The Coming of the Spell Caster


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She took a breath and deep throated him again. He felt her jaw move and then her tongue darted out and licked his balls. He felt his cum boil and the pressure rise. He tapped her shoulder, unable to speak, to let her know he was about to cum. She rose up on his cock until his cockhead rested on her tongue. Then she darted her tongue into the opening of his cock. His eyes shot open, and he ejaculated into her mouth. He shot three times into her eager mouth. She made pleased sounds and swallowed it all. She licked his cock until it deflated and then kissed it.

Daniel was done. He had nothing left in him and he said so to her. She chuckled and straddled his lap. He could feel the wetness of her pussy on his cock. She kissed him and shared the taste of his cum.

"That's okay. I know where you live. Go recharge. First, I finish this bandaging."

Daniel barely heard what she had said. It was only a couple of hours later, walking home, he recalled her words. He stopped on the road. "I know where you live?"

Chapter Seven

TWO WEEKS LATER, Daniel was out weeding his fields. He pulled weeds and threw them into a basket strapped to his back. He was on his fifth row when he heard a woman's voice he recognised at once call out from his farmhouse. He grinned.

He walked out through the rows and held a hand up against the glare of the sun. Standing on his porch were two women: Amy and Jasmine. He waved to them, and they waved back. They were standing together with their hands held.

He emptied his basket into his pile of pulled weeds and dropped the basket. He couldn't help himself, so he pulled his sweat-soaked shirt off his back. He could see the smiles from the girls from where he was. He walked over to them and stood in front of them. They wore summer dresses with wide summer hats on their heads. Amy looked fantastic and so did Jasmine.

He stepped up to Amy and gave her a quick kiss. She had to hold her hat to her head. He turned to Jasmine and kissed the pout on her face. She slapped his chest, and his sweat made a wet sound.

"Eww!" she said. "Too much sweat."

"I dunno," said Amy. "Looks good for a dirty farm boy. Your bite marks healed up nicely." Jasmine shot her a look.

Daniel ran a finger over where the bite marks had been. Faint scars marked the spots. The wounds had healed up miraculously the next day. Daniel had forgotten about them until Amy had mentioned them. Daniel laughed and went over to the well and drew up a bucket. He doused it over his head and shook his hair. He looked at the girls and loved the look of awe on their faces.

"Okay, ladies. What's up?"

Jasmine looked at Amy for strength and when she nodded, she let go of Amy's hand and came over and took both of Daniel's in hers. "Amy told me that you might be able to put me up? Not for long. Just until I figure out what to do with myself?"

Daniel could see the worry in her eyes. "What happened?"

"The bathhouse fired me. The whole place heard me with you. It didn't take long for word to spread in Acron. Women are spitting at me now and calling me a whore. It's not my home anymore."

Daniel felt the guilt. This was his fault, and he knew it. "I'm so sorry. Of course, you can stay here. For as long as you like. I've already made a room for you."

"You did? Why? How'd you know?"

"Amy seemed to think you would need it. I could tell from the expression on her face. You have a home here, Jasmine. I'll never kick you out. You stay until you figure something out."

Daniel could see the worry leave her face. She squealed and threw herself into his arms and hugged him. He picked her up off the ground and held her tight. "Thank you," she whispered into his ear. "I'll make up for this, I promise."

He set her down and shook his head. "Jasmine, there are no strings attached to this. You don't owe me anything." He looked over to Amy for support and saw her deep in thought.

He looked around. "Where are your things?"

Amy reached down and picked up a small backpack. "This is it."

Daniel looked at Jasmine. "That all you own?"

Jasmine nodded meekly. "Yes. The bathhouse owned everything else. Except for a few clothes and personal things."

Daniel nodded. "That's okay. You have everything else you need here. Come on, I'll show you to your room."

Daniel put on his spare clean shirt he had left hanging off a porch rail and led the way into his farmhouse. When he had bought the land, the house was already here. It had been small shack, but over the years he had added to it. It now boasted three bedrooms, a living room with a large couch and fireplace, a small kitchen with a small pot-belly stove and dining table, and a larder. He had even fixed up the outhouse and reworked the well stones. Outside, he had built a small barn to shelter his mule with an attached shed for his farming tools.

