The Coming of the Spell Caster


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"Gods, Daniel. Massaging my foot makes my pussy wet, too."

Jasmine smiled. "Me next."

"You girls are going to be the death of me."

"Hmm," said Jasmine. "We'll stop just short of that. Promise."

Amy chuckled.

They grew quiet and Daniel switched to Amy's other foot. "Okay. So. I have some confessions," he said as a means to introduce what he wanted to reveal.

Jasmine scrunched her nose up. "You are secretly a horse?"

Daniel stared at her. "What?"

"It would explain that monster between your legs." Jasmine teased his cock with her foot that lay between his legs. She flipped the limp head of his cock up in the air with her big toe. She giggled.

"Hmm, well, maybe. But no. Amy knows some of this already. But not everything. Let me catch you up, Jasmine."

For the next ten minutes, Daniel repeated what he had told Amy to Jasmine. By the end, Jasmine was staring wide-eyed at Daniel.

"No fucking way!" exclaimed Jasmine. She looked at Amy in her arms. "Is this true?"

Amy nodded. "Yup. I didn't believe it either. He showed me in the inn. Show her, Daniel."

Daniel looked down at his cock.

Amy laughed. "Right, you need sexual energy."

"What?" queried Jasmine.

"Just watch," said Amy. She lifted herself off of Jasmine and put her face between Daniel's legs. She started licking his balls and then moving up his shaft a little before returning to his balls. She took his right hand and placed it on his cock. Daniel began slowly stroking his cock. He rose fast and hard with her attention to his balls.

"Fuck, I love that cock," murmured Jasmine.

Amy lifted Daniel's legs and rimmed his asshole. He groaned in appreciation.

"Fuck guys, that's hot," said Jasmine. She started to play with her pussy, watching the action.

Amy muttered into the crack of Daniel's ass. "Okay, lift something, Daniel."

Daniel drew in his focus and pulled in magic. He found clarity and cast the levitate spell. At first, he didn't know what to levitate, but then he saw Jasmine playing with herself on the couch. He lifted her up off the couch. She squealed in terror.

"Put me down, put me down!" she cried.

Amy twisted round to see Jasmine suspended in the air. "Gods, Daniel. Put her down!"

Daniel lowered her back to the couch. As soon as he let her go, she jumped to her feet. "What the fuck was that?"

"My levitate spell."

"Holy fuck! You can do magic!"

Amy chuckled and moved back around and kissed Daniel's balls. "He has a massive dick, he can do magic, and he can cook. The perfect man. We should have this man's babies." She licked his balls again. Daniel stroked his cock and then wiped the pre-cum from the tip and deposited it in Amy's waiting mouth.

Jasmine plopped back on the couch. "Next he'll tell us he's rich."

"I'm rich."

The girls laughed.

"No, seriously. I'm rich."

Amy stopped licking his balls and looked up at him and frowned. "That's not any funnier the second time."

Daniel smiled down at Amy. "If you would stop licking my balls, I can show you."

Amy sat up and wiped the spit from her mouth. "Okay, no fun, but go ahead."

Daniel picked up the magic bag from beside him on the couch. He reached in and pulled out the large pouch. He put it on the small table by the couch in front of them. "Check it out."

He sat back and watched as the girls opened the bag and reached in for the first time. They pulled out a handful of platinum and gold coins. They screeched in delight. In moments they upended the bag and poured out hundreds of coins. Amy started stacking them and counting them. Jasmine was watching with rapt attention. When Amy was done, she turned to Daniel in shock. "One hundred and fifteen platinum, two hundred and thirty-one gold, and seventy-five silver. Plus, about fifty coppers. By the Gods, Daniel, how?"

"The spell caster, Eric. He had that on him."

"From that bag? How'd this pouch fit in that bag?"

Daniel chuckled and started pulling items from the bag. First, he pulled out the spell book and put it beside him. Then he pulled out clothes, and the scroll cases. The girls watched at first and then took it from him and started reaching in and pulling out items.

Then they put them back in. And out again. After a time, they both looked at Daniel with an expression of awe.

"You trust us with this knowledge?" asked Amy.

"Yeah, I do."

Amy looked at Jasmine, who shrugged. "Who would we tell? I'm impressed, Daniel. You're set for life."

Daniel shook his head. "You don't understand. I want to share this with you."

Amy looked astounded. Jasmine's let her jaw drop. "You want to share this with us?" asked Amy.

"Yeah. Who else would I share it with? You're the only friends I have."

"You just got to know us, Daniel. This is crazy."

"You know what. I'll share this, and if you want to leave, you leave. I won't hold you here. This is something I want to do."

