WBDP - Brianna Delivers Pt. 05


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I was dozing, making up for being awakened before I was ready this morning when Chantelle brought me my key lime pie from last night, bringing another slice for William as well.

"Monsieur, this slave would beg a favor."

"What favor would that be, Chantelle?"

"I believe we will be serving many people at once, Master. Everyone has indicated they would like to attend, not having done a Nyotaimori here before. One plate my not be enough for the number eating. Might I use Marcia for the other plate?"

"Marcia will love that, won't she, Chantelle?"

"I believe your slave is already wet at the thought, Monsieur."

"I have no problem with her participation, Chantelle."

"Oui, Monsieur. Merci. I will tell her the good news."

I finished my pie and set the plate down beneath the lounge chair.

"Bill," I said, "I noticed you found it difficult to take your eyes off Evelyn while she worked with Marcia to keep me hard."

"Was it that obvious?"

"Oh, yes. Marcia noticed too. Everyone but Monique might have noticed. The only reason she didn't is you were behind her."

"I'm sorry."

"Nothing to be sorry for," I said. "She's your wife and slave. You've gone through traumatic times. I understand completely. Might I ask what was running through your head. You didn't look angry, or worried. I couldn't tell what you were feeling."

"No, nothing like that. More confusion, I think."

"In what way?" I asked.

"As I was watching her with your prick in her mouth, I kind of had this sick feeling in the pit of my stomach, watching her service you so intimately, but at the same time, I was so aroused, my cock was like stone and I climaxed faster than I expected," he replied.

"Aaahh, the wife/slave paradox," I said. "I know it well."

"What's the wife/slave paradox?" William asked. "I've never heard of it."

"Probably because I just made up the name for the same feeling I have."

"What feeling?"

"Remember my story the other night at dinner where I told you how erotic it was watching Marcia looking at me as she sank down over Morris's prick?"


"In addition to being one of the most erotic experiences of my life, it was one of the most difficult things I've ever seen," I said. "It haunted me. Hell, it still haunts me. Just because it was highly charged sexually, doesn't mean I didn't feel I'd just been kicked in the gut. Watching your wife with another prick in her cunt is something you can't really forget. Even if you didn't see it happen, but merely imagine it, it's difficult. When my first wife cheated on me, I kept picturing these nameless, faceless cocks fucking her, being sucked on. I'm sure you know what I mean. It gets stuck in there and doesn't shake loose. When you see it, it's even more vivid."

"I remember. What's the paradox?" Bill asked.

"Marcia's also my slave. I want to show her off, to let others see how hot and desirable she is. Show everyone she's mine and thumb my nose at them because I've got her and they don't. I want everyone to know what a slut she is. But every time I do, every time someone else touches her, it's both erotic and disturbing. I enjoy it, but also get butterflies. Not so much the girls, that's 98-99% erotic and only 1 to 2% disturbing. With men, much closer to 50/50."

Brianna said, "I experience it a little myself; not so much when my slaves are with each other, I'm used to that, but when I've shared them with men. It bothers me to share Monique with you two."

"We slaves felt the same when Master Sam was fucking our Mistress," Adele said. "It was necessary for her child, but still hurt to see her submitting to Sam."

"Then why do it? Why subject yourself?" Bill asked.

"Because, at the time; it seems the right thing to do. Even now, a year later, I think it was right to let Morris and Marcia say goodbye the way they did. Doesn't mean I don't picture them together with a little pang of jealousy or whatever you'd call it. Nor did I feel it was right to deny her you, after she arranged for me to be with Brianna and my celebrities. It would be like telling her, 'I've had two of my dreams fulfilled now, tough shit, Marcia, we're doing away with our lists'. We're complex people with a bunch of conflicting shit in our heads. It's possible for something to be both pleasurable and painful, emotionally and physically. Marcia cumming when she's whipped is a physical manifestation of the emotional stuff we do to ourselves. Why is picturing Marcia with Morris both masturbatory fantasy and nightmare? I don't know, but it is. Bill, it took seven or eight years of marriage to Marcia before my previous trauma was healed enough for me to reach the point where I can tolerate, even enjoy my slave having pleasure with another without wanting to rip someone's head off. I don't believe you've reached my state of advancement. Your pain is too fresh."

