

He held up his hand to stop her from saying anything. "Your DVD is the only copy."

"You really know how to mess with my head, Tom. I mean sure, why not film us having sex? Anything else you want from me? Maybe pose for a nude statue without me knowing?"

"Don't pout, Alex. You were never in any danger. You didn't have to come to me for the plan to work, but I'm glad you did. I thought you would, but I couldn't be sure. I wanted to soothe you, cause I knew you'd need it.

"In real life I'd notify the police right away though. The rest was acting and dramatic lighting. I had the rag I used on you in a zip lock bag stashed in my pocket, and I flipped a timer for the generator when I was scouting the warehouse. You know the rest."

Alex shook her head and put her mug back down. "Why would you go to so much trouble?"

"I wanted to do something special for our last crazy play date. It had to be convincing."

Alex jumped up from her seat and said, "What! What does last mean?"

"Sit back down, Alex. I'll explain."

She gripped the table and her knuckles whitened. She sat down with her back straight, and she never loosened her grip.

"Good. Let me ask you a question first. What's the next step after tonight?"

"I don't know, you're the one who figures that out."

"Tonight went as far as I'm willing to go, just like the time in the park. What if you need more and more deception to get in the right mindset? What if fantasies of being roughly violated become the only thing that arouses you? What if you get to a point where what I'm willing to do is no longer enough for you? Where do you go from there?"

He waved his hand when she opened her mouth, shutting her up. "Oh, I imagine you'll find someone crazy enough to do what you ask for. But you'll break your body, you'll fuck up your mind and you'll get in trouble with the authorities eventually. Where does it end? You'd revert to your first year of college, nothing but a sex addict.

"What would you be giving up because you lost control over yourself? If less will never be enough again, you won't be able to heal. That's why I haven't asked for your contract yet. I wouldn't even accept it now if you brought it to me signed and ready. You need to be on your own first, sexually. You need to go into therapy and go to a Twelve step group. I'll help you find professional counseling."

"But, what about what I want?"

"Now you're in my care your needs are more important than your wants. I have to act how I think is best for you. And besides, you need a willing partner to set up the kind of stuff I do with you, and I don't want to do that stuff like this anymore. I've had enough. It just takes too much out of me after the facts."

Alex released her death grip on the table and let her hands fall to her sides. She stared at the whipped cream slowly dissolving into her hot chocolate. "What am I supposed to do? I won't find anyone else soon who can do what you do. How am I supposed to focus? You don't understand how my body works. I'll fail because I can't concentrate!"

"You can't fail Alex. I was very clear about that. You'll pass all your exams with sufficiently high grades to keep your scholarship. If you don't, then you'll have to fill in your own summer, because I won't be meeting up with you until after the termination date of the contract. If you can't channel your energy into something useful now, you'll fail later. Trust me when I say that the future will be much tougher than what you're dealing with now."