By Demon's Driven


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"She still ratted him out."

"No one else there supported rape, or if they did they denied it. End of the day, JD? We nailed him and odds are after this she'll be more careful with who she indulges because she was pretty close to going down with him if she didn't play." He tapped the table, "Who was the bigger prize, the rapist or the enabler? The Captain is part of her parties and she knows he is going to be watching now so hopefully she stays legit."

"Still sucks."

"Since when did you become an idealist?" Jake asked, "The Playground is already bouncing back, especially with you, Mr. JD Walker being the courageous hero you are," he laughed, "Molly is back in prime time and she has interview requests from everywhere from Fox to goddamn sixty minutes. I'm getting a promotion and most of all? Knox is going down for life JD. The only question is does Mass or Connecticut get to put him away or will they send all this down south where he started? One way or the other he's in for good and?" he gave JD an evil grin, "Something tells me he is going to end up on the receiving end of his own little fetish."

"I guess you're right." He made a show of slipping his mirrored glasses on and straightening the collar of his blood red shirt, "Especially about what a hero I am."

"Christ, you were insufferable before." Jake's cell rang and putting his finger up, he answered it, "Higgins. Okay, yup, be there in an hour." Slipping the phone back in his pocket he said, "I have to go I need to get home and change. I need to meet with the AG and go over my report of the bust."

"Make sure you tell them all about me!" JD laughed.

"You talk enough about you." He stood and clapping him on the shoulder said, "Honestly, JD? The best thing about Felicity skating is she somehow looked good after this, like a concerned citizen. All the pervs names stayed out of the paper, hell even the party location was said to be held at an unspecified location. She won't be coming after you and Miranda. She knows it was all about Knox, not her."

"Yeah hopefully, hell hath no fury..."

"Yeah speaking of, Molly owes you big time." He whistled, "That was one hardcore fucking you gave her. I didn't realize she was such a wildcat."

"She did what she had to, remember?" JD winked.

"Yes!" Jake clapped "I loved that sound bite! Alright my friend, I have to go." He paused, "I have Tuesday off, think I can slip by the club and, you know..."

"Sure and with your impending promotion you can pay more."


"Just kidding, Jake, all the girls there know what you did. You're set for life over there."


"Jake, do you really, anywhere in your deluded mind, think you could handle what she could do to you?"

"Well....Julie it is!" he gave JD a mock salute and walked away from the table.

JD smiled to himself and catching the attention of the waitress signaled for another coffee. Lighting another Camel he took a deep breath, ignoring the pain in his sore back and slowly exhaled. All in all he was quite pleased with life these days. He looked up as a tall stunning brunette in a short sundress came up to the table.

"Hey, I don't mean to be rude, but you're JD Walker aren't you?"

"I am." He told her

"Yeah I saw you on the news and thought it was you."

"That's me." He removed his glasses and let his gaze roman up and down her long legs before fixing on her exposed cleavage. Giving her his best smile and fixing her with his emerald gaze he added, "In the flesh."

"Flesh?" she snorted, "Yeah that's what you sell. Pretty shitty when a sleazy strip joint owner gets called a hero. They should have locked you up with that other pig."

She hurried away and staring at her ass, he muttered, "Talk about going from sugar to shit."

He glanced at his watch and saw Molly was running late. He looked at the paper containing a large write up featuring the Knox bust. He flipped to the second page and smiled at the inset pictures of himself with Tammy, Higgins and Molly standing on the steps of the police station. It had been taken when they arrived back in Boston and except for long jackets given to the girls by a detective they were still dressed from the party.

There were several small articles within the main one detailing Knox's history in Alabama, Molly's unnamed source that provided her the information to take to Higgins who then approached JD as his best bet to get into the mysterious party. JD shook his head and smiled at the article portraying him as an ordinary citizen who did his civic duty and risked his life by helping the police department with the sting operation.

Tammy had been the highlight of the interview chirping away like a happy little kid, despite the bruises on her face and being quoted as saying she was happy the scary bad man had gone to jail. There was a separate article dedicated to Molly talking about her courage in following Jake into the party and capturing the entire thing on film. The film had been seriously edited to remove the acts she had witnessed as well as The Countess and anyone but their party and Knox to protect people from identifying anyone.

The story touched upon her past history with JD talking about how admirable it was for both of them to work together after she had tried to ruin his club and in turn had it back fire on her own career. Closing the paper JD acknowledged that Molly's career was on a mercurial rise from this event. He hadn't spoken to her since a day after the bust when they had to fill out their complete statements, but she had left him an excited voicemail telling him that sixty minutes had reached out to her.

Grinning JD removed his phone and going into his videos played, for what had to be the fiftieth time, the clips he had saved. The first one featured him dressed all in black, sporting the scruffy look speaking to a reporter outside the Playground.