In the house, his bedroom was the largest, but he moved past that to an adjacent room. He opened the door and let Jasmine walk in first. She stopped in the middle and looked around. Daniel had already built a straw mattress bed and a rough small dresser for her, but inside his magic bag, Daniel had discovered a variety of items. Eric had gathered many fine things as an adventurer. Now, the bedroom floor had a small wool rug, and a couple of tapestries covered the walls. He had found drapes hung them on the window. Small pieces of art decorated the dresser he had made and the walls. He had placed a lovely lantern in the room for additional light. Best of all, Eric had liked more sensitive pieces, and the room felt very feminine. He was proud of how it all turned out.

Amy came in behind Jasmine and stood beside her. She was the first to speak. "By the Gods, Daniel. This is beautiful! Where'd you get all this stuff? This is expensive! Those tapestries alone are worth a hundred gold each!"

Daniel got a sinking feeling in his gut. He had overdone it. He did not understand how much these things were. Amy, the daughter of a trader, would of course know. He opted to keep his mouth shut.

Jasmine was turning toward him. Tears tracked down her face. She ran to him and collapsed into his arms. In moments she was sobbing against his chest. Daniel looked over her to Amy, who stood smirking.

What did I do? he mouthed to her.

Amy just shook her head and smiled and walked past him out of the room, closing the door behind her.

Daniel held Jasmine awkwardly and rubbed her back. "There, there," he muttered and heard a muffled snort from Jasmine.

She wiped her button nose on his shirt and looked up at him. "Dumb ass. I'm deliriously happy. I'm not upset."

Daniel started to let go of her, but Jasmine held on tighter.

"Kiss me, Daniel."

Daniel shook his head. "No, this isn't about sex. This is about me giving you a safe place to stay."

"I know that. Do you not think I could have gone to other places? With friends? Instead, I come all the way out here to your farm expecting less than stellar accommodations. Why do you think that is?"

Daniel thought he knew but refused to answer in case he got it wrong.

"I want to be with you. And please you. Is that okay?"

Daniel shook his head. "No, you're my guest. I won't take advantage of you like that."

"Stupid, I'm the one taking advantage of you. Now kiss me. You have to start it. I can't reach that high without climbing up you."

Daniel was unsure of himself, but he lowered his head and met her lips. She parted them and he found her tongue in his mouth. He could sense her hunger and his cock thickened against her. She felt it and cooed into his mouth.

She broke the kiss and gripped his cock with her small hand. "Later. Amy's waiting in the other room. I asked her to give me a moment alone with you."


"I want to thank you, Daniel. That day in the bathhouse was very special to me. Not just because of how wonderful you were, but because of how you forced a change in my life. I was dying in that place. Old men, and stinking men, would come there so I could take their feeble cocks in my hand and try to bring them to life. It was killing me. Amy had been trying to break me from there for years. I never listened hard enough. I have a new chance now. When I can, I plan on heading to the city and getting tested. For now, I am happy to be with you. I'll work the farm with you. I used to be a farmer's daughter. I know the life. I can help with everything.

"And at the end of each day, after all the chores are done, I am going to undress you and make you cum as hard as you did in the bathhouse. Every day. And not because I feel I owe you anything, but because I fucking crave your touch and this fat, fucking cock of yours. This is me being completely selfish."

Daniel's mind was whirling. He couldn't absorb all of what she was saying. He felt light-headed. To make matters worse, Jasmine was stroking his cock through his pants.

"And Amy, too," she added.

That sunk home. "What about Amy?"

"She's gonna come here, too. I don't know when, but I know her. She won't leave your sight. That girl craved you for years. Years! She turned her lust into hate in order to cope. I don't know how you did it, but you broke those barriers down. Did you know she stalked you? She used to come out here and spy on you all the time. Seriously, who does shit like that?"

Jasmine was still stroking his cock, and Daniel groaned. Jasmine smiled and dropped to her knees. "I promised Amy I would wait for this but fuck it. You need this, baby." Jasmine untied his rope belt and pulled his pants down. His cock sprang forward and stood straight out. The head was purple with the veins prominent. Jasmine licked her lips and started sucking his cock with hunger.

Daniel lasted two minutes. His orgasm ripped through him, and he ejaculated a massive load into Jasmine's mouth. He heard her gulping it down, and then she continued to suck and lick his cock until it deflated. She lifted his pants and tied the belt back on. She stood up and beckoned him down. He leaned down, and she kissed him, slipping a little of his cum into his mouth.