"You shared your wife with me, Sam. You turned my nightmare into a fantasy. I owe you, not just for your wife, but for my marriage. I'm happy for the first time in years."

"And what little cancer will you insert into your happiness if you do something before you're ready for it? You may think you owe me something William, but you don't. I wasn't giving you anything. If circumstances weren't what they were, I would have given you squat. I wasn't doing it for you, or your marriage; I was doing it for Marcia. I believe it's an important distinction. Don't share your wife with me because you believe you owe me a debt. You don't. You were my gift to her. I owe you something for using you to make Marcia happy."

He thought about it for a couple minutes. "That's what I'm trying to do. Make my slave happy. She wants to do this double penetration, to know what it's like."

"Hey, we're not going anywhere. Three years from now, if you reach a point where it's 60% erotic and only 40% painful, you can reconsider. Right now, it's probably more 10 to 90 for you. It's not a good place to be. Don't torture yourself."

"What if you did it in the dark?" Brianna asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Men are visual. You've talked about picturing or seeing someone with a cock in your spouse. What if you didn't see it? You couldn't see it because it was dark?"

"You're saying if we can't see what's happening, it wouldn't be as painful?" William said. "I'd never get the picture in my head Sam has of Morris?"

"It's not exactly true," I said. "The mental image is still formed."

"But it's not as vivid as seeing the real thing, is it?" Brianna asked. "And I want to know why neither of you cares who your wives fucked before you were married. It doesn't seem to matter at all? For all the mental pictures you have of your cheating wives or your slutty slaves, you don't seem to have the same images of the men who came before?"

I thought about it for a minute. "I don't know why," I said. "It just doesn't. Maybe because no one's responsible for anything which happened before we met, but we're all responsible for what happens after."

"I don't have an explanation either," Bill said, "but I don't give a shit about the ones before."

"There you go," Brianna said. "Just imagine any cock going into your slave now is a pre-marital cock."

"Doesn't work that way," I said.

"No it doesn't," Bill agreed.

"I still think you might pull it off if you do it in the dark," Brianna said. "It won't matter to Evelyn. Every sense she has will be focused on her holes, not on who's filling it. You're the ones who can't get past the image. Personally, I'm not sure you don't consider women as your property after you're married. You want to have control of who plays with your toys. And why don't tongues matter as much as cocks. Neither of you has said anything about imagining some slick tongue licking your wives. It's cocks, cocks, cocks with you men, all the time."

"Cocks are more personal, don't ask me why. Maybe it's because they go deep in the body and tongues are more external. Or maybe it's because it's the source of procreation. Why does my cock in Monique matter more to you than Marcia's mouth? It just matters more."

Bill said, "I agree. It matters more. I wasn't concerned about Jimmy licking her cunt. I worried about him fucking her cunt. It's a bigger deal."

"And I don't believe thinking of your spouse as your property is exclusive to men. Marcia felt the same way about me with another woman. And how miserable was Evelyn when Marcia was fucking Bill? I think it's the Honor part of your wedding vows. How much honor are you showing your spouse if they're not the most important fuck of your life, and you can spread your legs for anyone or push your cock into any hole you want. Seems to me you've dropped a lot lower on the totem pole if your spouse holds you in such low regard."

"Yet you don't mind sharing your spouse with others if you believe it's the right reason, even if you feel something in the pit of your gut if you do?" Brianna asked. "Not sure it makes much sense to me. I shouldn't talk. I already admitted I feel the same sharing my slaves with you, especially Monique."

"We're made of internal conflict," I said. "It may not make sense, but there it is."

"So what are you going to do, Bill? Satisfy your slave or your ego?" Brianna asked.

"I don't know," Bill said.

"Don't make it about me," I told him. "It's not about me. It's about you and Evelyn. You're the only two people who matter in this equation. Take Marcia and I out of it. We're zeros, you can safely ignore us. The only way we matter is if you multiply or divide and all you get then is nonsense answers - zero and infinity."


"Don't mention it. I sometimes think I confuse an issue more than clarify it."

I hopped in the pool and swam around a little, Brianna agreeing to apply more lotion when I got out.

