The Office


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"Do you mean this is all you have of me?"

"Well, yeah. I never got any of you on any footage, and seeing you assumed I had, I didn't need any, until now. This will do nicely though." She looked shattered and confused. She actually almost looked disappointed there was nothing of her on film, and sat back, crossing her arms, completely conflicted.

"Well, next. Let's do Ned, she's not here to enjoy it, but there's no reason why we can't."

Under Nerida's folder, two entries came up. Nerida and Lisa in the Hotel and Nerida in the office. "We'll go easy on her, shall we? Lets look at this one." I went down to Nerida in the office and pressed enter.

The scene opened up to Nerida standing at my desk. I came into the shot, though only my back was visible. I was raising a hand to Nerida's head, cupping her cheek and then putting my hand on the top of her head. Pulling the remote out of my pocket and pressing a button, the camera panned down and zoomed in.

"So that's how you fucking did it!" Angela and Catherine chimed up together.

"Pretty simple actually. Cameras, with remote controls are fairly common now." We sat there in silence watching Nerida work a mouthful out of me and as the scene finished, I handed Lisa the camera cassette. "I don't know if you want to do the honours, or save it for her..." I said, as Lisa took the cassette and snapped it clean in two, throwing it next to Megan's.

"OK then, guess you want to do the honours. So now it's down to mother goose and the spotlight queen. Who wants to go next?"

"Why am I the spotlight queen?" Lisa asked. "You'll see." I answered, as I panned down to Lisa's name and went in. Four entries came up, and Megan gave a giggle. "What?" Lisa pushed out with her knee, but Meg just smiled and shrugged, not game enough to answer the question. There was Lisa and Megan, Angela and Nerida and Lisa by herself. She had almost done the whole team.

"Any preferences, or can I choose my favourite?" Lisa sat quietly, so Angela voted for Lisa and Megan, as Cathy pointed out Lisa And Angela.

"Both my favourites, but Angela's comes later, so let's watch Lisa and Megan."

I picked that entry and it opened to Lisa walking into my office with Megan, giving her performance of the callgirl Megan was to replicate for my brother. It was evident from the outset that to the rest of them that Lis knew what she was doing, and Megan couldn't help but give another giggle.

"Shut up slut, you didn't find it that funny when you were in the corner there. How many times did you get off watching us? Once, twice?"

"Three" Meg said, almost a whisper. At that, Catherine burst out laughing. Angela was stifling a laugh and I had a tear running down my eye. I was enjoying this more than I thought I would, and so were they. When I thought about it, it was probably because they were being freed a bit, while being brought together as well. They were obviously still in hatred of the position they had been put in, but there was a certain resignation to them.

Well, almost all of them. I looked over at Rachel. She was staring into the corner, one hand holding up the dress that was torn to shreds last night, the other cupping her knees to her chest. The others caught my gaze and Lisa leaned forward, whispering something in her ear. She nodded, smiled and turned. "Sorry, I was a million miles away."

With that, our attention returned to the TV, where Lisa was on the desk, doing her striptease.

After Lisa had knelt down to clean me up, just out of shot of the camera, the girls gave a little round of applause.

"That's what I mean by the spotlight queen." I smiled.

"You were kind of good at that, Lis." Catherine joined in.

"Well thank you, thank you. Fuck you all very much. Tapes please." She said, holding out her hands.

I passed three cassettes to her and she paused. "Weren't there four?"

Yeah, but the one with Angela she gets to take. Speaking of which..." I scrolled back and up to Angela, and went in to three entries. "Let's play a couple of these shall we?" I said, going down to the title Angela Rough.

The girls went quiet as Angela came on the screen, coming into my office and being thrown onto the desk face first. The girls sat quietly, watching Angela attacked. Obviously none of them had known she had gone through this, and Rachel looked up, almost sympathetically.

I ended that tape early and moved over to the entry titled Angela and Lisa. "Just to let you know what ever you went through that you didn't enjoy, you weren't alone, even though it wasn't all caught on film."

The scene of the office opened up again, and Angela and Lisa appeared. Without reason or rhyme, they started making love in my office. "This is the first video I caught. The one that started it all."