"Mr. Walker I think the first question that needs to be asked is how do you feel being on the right side of the law?"

"And what's that mean?" he had asked, making a show of removing his sunglasses while staring directly at the camera.

"Well no offense Mr. Walker, but it's not out of line to say you have a dubious reputation in the community as the owner of an infamous sex club."

"I think one would be out of line if the word alleged wasn't put in that sentence." JD smirked, "But I understand your point. I doubt anyone sees me as a boy scout and I've had my share of run-ins with the city."

"Those are your words Mr. Walker." The reporter gave a phony laugh. "So please tell the viewers why someone involved in such a...shady industry would volunteer to undertake such a potentially dangerous situation."

"Well despite what people seem to think, Mr. Ross, The Devil's Playground is just that, a playground for adults. Nothing goes on here that shouldn't and the people in the adult entertainment industry aren't bad people we just enjoy the fruits of people's baser natures. Having said that I am well aware that there are clubs and private parties that take it to a level that is nothing short of dangerous and those people and places are what makes it hard on the rest of us because we're not out to hurt anyone."

"Good clean fun, JD?" The reporter laughed.

"Good clean dirty fun, yes." He winked, "But when Officer Higgins approached me and told me that he had evidence that Knox was involved in the type of underground club that isn't all about fun, but rape and abuse and asked if I could help him get into that culture how could I say no?"

"Even when Officer Higgins explained it could be dangerous?"

"Once I knew what that animal was doing to those girls there was no way I could not do whatever it took to ensure that it never happens again. I was blessed with an opportunity to right a wrong and I did so gladly."

"I see, well..."

"But trust me, I'm not the brave one. Tammy, the young lady we used as bait was in the most danger and literally took a beating to make sure there would be no mistaking Knox's intentions. She's the hero, her and Officer Higgins who was shot and put his life at risk to stop a serial rapist." He shrugged, "Me? I just got us in the door."

"Humble words from a not so humble man," The reporter quipped. "But well said nonetheless Mr. Walker and the story is you did far more than just sit there."

"I did what I had to for the safety of not just Tammy, but any future victim and all the past victims of the not so good reverend Knox."

"I would be remiss if I didn't note that your business certainly benefitted from Knox's fall Mr. Walker."

"No, it went back to where it was before it was besieged by someone posing a as man of God while committing heinous sins of his own." He sighed, "Typical organized religious..."

"Well we're out of time Mr. Walker," Ross said hurriedly, "Anything you would like to say in closing?"

"There is." JD looked at the camera and pointing over his shoulder at the sign said, "Thursday night is ladies night at The Playground and on Monday we feature two for one lap dances."

"Thank you for that Mr. Walker." Ross rolled his eyes.

"You're welcome, see you there, Mr. Ross." He laughed, "Again."

As he did every time he watched it JD laughed at the look on Ross's face.

"Can't stop watching yourself can you?"

"Hey hot stuff." JD looked up from the phone at Molly, "Have a seat. Coffee?"

"Please." She sat across from him and JD nodded, while waving the waitress over, "Look at you dressing like woman and not a librarian these days."

"Ah, another backhanded compliment," Molly sighed. "Can't you ever just say anything nice?"

"I like your hair down."

"That was part of the same remark," She pointed out. "Or another shot at my big ears."

The waitress arrived and Molly ordered a caramel latte while she refilled JD's cup. As she did JD took the time to admire Molly. The attention and success had been good for her. Whether she had done it on her own or someone had suggested it, Molly was dressing less like a prude and much more like the attractive woman she was.

Her hair was down and she was wearing a simple black sundress that although not inappropriate showed a fair amount of leg. It was low cut and just tight enough to push her breasts up nicely and her sensible back pumps had been replaced by a pair of heeled sandals that strapped around her ankles.

"You look good Miss Malone." He tried again "No jokes, no bullshit. You look good."

"Thank you." She pursed her lips and looked at him, "I'd say you look good, but I'm sure you've told yourself that ten times already today."

"No, but just a couple of minutes ago a young lady did recognize me." Staring down at the enticing patch of freckles on her chest just over the swelling of her breasts, he said, "You know I always wondered what the happy medium would be."

"What do you mean?"

JD waited while the waitress brought her latte. Molly lifted it and knowing he was watching made a show of licking the whip cream from the top.

"Slut," He laughed. "But what I meant was you had uptight Molly and...not so uptight Molly, but this," he indicated her dress, "Is the perfect mix."

"Being a jerk again I see. You know JD I'm not sure what there is between us, but it would be nice for you to just tell me something you like and be sincere."

"Something I like?" he grinned. "Okay." Picking his phone up he brought up the sound bite from Molly's interview he had watched repeatedly. "Here."