As she rubbed it on my back and ass, she softly said, "You're kind to give him a way out of his predicament."

"I don't think he's ready yet."

"Nor do I, but you could have pushed."

"I'm not into pushing."

"Except perhaps, your slave."

"I did push her, but never without a way out. She always had a safe word," I reminded her.

"But sometimes we would do more for one we love than we'd ever do on our own."

"You're right. I would never wear a cock cage on my own, but I did wear one for Marcia."

"As long as you realize all she would do for you," Brianna said, "you can safely judge whether you should ask or not."

"That is a wise piece of advice, Brianna."

I started napping again and Monique came out and got William and I. Looking around, I didn't see Brianna and Adele, but Monique told me they were in the nursery feeding the babies. She told us lunch was about to be served and since our slaves were to be the plates, we'd best come in now. I have to admit I was looking forward to lunch more than I usually do. It's not often you get to eat your food off two lovely slaves.

Chantelle had set two tables up in the family room, the only room large enough to hold all of us once they filled the old punishment room with gym equipment. All of the chairs, couches, and other furniture were pushed back against the wall. People could still sit in some of it if they wanted. The two tables were about five feet apart so people could walk around each one without bumping into one another. Marcia and Evelyn were both laid out on the tables already and Chantelle and Zoe were placing the sushi, sashimi, raw vegetables and other food on their bodies. The food was chilled beforehand and it was cold on their naked flesh, so both of them had goosebumps and erect nipples, puckered and proud. Both their legs were slightly parted and food was being set on their thighs, their sex, their stomach, breasts, shoulders and even their faces, the lips and forehead. Both of them looked good enough to eat and that's what we'd be doing shortly.

William held Evelyn's hand briefly, squeezing it. I jumped the gun and ate a tempting morsel off Marcia's lips, lightly kissing her. They were both required to lie still. Some of the food was rather precariously balanced and any sudden movements, or even deep breaths could topple it to the table beneath them. More and more people were starting to wander in and move around the tables, eyeing all that goodness laid out for them, from the food to what they'd be dining off of. If Bill and I had been the plates, I don't think we would have been eyed so hungrily, but Brianna's crew feasted on females, and these were perfect ones to feast upon. There were flowers decorating their hair, wrists and ankles. I thought the choicest pieces of food were placed strategically to ensure the plates received a lot of stimulation to their breasts and sex, though I'm not sure it would have made much difference if they'd placed grasshoppers and porridge there instead. I was perfectly willing to eat almost anything placed on a tit or cunt.

When all participants had gathered, Chantelle rang a chime, getting everyone's attention. "We are dining today on a nice assortment of fish, vegetables and rice. Our plates today are Marcia Evans and Evelyn Thornhill. It has been requested we not use chopsticks today. You may use your mouths to pick up your food, or if you are particularly prudish, your fingers. It is suggested you move about both tables so you can get an assortment of food from both plates. Try to be a little careful. If you make your plate cum, it will be hard for them to remain still and your food might fall on the table, or worse yet, the floor. We have an assortment of beverages on the carts to either side of the entry. Champagne, plum wine, water and fruit juice on the cold drinks cart, and coffee, green tea, hot sake on the hot cart. Don't forget to save room for dessert, chocolate sauce mixed with macadamia nuts and brandy on Evelyn, fresh berries and whipped cream on Marcia. The food is ready. You may begin."

Essentially, they were swarmed. Eight to ten people surrounded each of them and their lips and tongues began plucking food from their bodies like hens plucking at a bucket of corn. Nibble, lick lick, nibble suck. No parts of their bodies were left untouched but their extremities. I watched for awhile, as did William, observing. I could see both plates were becoming aroused. The flowering of their cunts and the appearance of their dew informed me. Nevertheless, they attempted to remain still as the hungry mouths descended on their goose bumped flesh. After the initial horde, Chantelle and Monique would restock wherever there was a bare spot. I approached Evelyn and nibbled a piece of mackerel from her nipple, and a dab of rice from her lips.

Now that she could speak, I asked, "Is it all you thought it might be?"

"Yes, Master." Her breath was a little ragged.