Angela and Lisa looked at each other, a glint of remorse in Ang's eyes and, if I wasn't mistaken, a twinkle of fondness in Lisa's. It was then that I noticed her hand had made its way in between her legs. She looked over at me and, all too late, moved it out, as I winked at her and smiled.

At the conclusion of that scene, I was rock hard and really ready for some relief, but as I had last night, I was waiting for the piece de resistance. I pulled out of the title marked Angela and moved down to Rachel. She sat there in silence, staring at the screen, as Lisa dropped an arm down to her shoulder in support.

I marked the entry called The Ring, and pressed play. The first scene was of the ending, my orgasm in her arse, her cheeks being pulled apart and the close up of my cum dribbling down over the engagement ring. The footage was perfect, and as it faded, it opened back up to Catherine behind Rachel taking her from behind. Only the scene wasn't quite as it had played out. Instead of quiet sobs and the gentle whispers of encouragement for someone in a situation they were not enjoying, Rachel's voice came over clear and confident, begging for it.

I could see in the corner of my eye Rachel sit forward and braced for the inevitable backlash I was about to get. As the scene went on, it became apparent that all of the begging had been removed and replaced with excerpts of 'Yes', 'Fuck me' and 'God I Want It' .

"That is not what I said!" Rachel screamed as she jumped up, not believing what she was watching. "This is bullshit! Everyone in this room know's you raped me, and this doesn't mean shit!"

I could see the tears starting to come back and knew she had been relying on the footage of the event against me. What I had turned it into was the final nail in her otherwise closed up coffin.

"Come here." Was all I said in response.

She just stood up and stared at the screen, not sure what to do.

"Rach, did you really think I would keep anything that would incriminate anything that happened here last night? I'm not that stupid. Now come over here and stand in front of me."

Battling everything she felt inside and fighting back yet another steady stream of tears, Rachel raised her chin and walked around, pausing in front of me and staring daggers.

"When the footage of this is complete, I will destroy the originals with you in the room, scouts honour, on one condition."

"What?" She snapped.


She held the stare, not moving. The rest of the girls were as still as statues waiting for her response.

"What I want you to do, simply enough, is this. I want you to do the dance you did for me on Wednesday night again, but this time I want you not to just stick my fingers in your cunt, but to come over, pull my cock out and ride me all the way to happysville, like the whore we all know you can be. Either that, or we can continue to, well, work on our attitude adjustment techniques."

Rachel hadn't flinched at all at the C word, but recoiled at the thought of another round with the team. She looked around at her friends for any glimmer of support, knowing full well it was not coming, and glance d back at the TV, only to see herself having the strap-on eased out of her mouth to a chorus of encouraging obscenities she didn't actually utter one of.

Eventually she turned back, stared at me and let go of the dress. She almost violently kicked it aside and walked over to me. No twirl, no caress of the skin and no shy and alluring smile. She dropped to her knees and attacked my pants.

"This what you want, BABY?" She scowled. "For me to join your chorus of whores? Sucking your cock and fucking you at will? Well fine, let's do this then." And with that she dropped her head down into my lap and took my cock in all the way to the base. Megan hopped up from the chair next to me and took a step back as Rachel devoured my cock, taking it stroke after stroke right to the base, something not easy to do, as I wasn't that small, or thin.

After a few minutes, I pulled her up by the hair and threw her back on the floor. She just bounced back up to her knees and came right back at me.

"You want this cunt, get those fucking pants off." She growled as I stood up and took my pants off completely and sat back down.

Rachel jumped back onto my lap, no smile and no fanfare, wrapping her tiny hand around my shaft and lining it up with her very moist pussy. She lined the tip up with her entrance and slammed down on it. "That it, baby? That the spot? Come on, fuck me like you never fucked anyone before. Come in my hot little cunt and prove how much of a man you really are. Come on asshole, fuck like a real man." She goaded and encouraged, wanting to end it as soon as possible with as little chance of a return as she could envoke.

"Come inside me, SIR, come on, come in my pussy, you can do it." She bounced up and down, breasts rocking in time to her thrusts as my hands gripped her hips and thrust my cock as far into her as I could manage. Before I knew what had hit me, a pair of hands tilted my head back and someone was forcing her tongue into my mouth. I gripped the back of the head on mine as I thrust into Rachel, the onset passion of a kiss coupled with the brazen and downright sluttiness of my latest conquest tipping me over the edge.