"Amy told me you love that. So hot. Let's go get Amy." Jasmine slipped around him and left the bedroom. Daniel adjusted his cock and joined them in time to see Jasmine kissing Amy. The sight jolted his excitement. Women didn't do that, but seeing it sent shivers of lust through him.

They broke their kiss, and Amy licked her lips. She glanced over to Daniel. "Still great tasting cum, Daniel." She laughed at his expression. "What's for lunch?"

Daniel remembered the time. It was lunchtime, and he had guests. "Oh, sorry, one moment." He walked into the larder and rummaged through the items. He pulled out several things and then brought them over to the butcher table in the kitchen. He laid out a thick savoury summer sausage, hard cheeses, and preserved sweet onions and cucumber dills he made some months ago. He cut the meat and cheese and laid it out on a board. He brought it over to the small table with seating for four and placed it down. Three of the chairs were new. Daniel had felt the need to make more and made them the previous week.

The women sat, and soon they merely enjoyed the fare. Jasmine promised to start making bread for them. They laughed and talked about times in town. Jasmine thought it funny to hear Daniel's versions of encounters with Amy and then have Amy explain what had really happened. By the end of the lunch, Daniel was looking at Amy in a whole new light.

She saw him staring and blushed at him. "What?"

He moved over to her and put his hand behind her head and drew her in for a kiss. Daniel felt the passion he had for her surge through him, and he expressed it in his kiss. He brushed her ears with his fingers and ran his fingers through her hair. She kissed back just as ardently. He felt wetness on his cheek and pulled back. Amy was crying again.

"What did I do?"

Amy and Jasmine both laughed, and Amy kissed him again, the taste salty with her tears.

Later that night, Amy and Daniel relaxed by the fireplace in the living room. Daniel had built a large couch by hand and fashioned cushions for it. He slept more on the couch than his own bed. He loved the couch that much. She sat up against him and held his hands. Jasmine was in her room enjoying it and giving them privacy.

Daniel looked at her. "Jasmine says it won't be long before you come out here, too. Is that true?"

Amy looked away for a moment. "Damn that girl," she muttered, but Daniel heard her. She looked back at him. "Maybe, Daniel. I don't know. I can't stay with my parents anymore. I've found I can happier elsewhere. And I need more of that. But I won't leave my parents for a worse life. You know me. I'm a pretend rich bitch, but the truth is, I need comfort in my life." She waved her free hand at his house. "This surprises me, to be honest. I really did think you were a dirt-poor farmer. But look at this place! You have so much wealth.

"I'm need to be sure whatever I do is because it is right for me and not because I am chasing wealth. You made me more aware of that than any other time in my life. This scares me, Daniel. I don't know what it is I want. Sex? Wealth? You? I've been such a bitch to you for so many years. You deserve better from me.

"And this stuff with spell casting? What the fuck, Daniel? How is that possible? Now that I'm out here you have to show me this book."

Daniel looked toward Jasmine's bedroom.

"I know. You don't want people to know. But ask yourself this? How long will Jasmine be here? How will you keep it hidden? You are going to have to trust her at some point. I can vouch for her if you need it. I trust her more than I trust you. I've spent more hours between her legs and more hours in bliss talking with her than anyone else in my life. We're cunt crazy for each other. I love her, Daniel. If it comes to it, I will tell her."

"Stay here a moment," he said. He rose and went into his bedroom. He opened his chest and dug down to the bottom and pulled out the magic bag. He stood and took a deep breath. What he did next would change his life. He had to be certain it was what he wanted. He sat on his bed and thought about it. He remembered his life with his parents. Then their deaths. And then coming to Acron and starting a new life for himself. Change was something he was used to. Change didn't bother him. He was afraid of losing the people close to him.

He decided and left his room. He stopped at Jasmine's bedroom and knocked.

"Come in!"

He opened the door and found Jasmine on the bed with a toy in her pussy. She had a short shirt on and nothing else. She smiled up at him and pumped the toy in and out.

"Can I help you, Daniel?"

"By the Gods, Jasmine! What the fuck are you doing?"

"Fucking myself and imagining it's you, what else?"

Amy in the living room heard the exchange and laughed out loud. "Get used to it, Daniel. She only thinks about sex. All day in the bathhouse jerking off men would get her so horny. I've nearly drowned in her cunt."

Daniel took a moment to enjoy the view. Jasmine kept her eyes locked on his and then came around her toy. "Ugh. Gods. Fuck. That was good." She lay back and let go of the toy. It slowly pushed out of her and plopped between her legs. Daniel could see the wet pink interior of her pussy and he salivated.

