WBDP - Brianna Delivers Pt. 05


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Marcia put her arm around Evelyn. "Jesus Christ, girl, no wonder you hated anal sex. What a disastrous introduction to it. I'm so sorry you had to go through that. What a fucking prick he was! If you give me his name, I'll make a couple phone calls, see if the local constabulary can make his life fucking miserable." Chantelle and Monique also gave her hugs and kisses.

"There's no need. He died in a car crash right after college. Got drunk and hit a light pole," Evelyn said.

"Good riddance," Monique said. "He won't be missed by humankind."

"Master, I wondered recently if he wasn't the reason I was an unfaithful wife. If by disrespecting you, I was getting back at him. I don't know. I realize you are nothing like him, but I was traumatized by it."

"I'm so sorry, Evelyn," William said. "You never told me. That should never have happened. I apologize on behalf of all men for the gross, disgusting way he behaved to you. Is there anything I can do to make it up to you? We can stop having anal sex. I don't want to do anything to make you remember what you had to go through. I mean it. Tell me."

"Master. You have made it up to me, a hundred times over. You've shown me - you've all shown me - what a loving relationship can be like. You're nothing like that monster. You always treated me kindly, even when I didn't deserve it. I was a mess, a fucked up mess. Ours is a different relationship now, but you show me how much you cherish me every day. When I submitted to you, I thought it was going to be one of the hardest things I'd ever done. Turns out it was the easiest. I've never been happier. The people I was unfaithful with; they were not good people. They were the same kinds of bastards my boyfriend was. Dishonest, cheating, immoral, self-serving bastards. You've not only treated me as more of a lady than they ever did, you rooted them from my life and gave me something more. I consider you to be my protector from those predators, saving me from my own self destructiveness. As for anal sex, I would never give it up now. You took something ugly and made it beautiful. You've shown me what a true lover is; kind, considerate, warm, concerned for my pleasure. I would do anything for you. I must apologize to you all. Everyone was telling sweet, lovely or funny sexy stories and I told a bummer."

"I'm glad you said something, Evelyn. You shouldn't have to carry it around yourself your whole life," Marcia said. "True healing only comes once you've cut the cancer out. Leaving it to fester is never a good thing."

"Still, I've spoiled the mood," Evelyn said. "Our Master's had good hard cocks before I spoke. Now, not so much. Can someone else tell a good story, maybe get us back to where we were."

"I'll go," Monique said. "Mine's kind of a first time story as well. It's when I first realized I was a lesbian. I'd gone out with a couple boys, not really enjoying it. We'd kissed and petted, but it never got me excited at all. I started to think I was asexual, and not interested in sex at all. I enjoyed going out with my girlfriends more than boys. After graduating from high school, I made several visits to colleges, trying to decide which one I'd go to. A few of the colleges had upperclassman take you around, show you the school, where everything was, what activities the school offered. A junior was showing me around this one school I was interested in. She was a member of a sorority and after showing me around the school, took me to her sorority house to show me greek life.

"While she was showing me her room, she kissed me. Never have I ever felt the way I did when she kissed me. I hesitated a moment, startled because I was shocked, but then I started kissing her back, unable to get enough. We fell back on her bed, kissing all the while, and she started to touch my breasts and then my cunt. I remember I was so embarrassed, my panties were wet, I was so aroused. She undressed me, kissing each part of me as she exposed me, my breasts, my tummy. My nipples throbbed, they ached so much for her touch and I nearly climaxed when she pulled my panties down. As soon as she licked my clit, I did cum, swamping her face in my fluids. I was horrified at what I'd done. She asked me if I'd ever been with another girl and I told her no. She smiled at me and slowly stripped off her jeans, sweater, bra and panties. She told me to kiss her boobs, her pussy, even lick her asshole, and I did everything she said. I couldn't get enough of her. It was my first sixty-nine. I climaxed a dozen times before she finished with me. Afterward, I was mortified. I'd never been with a woman before and couldn't imagine why I was so attracted to her, why I wanted her so much? I thought I was mentally ill to actually have sex with another woman. Thank God, for college, where I finally realized why I'd never been attracted to boys and I wasn't immoral or deranged. There were actually a lot of people just like me and I didn't have to be ashamed."