I drifted down and snagged a slice of cucumber from above her belly button and a thin sliver of yellowtail from her upper thigh near her cunt. It was so thin, I couldn't pick it up with my lips, but needed to grab it with my teeth. Her leg twitched. I waited until Zoe restocked then took a bite of shrimp from around her clit. She didn't jump, but she did moan. I turned to my slave. She had some rice in her navel which I managed to suck up, before snagging a nice piece of salmon off her distended nipple. Someone was attempting to eat roe off the top of her cleft and Marcia was trembling as she struggled to hold still. A bevy of bodies still surrounded both of them, their dainty mouths dining upon our slaves flesh. Marcia had to cum. Her stomach rippled and her body shivered as she surrendered to her release. Her moan of gratification filled the room. When she stopped trembling another diner swabbed a piece of lobster up her crease, collecting her secret sauce to complement the shellfish.

By this time, I was as hard as a brick and I'm sure I annoyed more than one woman trying to get past them with my sword at port arms, unintentionally poking them in all sorts of places. I went back to Evelyn and observed her going through her own climax, trembling enough some food dropped off her body to the table. For the next hour, I went from plate to plate, eating a wide assortment of food from the most interesting places. Bill was enjoying the experience as much as I was, unconcerned his slave was cumming under the fastidious tongues of Brianna's slaves. After an hour, everyone had partaken enough of the main course and waited for dessert.

Their bodies were once again washed with spring water and a sterilant applied to their skin. While the preparations were made, I asked Marcia how many times she'd cum.

"Five, Master."

"I'm sure that won't be the end of it. Everyone is waiting for dessert. Are you having fun, slave?"

"Yes, Master, though I want to be fucked hard when we're finished. I need a big cock to finish what the light touching is only starting."

"I'm sure I can accommodate your needs, slave. I've been erect for the last forty-five minutes and we're not even done yet."

"I don't want you to cum too fast. Take a cold shower first if you need to."

"Here's the dessert. Be a good girl now and try to keep still."

"Yes, Master."

Chantelle and Zoe brought in the respective treats. Essentially, all pretense at decorum went out the window. From this point on, Chantelle ignored putting any of the food anywhere but hard core erogenous zones, and the women got down to dine. The combination of cool berries and cold whipped cream with the swarms of hot tongues and warm lips kept Marcia on the edges of climax constantly, especially since her breasts and cunt were the prime serving area. I saw her cum three more times in the little time I watched her. I probably contributed to one. Two raspberries and half a strawberry were piled at the top of her cleft with a spoonful of whipped cream. The cream was melting on her heated crotch and running down her slit. I took a lick all the way from her perineum to her clit, licking up the melting cream and nibbling the berries perched right over it. Of course, the two women licking their own treats from atop her pointed nipples contributed as well.

I got a flute of champagne and took a couple sips. It went well with berries and cream. I also liked champagne and chocolate and it was my next stop. Evelyn's breasts had about a half cup of chocolate/nut mixture poured on each. They looked like chocolate sundaes with cherries on top. I spent a half minute, licking a good portion off one breast. Evelyn orgasmed while I did so, but Bill with his head between her legs licking up the chocolate waterfall cascading down her cunt was more responsible than I for her pleasure.

I handed him a glass of champagne when she stopped quivering, saying, "This stuff goes down really well with chocolate sauce."

He lifted up and his face was covered from nose to chin with chocolate and nuts. He accepted the glass and took a sip.

"You're right," he said, "and the brandy in the chocolate really adds smoothness, don't you think?" He nodded to Zoe and she poured more sauce over Evelyn's cleft. "Have some more. It's so good."

"Thank you, don't mind if I do," and swabbed my tongue up her slit. It really was outstanding chocolate and the plate was delicious too. By the time everyone was full, Marcia was a sticky white and red mess and Evelyn was covered in chocolate. Chantelle told them they were free to clean up, but before they did, I had Marcia dine on berries and cream and chocolate sauce off Evelyn and Evelyn did the same off Marcia.

"Now you know how good you both tasted and why no one could keep their mouths off you." I took a wet towel and started wiping them both down. "If we don't get a little of this off you before you go to the showers, you're going to be dripping all over the floors." I licked a little more chocolate off Evelyn's nipple and a dab of cream off Marcia's pussy. "Go on now. We'll join you in a few minutes." They scampered off.
