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"I don't know what to think about her either. Like you, I felt a stirring in my loins when I swam in her eyes. It's...well it's weird."

"And she made that comment about her lips. When I said you were so impressed with them, she said something like, you hasn't even tasted them or something like that I don't remember, but I found that a very curious and interesting comment."

"I picked up on that too. Well if we continue to see them, we'll slowly figure her out I'm sure."

"She may try to get into your pants."

"Or yours," and I smiled at her as she just looked at me.

As she turned away from me and went back to watching the men work on our house, she said, "Ted is a lot like you in bed." That comment surprised me, because we hadn't gotten into that issue.

"I hope that's a good thing."

"It's a very good thing. It still comes to my mind that I had both of you inside of me that night. I liked that a lot."

"I think Dee liked that too, though she didn't actually say that."

"You had her so excited."

"She and I have been teasing each other for so long, so when we finally made love we went a little crazy at first."

"I'm sure. I kind of wish I could have watched you two, and yet..."

"Maybe one of these days we could do something like that. In the same room or something."

"So you really do want that to happen again."

"I really do, but only if you're comfortable with the idea."

"I'll be more comfortable the next time than I was that time probably."

"I know, in our new loft. We can celebrate moving into our new house by making love to Dee and Ted in the loft."

"Maybe we could do something like that. Do we have everything ready to go into the loft?"

"Almost. Certainly everything will be ready within the next couple of weeks."

"I can hardly wait. Jenny honey, could you or would you make love to Frieda?"

She kept her back to me as she said, "I don't know. I don't think I could, but I just don't know. Is that something you want me to do?"

"No, I only want you to be happy and comfortable with whatever we do and share. Any decision like that will be totally up to you hon."

"Would you suck a guy?"

"No. I'm not repulsed by it, but I'm not interested in doing that. Is that something you're curious about?"

"No, just checking." I thought it was almost cute how she was able to open up a little more while she had her back to me pretending to watch them work on our house.

"Could Frieda be a witch?" I asked Jenny.

That made her turn quickly to look at me and say, "Where did that come from?"

"I don't know. Soft, sweet, even cadence voice and stunning hypnotic eyes. Maybe she was trying to hypnotize you. Well us really, me at the store over coffee, and you and Dee at dinner. It's just a crazy idea I had. She's an herbalist, and has formulas and concoctions. Of course I don't know where that would put Ezra in the scheme of things. He's a pretty minor player in her life I think."

"My god, so you see her standing over a steaming caldron stewing toads and newts while she wears a pointed black hat?"

I laughed and said, "Well that wasn't what I had in mind, but it would be great for a Halloween party."

Jenny smiled and said, "God, that really would be a wild party idea. An old black iron Dutch oven over a fake fire with dry ice and water in the pot, boiling and spewing steam."

"Wow, now that's something we'll have to think about. You could stand there in a long black skirt that's split up to your bare ass."

She smiled again before she said, "We'd have to talk about that part."

"You had an awesome idea though hon. You're pretty good. You also have the perfect ass for that too."

She smiled and told me, "Thank you. Let's go home lover."

Chapter Sixty Three

Danner construction was efficient, and appeared to be doing a nice job, and was even ahead of schedule, but it just wasn't as much fun as working with Collin and his crew. They always seemed to enjoy what they were doing and that made a difference to me. The next time we were by the house it was all closed in and two guys were working on the front of the house, and I assumed that the other two were working on the interior. It was time to put the condo on the market so I could use that cash to help fund the loft projects.

The Friday that Collin delivered the bar, Jenny and I went along and got our first look at our new loft. We couldn't stop smiling as we walked around and touched the wood walls and looked at the wide board floor. One of us would point and say something and a minute later something else would be noticed. Collin stayed with us, and as we went along, he told us Danner was doing a good job for us and I mentally sighed in relief and thanked him.

But to me, another one of the big days was late the next Thursday when the mannequins were delivered to the house. With Dennis, one of the men from Danner construction, and help from Ted and Rob, we installed them, one by difficult one, posed them and then enjoyed a beer while we studied the results of our efforts. "Mr. Whitehead, where the hell did you find those figures?" Dennis asked as he looked at each mannequin.