Jasmine shook her head. "Fucking crazy, babe."

"But I have an idea."

Amy looked up.

"How about we all go to the city and get tested?"

Amy and Jasmine looked at each other and said in unison: "And become adventurers?"


Chapter Eight

THEY PLANNED FOR the rest of the day. How they would get to the city and what to do once there. They were laughing and joking, and Daniel found himself looking at his new friends as more than friends. He grew quiet and Amy noticed. She seemed to notice every little thing about him. He tried to reconcile this new woman from the older one and couldn't. He loved the way she moved. The way she flipped her hair back. The shape of her ears drew his attention. Her large breasts were amazing. She was gorgeous.

Amy would catch him staring at her every time. And he would blush. Finally, after an hour, Jasmine smacked the table. "You two need to seriously make out. You keep staring at one another."

"I'm sorry," said Daniel.

Amy beamed a smile. "I'm not. You're gorgeous, Daniel. You don't even realise it. And you are so confident. I'm so glad that we've changed our relationship."

Jasmine snorted. "Glad? That's an understatement. Listen, Daniel, one time when the three of us were getting it on, Amy wanted me to role-play being you. I had a strap-on and everything. She really got into it. Screaming your name."

Amy looked at Jasmine in horror. "Why would you tell him that?"

"Because it's hot, and he thinks it is too." Jasmine pointed at Daniel.

He did find it hot and a huge boost to his ego. He took Amy's hand. "It's true? You had Jasmine pretend to be me?"

Amy hung her head and nodded. "Not my finest time. I was so hot for you. Then when I saw you in person, I would get so angry. Angry you weren't mine."

Jasmine laughed. "And the whole dirt-poor farmer stigma."

Amy nodded again. "Yeah, and that too."

Daniel squeezed Amy's hand. "I think it's awesome, Amy."

Amy smiled at him. "It was never as good as that night with you."

Daniel smiled and then started. "Wait, you said the three of you. Who else was with you?"

Jasmine looked guiltily at Amy. "Sorry, Amy. I let it out. I told you we would have to." Jasmine addressed Daniel. "There are three of us. Lovers. The third is Amber. She's the daughter of the seamstress. You know the shop at Kent and Bank?"

Daniel knew where that was but couldn't recall any Amber and said so.

Amy stirred. "Not surprising. Single mother raised her. A nice lady, but she would never let Amber socialise with anyone. Too afraid she would get pregnant like she did with Amber. I met her a few times and could see she was lonely. I invited her over to a few of Jasmine's and my private parties. Dad let us use the backroom of one of his warehouses. He just thought we were playing house or some such nonsense."

Jasmine nodded. "Amy and I used to fuck each other crazy in there. When Amber joined us, we had to stop. She was pretty shy. We played games and talked about boys in town. Amber never talked about boys. She would only ever talk about us. The three of us."

Amy laughed. "We should have picked up on it sooner in hindsight. I've always known I liked boys and girls. Jasmine, I thought only liked girls until recently that is. Amber, she knew she only liked girls. Seriously likes them. She's pretty intense about it. Hard-core Cunt Crazy.

"So one night, we were in the backroom. We called it the Hideout. Jasmine had hidden our toys in a bag behind some crates. Jasmine and I were sneaking kisses and groping each other when Amber wasn't looking. Turns out she had noticed. She thought we were a couple. She hated the thought of getting between us.

"Anyway, Jasmine and I were talking when Amber came out from behind the crate. She was carrying the bag of toys. Jasmine nearly had a shit. Amber dropped the bag on the floor between us and started pulling out the toys. Then she removed her dress. Just like that. We had been admiring her body for a long time. Firm ass, perky tits, lush lips, and the whole package. Then suddenly we were seeing the whole show.

"My Gods, her nipples are amazing. She stood there naked in front us. Jasmine and I are just staring at her and saying nothing. She sat down, grabbed one of the dildos and slipped it inside her gorgeous blond pussy. She just started banging away at herself. Jasmine and I, we could only watch. It was marvellous."

Jasmine jumped in and took over the story. "I was soaked at that point. You could smell her pussy. It smells like a beautiful flower. Pouty lips, and a clit the size of my thumb." She held it up to demonstrate. "She's enjoying herself. Her pussy is so wet, drops of her juice are flying out of her. Her hand is a blur with the dildo. It's going in and out faster than I would have thought possible. Then," Jasmine looked at Amy for a moment and I could see the wonder in her eyes. "Then she grabs another dildo, sucks on it for a moment and shoves the thing into her ass. Just like that. She grunted. Now she's doubly penetrated. She's banging at both holes. And then she comes. The noise she made. My Gods. She screamed into her orgasm. She pulled out the dildo in her pussy and squirts. Not a little squirt. She gushed. A thick stream that hit both Amy and me. Then another, and another. You had to see us. Amy and I sitting there covered in her juices. We didn't say anything. We watched her come down from her orgasm and her breathing slowed back to normal. She smiled at us rather smugly and pulled the dildo out of her ass."