He slid his chair over so he was next to her and they watched the video come up. Molly was sitting across the desk from her counterpart Jeff Williams who with a smile on his face asked the question he'd waited the whole interview for.

"So Molly I have one more question if you don't mind."

"What's that, Jeff?"

"Okay well see, while going over the details of this story something dawned on me."

"Which was?"

"The party at this undisclosed location was a fetish party was it not?"

"That's one term that could be used."

"I've been told that in this particular party before one could get to far it had to be proven you were one of them so to speak."

"There was a part to be played, yes." Molly replied warily.

"Well as good of a job of covering up the details as the police have done I do have a reliable report that what was required to prove yourself was to...shall we say participate."

"Jeff is there a real question here?"

"Molly according to the report you attended the party as a slave of sorts to Mr. Walker and a reliable source has informed me that in order to get to the lower level of that party Mr. Walker had to demonstrate his..." he smirked, "Prowess."

"Sounds like you know enough not to ask me."

"No the details are a little vague. I guess what I'm asking is whether or not it's true that you Molly Malone engaged in a public sexual encounter with Mr. Walker?"

The camera zoomed in on her face and JD smiled at the slight smile that played about her lips.

"Being that this is an ongoing investigation, Jeff, I am not allowed to give many details of that night."

"So can I take your non answer as a yes?"

"The only thing I can tell you, Jeff. Is I did what any good reporter does."

"What's that."

"Whatever I had to."

"So you're not denying it?"

"Nor affirming it," With a wink she added, "All I'll say is that in one way or another we all took one for the team that night."

The video ended with Jeff sitting there with a stunned look on his face and laughter from the audience. Shutting it off JD laughed, "Good for you, Molly, really good for you, that was classic."

"Point for me?"

"I'd say you get two for that."

"Good." She sipped her coffee and put her hand over his. "I'm glad we're talking score."

"Score?" JD asked a little surprised.

'Yes, this little game we have. I can't help but feel like you're up on me."

"How's that?" he asked. "Molly you're going to be going on national TV for this thing. You know the station is going to have to give you a huge raise and you're going to get all the big assignments from now on."

"True. But you keep your club. Your illegal club."

"Still on that?"

"I didn't say I would do anything about it, but it's the point. The hero just happens to keep his baby intact. Even that dork Ross caught that."

"Fine one to one." He sat back and gestured to her. "Go ahead."

"You knew for sure we would have to fuck."

"Miranda warned you."

"She said maybe. You knew for sure and I am pretty sure could have gotten away with not fucking my ass." She held up her fingers, "Two for you."


"And you winked at me when we got arrested, you knew we would get busted didn't you?"

"Hmm, I did, but not until near the end."

"But you knew I was scared and thought it was funny, you didn't try to explain just kept your mouth shut while we laid there cuffed."

"I didn't want t..."

"Three" she raised another finger, "to one, your favor."

"Molly" putting his hand over hers he turned serious. "You brought down Knox. Higgins gets credit I get honorable mention, but you got the information, you brought down a rapist, you saved countless girls, redeemed others and..." he leaned closer "He was your rapist Molly, you got the revenge most women never get the chance to. You faced your demon and came out on top."

Molly turned her hand over under his and squeezed it. "I know" she said softly, "And I'm still trying to figure out how that feels."

"Must feel good."

"It will." She looked down at his hand, "This feels good too."

"It does." He winked, "So three to two."

"That's a point, my revenge?"

"All's fair." He declared.

"So you're one up and both of your points were dirty. You owe me something."

"Bullshit, I'm ahead fair and square."

"Really?" she removed her hand from his and shrugged, "Then I guess I'll have to score another point."

"Is that so?" he smirked.

"Hmm-mm." she nodded, "And I already know what it will be."

"Do you now?" The smirk remained, "And just what are you going to do Miss Malone?"

"When I go on my big interview and tell the story I am going to talk about how Jeremiah Daniels of the devil's Playground..."

"You wouldn't dare." His smirk vanished.

"You think I won't?" she smiled, "Mr. Daniels? Or do you prefer Jeremiah?"


"Jerry?" she gave his smirk back to him, "Danny?"

"I told you that in confidence!" he snapped.

"All's fair." She sat back quite pleased with herself and finished her coffee as he stared coldly at her.

"That look doesn't scare me...Jerry"

"You bitch!" he slapped the table disgustedly. "Fine, what do you want?"

"A date."

"A date?"

"Yes, a real one. Friday night you pick me up, take me to dinner and..." she snapped her fingers, "Dancing, I want to go dancing!"

"I think..."

"And after that fabulous night we go back to your place and..." she paused, "You take Molly to bed."

"What does that mean?"

"No games, no fetish, no rough stuff."

"Hey, you start that, you..."

"I won't this time. I want you to spend the night with me, JD and I want to know what you're really like and want to find out what I can really be like I want to spend the night."