"Mon amour," Chantelle whispered, kissing her. "Of course you need not be ashamed. You are a lover of girls. We are much prettier than boys anyway."

"Amen to that," I said. "Thank God."

"I will go next," said Chantelle. "You might remember the guitarist from the band at my parents house. I dated him for awhile. I would go around to some of engagements on Guadeloupe and some of the other local islands when his band had an job. Some of the other guys would bring dates too, or they would meet someone where they played. I think you call them groupies. One time, I was not able to go with the band, but said I would meet them later. I went to the room after they played and my boyfriend was sleeping with one of these groupies. I started to get angry at him for cheating with me, but realized she was a very beautiful woman. I wanted to sleep with her just as he had. I ended up staying and having a threesome, which surprised my boyfriend a great deal. But of course, I had to leave him after because I could not trust him."

"Was she the first woman you were ever with?" Marcia asked.

"No, I had been with a woman once before, but she was the first menage a trois, first group sex, I was ever in."

"Marcia, you're the only one who hasn't spilled. What story are you going to tell?" William asked.

"Sam knows this first bit I'm going to tell you, but not the rest of it," she said. "My father encouraged me to give my boyfriends blow jobs."

"Why would he do that?" Evelyn asked. "My father would have been aghast at the idea of me giving anyone blow jobs."

"Her father was an officer in the military ..." I started, but Monique shushed me.

"It is Marcia's story to tell, Master. Let her tell it."

I made a motion as if to zip my lips shut.

"As Master said, he was a military officer and he knew what young men were like and what they wanted. Sex, and lots of it. I was an accident," Marcia said, "coming eight years after the youngest of my two brothers, so he'd retired from military service by the time I started high school, but he remembered all the young men he'd commanded. He told me boys were interested in girls for sex, all these raging hormones going on, and they would pressure me to have sex with them. But, he said, they would happily take a blow job instead of fucking, and no girl ever got pregnant from a blow job, though I easily could if I let them do anything else they wanted. Even condoms are only 90% effective against pregnancy. He said if I wanted to get pregnant while I was in high school and have a baby before I'd gone to college or done anything else with my life, have sex. If I wanted to keep a boy interested without being pressured into sex, blow them."

"What an enlightened attitude," William said. "Think of all the teen pregnancies which could be avoided."

"It worked well. None of my boyfriends ever pressured me into sex as long as I would suck their cock. So, I went to college and the same rules applied. I had a very close friend in college who was a boy. His name was Martin. We did everything together, water polo, studying, drinking, running, but we never had sex. I did not think of him as a boyfriend, merely a friend. We're still friends with him and his family today, but one day, when I was between boyfriends, we came back from a run, hot and sweaty and decided to see if there could be romantic feelings between us. We started kissing, got naked, and I started sucking his cock.

"He was trying to hold back, I was making him cum too easily and he was into sports so he tried reciting all of the baseball teams and cities they played, trying to avoid thinking of what I was doing to him. I did not swallow mens cum at the time, my Master was the one who insisted I do so. I thought it would be gross, kind of like swallowing pee or something. Normally, I would catch their cum in a handkerchief or tissue when they climaxed. But Martin, he's doing his best to hold back and I'm doing my best to suck the cum from his balls. I didn't realize how close he was to climax; he was still working on the teams in the American League, hadn't gotten to the National League yet, and all of a sudden he groans and lets loose with a positive flood of cum. The first one goes in my mouth and I'm choking and sputtering and I pull off him and the next two spurts shoot all over my face. By now, I'm thinking, what the hell, why didn't he warn me he was going to cum, but I already look like a glazed donut and figured, a little more won't make me less ugly than I look right now. So, I finished milking him off on my face and rubbed his prick all over, spreading it everywhere.

"He's apologizing, pleading he didn't know he was so close, will I ever forgive him. He grabs his sweaty shirt of the floor and starts wiping my face, trying to clean off his goo, and I'm laughing. I can't believe what just happened. I'd never taken a facial before. There's cum in my eye and it stings. His wiping me off; wasn't doing much more than smearing it. He finally let me get in the shower so I could wash everything off; the sweat, the sperm. He's miserable, figuring I'd hate him. I took advantage. I made him feed me. He always had more food than I did at his apartment. But it's also when I realized he'd never be more than a friend, not because he climaxed all over my face, but because I didn't feel anything as I sucked him."