"That wasn't easy. It took me days to find a company that could provide what I wanted, and even then they had no faces or hair. So yet more money went out to have them painted, wigs put on and them and after some discussion to make sure they were tracking with me, they dressed them. As you saw, all we had to do was mount and pose them, but as we've learned, that wasn't such an easy task."

"This is going to be one hell of a party place."

"I intend to spend a lot of time up here and not just for parties. This will be our 'escape from reality' room after a long shit day at the office."

"Whatever, this will be killer."

"I hope so."

"So all of those hooks up there will be for...what?"

When I told him, his face lit up and then he laughed. "You're shittin' me."

"Oh no, and most of those hooks will be full. All of them if I can make that happen."

"So this is going to be a playground for adults."

"Pretty much, yes."

"This is just too freakin' awesome."

Dennis had to get back to work, but Ted, Rob and I stood there a little longer and I pointed toward the long open wall and said, "For the most part I'm leaving that undecorated for future expansion. I get ideas, most of which I reject, but not all. We already have a couple of new ideas for Halloween."

Ted smiled and just shook his head as he said, "Some guys golf or take up big hobbies, but for you it's this...adventure room, or game room. Hell it's all of that and more."

Rob couldn't stop smiling as he asked, "So when is the party?"

"That depends on when Danner gets done, which by the latest estimate is another week or so. If that's the case, I can see a party at some point within thirty days after that."

"Hot damn."

"Just remember what I warned you about."

"Hell Unc, it's your warnings that make me so determined to come to the party."

"You'll be by far the youngest."

"I'm cool with that."

"I never want to catch hell from your parents."

"They'll never know."

"I'll make a bet with you. Somehow, at some point, they will learn the details of our party nest and you'll be right in the middle of that discovery."

"Then your older sister will crack up."

"Or crack our heads."

"So what will we see in here after you and Jenny are done?"

"I'll only tell you that we'll incorporate a lot of the things that were at the farm in Sparta."

We threw plastic over our new fiberglass residents, and I patted their asses before I headed home to tell Jenny everything. In the meantime, she'd been shopping with Dee for something that I wouldn't find out about until the party.

Then Jenny told me, "Frieda called me, and...well the short version of this is we're going to show her the loft as soon as it is completed."


"She was being very cryptic, but in essence she has a house warming gift idea, but she needs to see the loft before she can decide on the details. I told her a gift wasn't necessary and that we were just going to have a gathering of friends."

"But she insists on giving us something."


"Okay. I'm glad we have our fiberglass residents installed."

"It would be easier if we named them. Then she smiled as she said, "You know, like maybe the Greens. One could be Chartreuse, and we could call her Char for short. One could be Forest Green and..."

I laughed and said, "Okay, so they are the Green family, and the other four could be Clover, Hunter, Emerald and Hooker Green."

Jenny laughed and told me, "There's no such thing as a hooker green."

"Oh yes. It's not as dark as Hunter green."

"Where do you come up with these bits of useless information?"

"I have a memory for trivia, but I'm not so good at important things."

Chapter Sixty Four

We finally moved into our new home on Friday, May the eighteenth. We had movers do all of the heavy lifting, so all Jenny and I had to do was put the dishes in the cupboard and our clothes in the closet. Ted and Dee saw to the kitchen items, but the best part was when all of us, including Rob, hung all of the bras, panties and other intimate items from the rafters of our new loft and stocked the bar. Though different in many ways, we decided that it was even better than the first one. But Jenny and I were knocked back on Saturday afternoon, and that began when Jenny said, "Frieda just pulled in hon."

We met her at the door, and watched as Frieda bent down and using what, to me, looked like a large cheesecloth sachet, she drew it back and forth across our threshold and confidently chanted, "This doorstep with its welcome ways, be guarded by a shield of rays, to guard this home by day and night, protect it with this door of white. Let nothing enter not of good, and those within do as they would. The aura left by herb and spell, will safely seal this entrance well." Then she dropped that bag into her oversized purse and said, "I've so looked forward to today," and she proceeded to give me a warm and teasing kiss, and then did the same with Jenny. "Now I promise I won't stay a long time, but curiosity has been eating me alive."