Daniel shook his head to clear it. "That was fucking hot. But I've something to share with you and Amy. Can you join us?"

Jasmine saw he was serious and nodded.

Daniel went back to Amy and sat down. Jasmine came in and sat cross-legged next to Amy. Daniel could see she still had no pants on. Her pussy was spread open and still wet. Daniel could smell her and swallowed. Amy noticed and laughed.

"Gods, Jasmine. Modesty much?"

"Whatever for? I'm with the two people I admire the most," she laid back and spread her legs and then spread her pussy with her fingers. "Both of you have had this wonderful pussy. One of you more than the other."

Amy licked her lips. She looked sideways over at Daniel and smiled a wicked grin. She leaned over and ran her tongue up Jasmine's slit. She lapped again and Jasmine moaned. Jasmine caught Daniel's eye and held it. Amy continued to lap at her hungry pussy.

"She's eating me, Daniel," she said. "See how good she is? Her tongue is hitting all my spots. Oh!" Amy had sucked her clit into her mouth. "She's so good at that. The best of us, really. Amy gave Daniel a kiss. Let him taste my pussy on your mouth."

Amy sat up and leaned over to Daniel and kissed him. His tongue and mouth savoured the taste of Jasmine. This was his first time tasting her. She was sweet. Her sex smelled wonderful. Tasting it on Amy's lips was divine, and he moaned against her mouth.

"Amy, back to my pussy please."

Amy broke the kiss and went back to licking Jasmine's pussy. Daniel watched in fascination. Amy got on her fours and then reached back and flipped her skirt off her ass. She wasn't wearing any panties and her ass was pointed right at Daniel. She ran a finger through her pussy lips and then circled her swollen clit.

Daniel wasted no time. He dropped his pants and got behind Amy. He lined up his cock and pushed it past her wet lips into her cunt. Amy groaned against Jasmine's pussy, and Jasmine's eyes lit up.

"I've never seen anyone get fucked before. I need to get closer." Jasmine pulled away from Amy and then slid herself under her. Daniel watched Jasmine's face appear below him between Amy's legs. "Keep fucking her, Daniel. I want to watch."

Daniel slowly began to piston his cock in and out of Amy's pussy. Amy moaned and then lowered her head to Jasmine's pussy. Soon they were all making noises. Daniel's balls made a rhythmic slapping sound against Amy.

"Gods, this is so hot," said Jasmine. "Uh-ungh, Amy. That's the spot. I'm so close to coming. Daniel, your balls are glorious. Watching your cock spreading and pounding Amy's pussy is amazing to watch. So fucking hot."

Jasmine raised her head and Daniel felt her tongue graze the shaft of his cock and Amy's clit. Amy cried out and pushed back at Daniel. Jasmine did it again and this time Daniel stopped fucking Amy. He held his cock half in her pussy. Jasmine started licking his shaft and Amy's pussy with broad strokes of her tongue. He pushed in a little deeper and was rewarded with Jasmine's tongue licking his balls.

"Oh fuck," he said.

"When you cum, I want you to cum in my mouth," ordered Jasmine.

Daniel moved his cock slowly in and out of Amy's pussy. Jasmine managed to tongue Amy's clit, his shaft, and his balls. Her tongue seemed to be everywhere at once. He felt his cum surge in his balls and he pulled out. Jasmine grabbed his cock and opened her mouth. She pointed his dick at her mouth and stroked him. Amy clambered off Jasmine and positioned her head and mouth by Amy's. Daniel looked down at the two women and grunted as the first rope ejected with force into Jasmine's mouth. It hit her extended tongue and sprayed everywhere. Amy squealed and laughed. Jasmine pointed his dick at Amy, and he shot a load onto her upper lip. She pointed it back at her mouth and he shot a load deep inside. She kept stroking him and cum poured out of his cock to land on Amy's tongue. She lapped it up and then sucked his cock into her mouth and licked his head and the hole in his dick. He moaned with aftershocks. Jasmine was smacking her lips and winked up at him.

"Every day, Daniel."

After getting water to drink, they returned to the couch. They were all naked and basking in the afterglow of great sex. Amy had shucked her dress and was lying against Jasmine on one side of the couch. Daniel, laying on the other side, had Amy's foot in his hand and was massaging it.