Amy laughed, and Jasmine joined in. Amy stopped laughing first and looked at Daniel. "And then she farted!" Jasmine broke out laughing again. "Not just a little fart. This was long and thunderous. Working her ass with the dildo had filled her with air. The look on her face was priceless. She looked shattered. She had planned this scene for a long time. She had found our toys much earlier. She worked up the nerve and put on the show. Just for us. She wanted it to be memorable."

Amy started laughing again and rolled over to place her head in my lap, looking up at me.

Jasmine carried on. "She was devastated. We couldn't stop laughing. Really laughing. I peed myself at one point, which had Amy laughing harder. Amber sat there devastated, and then she chuckled. And then she laughed, and soon all three of us were roaring in laughter." Jasmine wiped a tear from her eye. "Oh, my Gods, what a night. We fucked like crazy. We couldn't walk the next day."

Amy chortled, and I stroked her hair, looking down at her face. I reached out and stroked her right breast and played with her nipple. Amy sighed contently. She spoke softly. "It was an amazing night. It turns out Amber was more cunt crazy than us. Jasmine and I would only fool around, lick each other, finger each other. Play with toys, but nothing crazy. Amber, on the other hand, she had no limits."

Daniel pinched Amy's nipple for a moment, getting a shudder of pleasure from Amy. "What do you mean?"

Amy shared a look with Jasmine, who shrugged. "She is into bondage. Nothing crazy. She just likes to tie people up and use them for her pleasure. She did a lot with us. It was fun. She never crossed a line. Always respected our safe words. But pretty hard-core."

"And you liked it?"

Amy smiled. "Oh, yeah. When I had you tied up in the bed in the inn, it was driving me crazy. Amber wore off on both of us, I guess. When you were lying there, I was thinking how much fun it would be to peg you. If I had the equipment, I probably would have. It's about control. It's powerful."

"Peg me?"

Amy smiled up at Daniel. "When a woman wears a strap-on and fucks a man in the ass. It's called pegging."

Daniel froze. "Oh. That doesn't sound very nice."

Amy snorted. "I've never done it, but remember your prostate orgasm?"

Daniel nodded and smiled. "Ah, I see." Daniel circled a nipple and enjoyed watching it harden under his touch. Amy was playing with her pussy now.

Jasmine was watching them. "You know she loves having her tits suckled, Daniel. And I mean suckled. You can do it for hours with her. Makes her cum most of the time, too. Amber and I used to suck them at the same time. She would make us do it for hours. That's her kink. Well, one of them."

Amy shushed Jasmine. "Shut up, let him keep doing what he's doing. I'm close."

Daniel used both hands and played with both her nipples. Her tits were massive and her nipples so large. He continued to play with them and watched Amy playing with her pussy.

Amy cried out softly. "Oh. Oh. Oh." And she came. It was not a violent orgasm. But it went on for a long time.

Jasmine was watching Amy with a wistful look. "I wish I could come like that."

Daniel stopped playing with Amy's tits. "Why can't you?"

Jasmine looked at her own tits. They were small, just like her. "They aren't sensitive like Amy's. She's one lucky girl."

"Maybe you need something different. We can find it."

Jasmine looked up in surprise at Daniel and then nodded. "Okay. Sounds good to me."

Daniel had an idea and made a mental note to try it later on her. "So, this Amber. Why doesn't she join us?"

Jasmine cocked an eyebrow. "What two pussies isn't enough for you?"

Daniel laughed. "No, you made it clear she isn't into guys. But she's into you. You sound like a team. How will she be when we leave for the city?"

Jasmine made a little "o" sound.

Amy pulled her hand from her pussy and started to move it up to her mouth, Daniel grabbed it and stuck it in his mouth and sucked on her juices. Amy growled with pleasure and wiggled her fingers in his mouth. "Oh, yeah. That's it, baby." She felt Daniel start to harden under her head.

Jasmine watched them, smiling. "You guys are cute. I'm jealous. But Amber, that's important. She probably should be with us. I don't know if she would join us, though. Her mom has her under her thumb pretty tight."

Amy made a non-committal sound. "I'll ask her. I'll head back to town tomorrow and go see her. That okay, Daniel?"