As she entered, Jenny and I fell in behind her and smiled at each other, and standing in the foyer I asked Frieda, "Are you a witch?"

"I much prefer the word enchantress. The word witch comes with so much negative baggage. If it would help you, think of me as extremely superstitious."

Jenny squeezed my hand and said, "Let's start with the downstairs and then we'll go to the loft for a glass of wine." Oh yes, Jenny and I would be talking and laughing about that very interesting development.

As we returned to the foyer after going through the main level, Frieda told us, "This is a beautiful home."

I was happy to just stand there while Jenny said, "Thank you. We have so much to do in the way of decorating and adding our personal touches, but that will take some time."

"Of course it will. That is what will make it a home for you." Then Jenny led the way up the stairs.

There wasn't any one thing that was intended to grab the eye right away, so as soon as we reached the loft Frieda stopped and her head swiveled left and then right as she said, "I don't know where to look first. This is amazing. It's huge."

I puffed up my chest a little and told her, "It's thirty by fifty, so it is large, but the very tall gambrel roof makes it feel even bigger."

"Room for that charming balcony at the far end and those two...oh that is so very...charmingly wicked."

"They are our plastic friends Chartreuse and Forest Green." Frieda laughed and before she could say anything, I pointed up at the upside down figure at the top of the fire pole and said, "That loose large chested and inverted woman up there with her legs spread and her panties showing is Hooker Green," and that brought another laugh. "The two on the trapezes hanging from the rafters are Hunter...he's the one with the bulging tights, and the woman is Emerald Green.

Then Jenny finished it with, "The woman in the tiny bikini baby doll pajamas on the balcony is Clover Green, so there you have the Green family."

"You two have done a wonderful job with this. The furnishings are perfect, and the...oh, that huge wood and glass ceiling fixture is perfect."

"You'll notice the rope going up to that pulley and then over to that cleat on the wall. That adds to the country or barn theme, but it also makes the fixture easy to clean. We just lower it, clean it or replace light bulbs and then hoist it back up and tie it off."

"How very practical, and it does add to the ambiance."

"Of course," Jenny said, continuing as the guide, "Like downstairs this is incomplete."

"Oh I'm sure you'll never really complete this loft. New ideas will emerge and little trinkets and bits and pieces will continue to be added. A shelf here, artwork there. I could go crazy up here."

"We know just what you mean."

As I slipped behind the bar I said, "Jenny, show Frieda the bathroom." As in the first loft at the farm, the bathroom was made up of two areas, but this time each area had a long window.

Jenny watched Frieda enter and waited a second before she raised her hand. I hit the button and the opaque window became perfectly clear and transparent. I watched as Frieda's face lit up and she looked at Jenny saying, "Oh, now that is just too clever. Oh my, the possibilities that I can see."

"It's called smart glass, and Ben can make it clear by pushing a button at the bar. Then Frieda stepped into the second area where the toilet was. "Oh no, another window."

"But this one is different. Can you imagine sitting on the commode while watching the other guests?"

"I really can't. I mean I don't think I could do what I came in here for." Then Jenny showed her the other side of the window and again Frieda laughed. "You two have done an amazing job and your party is sure to be a big success. This is unreal and I love it."

I delivered glasses of wine and we stood in the middle of the loft and sipped as we continued to talk. "You know," Jenny said, "The first time I ever saw Ben naked was in a bathroom just like this one. The door was open and there he stood. Unfortunately for me, he was with another woman."

Frieda smiled and looking at me she said, "I'll bet he looked good."

Jenny was smiling as she said, "He looked delicious."

Just as she had promised though, Frieda sipped the last of her wine and again complimented us on our fun, sexy and beautiful loft. Then she kissed me and then Jenny, handed me her glass and we walked her down to the door. "She does know how to use her lips," I said before kissing Jenny.

"Comparing my lips to hers lover?"

"Oh no. She has hot lips, but nobody is a match for you."

"She must always dress a little frumpy."

"Knowing how to dress isn't what she's best at."

"And just what is she best at? Other than kissing and hypnotizing of course."

"Surprising us. She's good at that. She's a full out witch."

"No, now she told you herself that she's an enchantress."