I grabbed Rachel, breast in one hand and hip in the other and unloaded into her. As I bucked and splashed stream after stream of cum into her, the mouth on mine lifted and Lisa's face came into view. She drew her hair back over her ear and backed off, almost embarrassed.

As I slowed my strokes, slowly coming back down, Rachel stood up and got off me. She grabbed a napkin off the coffee table next to me, wiped it in between her legs, and stuffed into my drink.

"Guess you know where I am if you want to fuck me again, BOSS. And thanks for the weekend, guess it was good to finally learn who stood where." She goaded as she walked up the hall and slammed the door to the bedroom.

"Let her be. Her mind is where I want it. She'll come good soon enough." I said, still coming down from my orgasm as Megan and Catherine went to follow her.

I looked over to Lisa, who was still shying away in the corner. That was the third time she had stunned me with a sign of affection...


That Monday morning I arrived in my office to find Catherine waiting for me. "Firstly, this isn't a task I ever envisaged you fighting over, and secondly, give me a few. I don't do anything without my morning coffee." I smiled at her as I made my way past her.

"Um, Morning, yeah, no, that wasn't what I was here for, not that it's not OK, I mean..." she stumbled.

"Relax Cath, I was joking." I smiled. "Kind of knew that. What's up?"

She softened greatly after that. I was concerned about how this morning would go over with all of them. Saturday night kind of ended on a low. I had anticipated going on with the night, pulling as many of them into the bedroom as I could, banging away until the sun came up and continuing with the humiliation of Rachel, but after she stormed off into the other room and I had come once, I just didn't have it in me.

It was something I could have gone on with, but whether it was a combination of fatigue or mental strain, or just that this little game had gone on so long and most of the girls were resigned to the arrangement, I didn't know. Maybe the thrill had just gone? Maybe I was looking for something I hadn't accounted for...

Catherine came in and passed me an envelope. "Angela called in sick. I mean I'm sure she called you, but she called and let me know as well. And this is from Rachel..."

I opened up a hand written letter, signed at the bottom and very brief.

To whom it may concern,

I hereby tender my resignation, effective immediately. I am aware I am foregoing any money due to me in the form of what my contract may stipulate as well as any recommendation for future employment.

What's done is done, and it won't be required.


I read the letter twice and folded it up, putting it in the intray and booked a meeting with HR.

"Is that OK?" Catherine asked, obviously expecting more of a response than what she got.

"I'll have to pass her off as a bit flighty, but we both know what that last passage meant, don't we?"

"We talked it over. She said she can't work here after last weekend, and she wanted out. Simon has a good job and now she can concentrate on the wedding, and besides, he's been at her to give their personal life a bit more attention anyway."

"If you see her again, tell her it's fine and I agree. If I don't hear from her, she won't hear about it."

"Yes Sir. And the other thing?" She said, motioning to stand and leave.

"Not today, maybe a raincheck. I am a bit done in from the weekend myself. But thanks."

"No worries..."

Monday, 8 weeks later...

So now its two months later, and life has gone on rather tamely. Sure every now and then since that weekend I've dragged one or two of them in and had my way with them, of taken one out and banged her in the bathrooms of a nice hotel, but for the most part, there hasn't been anything as exciting as those first few weeks of our little game.

So why did I write about it now? Well simple really. Once I have finished my little tale, I have a letter of resignation to write. I have been offered a role similar to mine up north, near my folks and in a much warmer climate than this one. And besides, this role was never going to be permanent. I had a goal in mind, well three actually, and I achieved them all. One, to put a bit of extra coin in the pocket, and two, to get laid, and fulfil all those teenage sexual fantasies that I never had the chance to legitimately when I was younger. But three, and most importantly, to even the ledger with the "Girl" that almost ruined my life 16 months ago.

Now I have. And with nothing having yet come back and bitten me or the girls in the ass, any blackmail that you can walk away from is a good blackmail. So I am. Once I'm done here I will write to Jackson, thanking him for his loyalty to date and emailing him an improved pricelist, urging him to take it back to his business and pronounce it as a negotiation win. The prices won't have actually changed, so our accounts team don't see anything that will provoke questions as the only difference in price will be the little off the top that kept on coming. Then I will cancel the extra accounts and divide the money up between us, arranging for any future accounts in the company name to require an Exec signature.