"Yeah, try to bring her back here. We should head to the city in a couple of weeks. I want to harvest my fields and clear my claim to the land. I won't be a landowner anymore. I need a clean break."

Amy nodded her head against his hard on. "Jasmine, can you help me with this beautiful cock?"

Jasmine grinned and leapt from the couch. Amy flipped over and took Daniel's cock in her mouth. She wrapped her lips tight around the shaft and swirled her tongue over the head, just like she knew Daniel loved. She shifted upwards, bringing the long shaft with her, and allowing Jasmine access to his balls. Jasmine didn't waste any time and started lapping at his balls. She drew one into her mouth and sucked gently on it before switching to the other one.

Daniel could only stare at the two women in his life taking care of him. They were both moaning in pleasure. Amy was going deeper on him, and Jasmine was staring at her effort and licking his balls.

"Amy, my Gods, look at you go. So deep."

Amy smiled around his cock and then reached up and pinched one of Daniel's nipples. He jerked his hips in response. The pain reached down to his groin. Amy sped up her sucking. She drew him in with firm suction and then slid it back out, swirling her tongue around the shaft and then the head. She darted her tongue in his hole, causing him to suck air in through his teeth.

Jasmine ordered Daniel to scoot his ass to the edge of the couch. He did and was rewarded with Jasmine rimming his asshole. She hardened her tongue and ran it around his sphincter. Amy lifted his balls higher and then deep throated him. Daniel groaned. Jasmine pressed the tip of her tongue against his asshole, and it slipped in. She pushed her tongue in and out of his asshole and he squirmed.

He was close to coming. "I want to fuck Jasmine."

Amy and Jasmine both stopped what they were doing. "What?" asked Jasmine.

Daniel was breathing heavy. He was on the edge. "I want to fuck you. You haven't had enough orgasms today. I want to fuck you."

Amy cheered. "Great idea! I'll get some oil!" Amy moved off the couch and went into the pantry.

Jasmine climbed up on Daniel's lap and started kissing his face all over. "Oh, baby. Thank you. I'm so hot for you. I've wanted your cock in me for days."

Daniel reached up and stroked her breasts. Her nipples were so thick and hard. He saw she had a small birthmark shaped like a heart under her left breast and he traced it. Amy had the same one. She moaned when he squeezed her nipples a little. "I know, I'm sorry. We need to figure out a way that we can track who is pleasuring who. You and Amy need time alone, too."

Amy had come back and heard this. She stopped beside the couch. "You are an amazing man, Daniel Davies."

She scooted around the couch and poured oil into her hand and then slathered it over Daniel's cock. She took her time and stroked it up and down. She couldn't get her fingers around the girth.

Amy looked down and saw what Amy was doing. "Hey! Enough! Lube me up, Amy!"

Amy poured more oil in her hand and then reached up and rubbed all around her pussy lips. Jasmine cooed and pushed her ass out. Amy slipped her oiled fingers inside Jasmine's pussy and spread it around.

"Okay, okay, I'm good, Amy," she said. She looked down at Daniel's eager face. "Okay, big boy, I'm gonna ride that cock of yours. Don't come until I say so. Got it?"

Daniel bit his lip and nodded. He remembered how tight she was. He wasn't sure he could hold off. "I'll try Jasmine, but fuck, you are so tight."

Jasmine kissed him. "You better." Jasmine took a deep breath and reached down and grabbed his cock and lined it up with her pussy. She rubbed the head around her pussy lips to make sure it was well oiled. And then she pushed the head into her pussy and let out her breath. "Gods, it's thick." She pushed down more, and Daniel could feel his cock stretching the inside of her pussy out. Jasmine pulled back and then slid back down, moving his cock a little deeper. She repeated it again and again. Daniel was straining not to come. Her pussy was on fire and so tight.

Amy grasped his hand and placed it on her breast. "Tell me what you feel, Daniel. Being inside her."

"It's so tight. It's like a large warm and wet hand grasping my cock. When she moves the whole cock is stroked. I can feel the lips of her pussy stretching around my cock. I can even feel her clit rubbing on my shaft. Gods Amy, it feels so good."

"Is it like that inside me?"

Daniel looked at her. She looked a little insecure. "No. It's different. But not better, and not worse. But it's your pussy, Amy. Yours welcomes me like a long-lost lover. It spasms around me and I know I am pleasuring you. I could fuck your pussy forever."

Jasmine grasped his head and made her look at her. He could see the strain and the pleasure in her face. 'You're in me now, Daniel. Feel my cunt. My tight little cunt holding you inside me. Fuck me, Daniel. Fuck my cunt."