"I think they're one and the same, but I'll admit that the word witch does give bad vibes."

Ready to plan the party and send out invitations?"

"I am, and I say more people than we...sorry hon...that was at the last party."

"Then let's get started. Oh, and do you believe in spells and incantations?"

"That was a very nice gesture for her to...well in her world, bless our house, but do I believe in that crap? Not hardly, and you?"

She smiled, patted my ass and said, "No, I don't think sage and basil and boiled sassafras, or whatever she had in that little bag, is going to ward off evil spirits."

Chapter Sixty Five

There really wasn't a lot for us to do to get ready for the party. Caterers would see to the food, and Jenny saw to the stylish and unbreakable dishware and a serving table. I over stocked the bar. Along with several whiskeys, there was vodka, gin and other taste treats. The next shelf up in front of the mirrors were Kahlua, Grand Marnier, Drambuie, Irish Crèmes, Sambuca, and several others along with a tequila liqueur called Agavero, served straight up or on the rocks. A very smooth, gentle, flavorful, pleasing and deadly drink best consumed in very small quantities. There would even be strong fresh coffee for those that liked specialty coffees. Fresh lemon and lime slices, maraschino cherries salt to rim the glasses and on and on. I even had a sign made that said, "Bartender drunk so help yourself." I wasn't about to spend the night mixing and serving drinks, and I didn't want a stranger in the loft to do that for us. If my first party was any indication, what might go on in the loft might best be left there.

Time was flying by and it was just a few days until our party. Jenny and I were still picking at the preparations, but we were getting restless and were obsessing over little details, so Sunday night we gave up and went to bed early. A loud noise almost made us jump out of bed and I saw that it was well past two in the morning. I ran through the house, and looking through the front window I found a police car in our yard with lights flashing and a car close to the house and ablaze. I almost ran into Jenny as I turned for the bedroom and told her, "Get a robe on hon, we have company. Something really weird is going on out in the front yard." We ran back to the bedroom, I jumped into my jeans and shoes without socks, and ran back to the front door. As I opened it, the police were doing their best to push the car away from the house, but they were also blistering the paint on the police cruiser. They were thirty or so feet from the front door, but I was sure it would be best to be out of the house just in case the car exploded and threw flames on our house. Granted the front of the house was brick, but I wasn't taking any chances. With my arm around Jenny, we stayed back as the police made a valiant effort to extricate whoever was in what was left of the car, but I was sure it was too late for whoever it was. The driver was finally pulled free and away from the flames, and minutes later an ambulance another police car, and the fire department were there. That freed the first officer, so he came over to us and asked if we were okay, but I was eager to find out what the hell had just happened.

"Well none of this makes sense right now, but as the driver came down your street, he failed to stop at the last stop sign. Not a big deal at all, but when I turned on my red lights he sped up. When he got near this point, he cranked the wheel to the right attempting to come up your driveway. He hit the curb pretty hard and probably damaged his steering, but then he drove right over your large ornamental rocks and no doubt did more damage to his car. Why it burst into flames I don't know just yet, just as I don't know who he is, why he ran from me or why he ended up in your yard. Do you recognize the car?"

"Sorry, but I don't. Drugs in his car maybe."

"That certainly is a possibility. Once the fire is out, we'll no doubt get a few questions answered. You're lucky he didn't manage to punch through your front door in an attempt to get away from me and that would have set your house on fire. I don't know if he did that, or something about the car made it veer to the left."

"You did a hell of a job getting the car away from the house and getting him out, though I'll be surprised if he lives."

"Thank you, and I will too."

Minutes later, the driver was loaded into the ambulance and they left with sirens screaming. The fire was out, but the firemen were misting the car to cool it more and then the officer went through the car. When he opened the trunk we all saw the two gas cans in the trunk. The fireman immediately sprayed into the trunk and then the containers of gas were carefully removed and set well away from the car. There was no chance that Jenny and I would sleep anytime soon, so we kept our place to see if other discoveries were made. The officer came back, but shared no other news with us, and after getting our names and phone number, he headed to the hospital to see if the driver would be able to answer any questions. There really wasn't anything more for us to see other than when the wrecker would come for the car, but we were beyond ready to be inside where it was warm.