"So, you sucked off Martin, huh?" I asked. "I wonder if Terry knows?"

"I never told her. I don't know what Martin said."

"You never swallowed cum before submitting to Sam?" Evelyn asked.

"No. I'd practiced sucking enough cocks, I could deep throat with the best of them, but except for Martin's first spurt which was unintentional on my part, I'd never swallowed cum. But it was one of the first things Master made me do when he had the control. I realize only today he was trying to recreate what Lenny had already done. Ladies, look! Our Masters are back. Look at the lovely cocks we have to work with?"

Sure enough, both William and I were standing tall.

"Lie back on the bed and spread your legs. You can't use your hands to identify us, so tuck them under your bodies. Ladies, tie your hair back so they can't feel it. Masters, we will not touch you except with our mouths. You will get ninety seconds of oral attention in which to identify the slave sucking your cock. They will not be in the same order on both of you, so you'll get no help that way."

They all moved away from the bed and I could hear whispering and tittering as they decided who would be going first on whom and securing their hair so it wouldn't give them away. Marcia's was the shortest, except for Chantelle's afro, Evelyn's the longest and Monique's was in between. They came back and I felt someone get on the bed and kneel between my legs. For me, Evelyn and Monique were the two who'd sucked me the least. I figured of the two, Monique had the least experience sucking cock so she'd be the least adept at it. It's how I decided I would figure out those two. I thought I would know Marcia for sure and would guess Chantelle because she'd done me more. The first mouth descended over my cock.

Let's see. Kept her teeth from scraping too much, nice tongue work on the way up and down, did a little thing with the crown as she reached the top, kind of a swirling thing. Didn't seem to have any trouble taking me all down. I knew it wasn't Marcia, but that's about as much as I could figure. She had a sweet mouth though, one I'd have no trouble cumming in. She finished and got off the bed.

"Who was it? What's your guess?" Marcia asked.

"I'm not sure yet, let me feel the next one please," I responded.

"You're supposed to guess now."

"You told me I had to guess the order, now how soon. Let me try the next one."

"You'll have to wait. It's Williams turn next."

I tried to imprint the memory of the last one as I felt another body on the bed and Bill gasp in pleasure as his cock was sucked into a voracious mouth. Ninety seconds went by and the woman left the bed.

"Who was it?" Marcia asked.

"I think it was you," Bill responded. "Am I right?"

"You'll be told after you finish. Next up on Master Sam."

The bed moved as someone got between my legs again and a warm, wet mouth surrounded my cock. Damn it! This one was just as good as the first one was, even did the same little thing with the crown, twirling the tongue around the flange. Did they practice how they were going to do it to make it tougher to guess. Maybe a little less teeth than the first one, but not much. Shit! This was going to be much harder than I first thought. She finished with me and climbed off the bed.

"Your guess, Master?" Marcia asked.

"I'm still not sure. Next one."

"As you wish. The next one for Master Bill."

A body got on the bed and I heard sucking beside me. Now my second one was maybe a smidgeon better than the first, almost infinitesimal, but I had a poor memory for tastes, touches and smells. I couldn't judge them far removed from each other, only right after the other. I could usually decide between two which I liked more, but could only eliminate them one at a time, two by two. If I was going to a third one before having to choose, it would be a total guess. The sucking sounds stopped and a body climbed off.

"Who was sucking your cock, Master Bill?"

"It was Evelyn. I'm sure it was Evelyn."

Oh, great. Now he had two guesses and I'd made none. Another person climbed on the bed and my cock was enveloped in luxury. It only took about ten seconds, but this had to be Marcia. I'd know her sucking talents anywhere. Out of all of them, she'd had the most practice and she know my cock like the back of her hand. I didn't say anything, waiting for her to finish.

The weight got off the bed and Marcia asked, "Who was sucking your cock?"

"I don't know. She seemed inexperienced. Hardly like someone who's sucked much cock before. I'm tempted to say Monique, but I know how hard she's been practicing. This is going to be tough." I heard some snickering in the background and I inwardly cringed, almost expecting Marcia to slap me. I probably deserved it for being a little shit, but she just waited. "I give up, I think it was you, little slave."