The girls? Well, who gives a fuck really. They will all still have jobs, and my secret will still be their secret. Whether they come or go will make no difference to me, as I will be gone anyway. No more being coerced for sex, and no more profiting from some dirty old director of a major client, they can actually step away and embark

And no, don't bother keeping an eye out at your local X-rated video shop, because my little collection is staying right where it is, my DVD shelf.

The End


It's 2am on Monday and I'm in a hotel in a town whose name will remain secret, waiting for my new accommodation to come through. It's been 6 weeks since I moved on from my last role, and the break was amicable. The girls understood and Jackson was happy to call an end to it as well, but that's not why I'm adding to my tale.

The reason I'm adding to my tale is because about 4 hours ago the doorbell to my room rang. I opened the door to the last two people I expected to see standing there.

Lisa was wearing a long tan trench coat and Megan a longer dark brown coat. They smiled when they saw me.

"You weren't too difficult to track down at all." Lisa said. "If you don't want to be found next time, you might want to forward your mail a little more carefully."

"What are you doing here?" I responded, completely stunned.

"Well, we just found life down south far too boring, and wondered what was missing..." Megan crooned, as she undid a button on her coat.

"Yeah, Life 'down south' just hasn't been the same without some strong support..." Lisa added, undoing a button on her own coat.

My eyes were nearly bursting out of my head, but I played along the best I could. "I'm sure if you looked around a bit more, something would 'come up'? Why come all the way up here?"

"Well, no-one has been as big a support as you were" Lisa responded, undoing the last button on her jacket. "We just, well, we missed the olden days, if you know what I mean.

With that the coats opened. Unless you hadn't guessed, the only thing they were wearing was the coats. Both girls stood there in the hallway virtually naked.

"So, are you going to invite us in, or do we have to give you our pass?" Megan asked, pulling her hand out of her coat pocket with Lisa, only to hold them up and show me the handcuff dangling off the wrist. With the other hand, she threw me the keys, and I ushered them both in.

And now the bags are still sitting in the hallway, Lisa's wrist is handcuffed to Megan's ankle and Megan's wrist to Lisa's ankle, and I've blown a load into both of them. After I call in sick, I will need to see if there are any openings in the accounts team for my openings in the bedroom...

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AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Excellent story

My favourite story on Literotica. Great idea, decent writing, well told.

Stone_WolfStone_Wolfover 9 years ago
still great

The second time around. Read this once almost a year ago and it's still just as good as it was then. Shame it's not higher on the list in the hall of fame.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Get an editor!

Lots of typos/grammatical errors. But all in all great story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Nice story, but....

You use "wondering" instead of "wandering." It really got distracting. Some other obvious typos too. Still, very well done.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

rarely have I been kept so riveted by anything but a bestseller. Fantastic storyline which really keeps you engaged. Bravo!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
This was....

one of the best things I have ever read. It was hot, it was violent, I loved the revenge bit and, really, other then the odd spelling errors, it was mind blowing. And oh my god, the bit with Angela being slammed around. <3333

Keep it up with the amazing stories,


AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
great but unpolished

Except for the odd error and weird dangling sentences, this was really well done and very, very hot. Loved the revenge on Rachel. Thank you for the hotness!

vmp1vmp1over 13 years ago

I liked the way that you had the other girls team up against Rachel. That was an unusual twist.

jpsbassjpsbassover 13 years ago
A grest lead story

Excellent work... seems built for continuation. Will there be further chapters or seguays into other themes?

Eric_ShiftEric_Shiftover 13 years ago

Honestly did not want it to end.

Can't wait for the next submission.

Please keep it up.

WyattWyattover 13 years ago
One Of The Best...

nonconsent stories on the site. Every now and again a real gem of a story appears and this is one of those. Not broken up into fifteen small chapters either! I think this is a surefire top story and had everything from reluctance to rape. Loved it. Thanks for the time you undoubtedly spent on this wonderful story.


AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

I loved it all. Especially the unseen revenge with Rachel. The ending, of course, was logical finish to things but including Megan with Lisa was a nice surprise. Keep up the good writing.

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