"Next up on Master Bill." Said without a trace of laughter, disgust or anger in her voice. Very well controlled was my little slave. Of course, I might pay for it later.

Another woman onto the bed and once again, the sounds of oral pleasures being delivered. It sounded good, even if it wasn't. Bill certainly seemed to be enjoying it. I heard him moan his appreciation a couple times. The motion stopped and the body got off.

"Master Bill, who was sucking your cock?"

"I'm going to say, Chantelle, no Monique. No, shit, it's Chantelle."

"You don't sound very sure. Is that your final answer?"

"Yes, I'll say Chantelle."

"The last lady on Master Sam."

If it weren't for the delay between each one, I'd be spraying my cum down somebody's throat. Maybe the way they swallowed would give me some clue. There was enough time between each mouth to delay my orgasm, so I wasn't going cum in the next 90 seconds. The bed moved as another female climbed between my legs and the fourth mouth engulfed my shaft. Damn and double damn. From what I remembered, this one was about the same as the first two. I thought for sure I'd at least be able to pick out Chantelle. She'd sucked me more than a few times. Was this better or worse than the second one? I couldn't recall for sure, Marcia having gone in between and she'd been perfect.

"Time's up, Master. You must now name the three you haven't." The body left the bed.

"Can I have those three go again, just for like thirty seconds each?"

"Sorry, Master. Make your choices."

"Okay, for the first one, I'm going to say Monique. The second one was Evelyn, the third, you, and the fourth, Chantelle."

"Very well. Bill you have one person left to go and one name unused. You shall still have your ninety second blow job, and if you want to change your mind about any of your previous choices, you may."

Maybe I should have made my guesses right away. He still had a chance to change his mind. Had I done this all wrong? Wait a minute. Was I that competitive? For heaven's sake; I just had six minutes of blow jobs from four extremely pretty and talented women. Did it really matter that much if I won or not? Marcia called time and the last one got off the bed.

"I'm going to change the last two," Bill said. "The third one was Monique and the last one Chantelle."

They all laughed. All of them. Were we both all right, all wrong; why were they laughing?

"It seems we have a tie. Both of you were able to identify your own slave, which I'd say was fortunate for you both. Bill had me right and Sam had Monique right. Bill would have had all four right if he didn't change his mind at the last minute. We'll take your hoods off now." Someone started to unbuckle my hood.

"Wait!" Bill said. "Please wait." He didn't say any more and I wondered why he wanted to stop.

"Why do you want us to wait, Bill. I should think you're tired of these hoods by now," Marcia said softly.

"We're in the dark," Bill said.

"You are in the dark," Marcia said. "We're not."

"Yes, I'm in the dark. So's Sam. I can't see."

I recalled what Brianna said at the pool, this very morning. Do it in the dark, it might not matter as much.

"Bill, you're not thinking of doing what I think you are, are you?" I asked.

"I am."

"Don't do it for the wrong reasons, Bill. It's not important."

"I'm not doing it for any reason but my slave. I want her to have this in the worst way."

Nobody else knew what the hell we were talking about. The whole conversation had gone down at the pool while they were in the kitchen.

"William, are you sure. You can't undo this once it's done. I'm serious. I don't believe you're ready."

"Sam, I'm as ready as I'll ever be, and you're the person I would most want to do it with. Marcia, prepare my slave to have her ass fucked by your Master. I want it to be easy for her. Hurry!"

I heard drawers opened and closed and people on the bed and Evelyn moan as her rectum was anointed with lube and a finger swabbed it in her ass. She was suddenly realizing what her Master wanted for her. More lube was poured over my cock and rubbed around until it was covered. Two hands grabbed each of mine and led me forward stopping just behind Evelyn. I reached out blindly, finding her buttocks in front of me. I moved my hand about until I found the puckered little opening leading to her back door. A hand on my cock helped aim it at my target. I was knocking at her door, about to enter. I started pushing into her. Remembering her initial anal rape, I had no desire to reintroduce the unpleasant thoughts of her first time. I moved very slowly allowing her to part naturally before my cock and become accustomed to the intrusion. Bill had used her ass enough times to ease the way for my prick. When I felt my balls slap against her cunt, I stopped.