"What, no breakfast?"

"I'll make breakfast." She offered. "Or," she shrugged, "We can find out what everyone will start calling you down at the club. I think Jimmy would go with..."

"You win." He cut her off. "Dinner, dancing, the whole night whatever you want."

"Thank you!" she kissed his cheek "You're a good sport JD."


"Well, I have to run" she stood up, "I'll be expecting you at seven."

"I'll be there." He sighed, "I guess there's worse things than a night with an up and coming star."

"If you're lucky you'll be up and cumming." With a wink she turned and began to walk away.

"Hey Molly!" he called. "You know what?"

She stopped and fighting to keep the smile off her face, but failing to do so turned around and beaming said, "I know, good for me."

"No," he returned her smile and not with a smirk, but a real smile, "Good for us."

The End?

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FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissy6 months ago

🤮 …. This emoticon is for the truth you writing about, the christian churches and the missgiven missused power …. Give a human being power and you will discover the true nature of his existence …. And for the horror of it, mostly children will be the victims and this will hunt those souls a lifetime ….. soooo sad and im not even started with the medieval perversion like witchcraft burning or else …. Under the name of the holy god the suffering happened is a endless tale 🤮 …. Now i understand Pat Benatar’s song from 1983 “Love is a battlefield “ as GOD’s word in the essence is just LOVE

Wars violence rape killing just name it, this is the men’s world …. Its nothing in general but a tremendous part of the men beings are simple minds and not sparring in the same weight classes because pain really hurts they beating women …. Knox knocked out, thank you, such real perverts hopefully becoming the gang bang ass in jail ….. this was extremely intense and your graphic descriptions about bone breaking or teeth spitting or head banging or else turned my stomach …. Ten guns for the hero girls

🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫 ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨☘️

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

1. If grammar is important to you, then you probably should avoid this story.

2. The principal characters in this story are incredibly fantastic; however, the characters are relatively well described.

3. If you can stroke to this tale, then you need psychological help: from beginning to end, this story's plot is both dependent upon, and driven by, physical violence; and the apparent opinion of the authors that physical violence is virtue.

4. Lead male character "JD" is a Monty Hall clown, is schizophrenic, and is perhaps suffering from multiple-personality disorder; as such, he is a curious antihero.

5. The authors do a relatively good job of creating and cultivating circumstances having a variety of obvious possible "solutions" from which the characters must choose, which effectively builds suspense.

6. As in real life, the back stories of some of the characters are implausibly hilarious or coincidental; however, unlike in real life, no one in the story seems to think anything of it when such details present.

7. The authors correctly presented in this story the reality that apathy and bullying are the natural moral defect expressions of extreme cowardice.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Lovecraft68 and xelliebabex a very nicely written collaboration. I came to literotica a for the sex. I am finding more and more often good authors who I wish I could find as main stream writers in national bookstores. A great story that you should be rewarded for. Your creativity deserves a less censored stage. And if you think this wouldn't sell, go back and look at some of the '80s men's adventure books.

samrowley1966samrowley1966about 3 years ago

Another GREAT read. Thanks Ellie. I hope your feeling better x

MbC56MbC56about 3 years ago

What a great story, thank you!

sweetone66sweetone66over 3 years ago

WOW, another 5 star story!!! Loved the possibility between Molly and JD at the end. All in all I liked most of the characters and the exciting plot.

Hope all is well with you, and you'll soon be back to writing the "Tables" series. Happy 2021 :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

That was one of the longer stories I've read here .... Totally worth the effort. Couple of little typos but for a free website amateur writer, hella good work.

WargamerWargameralmost 4 years ago

I enjoyed the story, more these please Ellie.

Rates 5/5

WargamerWargameralmost 4 years ago

Thoroughly enjoyed the characters and the plot. Great writing.

Here’s looking at you kid!!!!!

Scores 5/5

LuxIgnisLuxIgnisalmost 5 years ago
Satisfying in more ways than one

This story was absolutely perfect. I loved not only the naughty parts, as I'm sure any reader of stories on Literotica does, but also how invested I became in the characters, how satisfied I was that Knox got taken down, and also the skill in which you brought in the romance between Molly and JD as well. They both had broken pasts, but were able to fix each other in tiny ways without even realizing. Very well written; I kept the tab open and continued to read each night I came home from work. Thank you for such a wonderful story: You have incredible talent as a writer, Ellie. I hope all is well with you! :)

mustangdaisymustangdaisyover 5 years ago

I really enjoyed this story, couldn’t put it down. Your amazing Ellie.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Absolutely Wonderful 5*

Great story right to the end.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Absolutely a shit story. I can't put into words how much I hate this story.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Couldn't stay away.

A wonderful story! Excellent character development and realistic, imaginable scenes! I truly loved it! I couldn't keep myself from going back on my phone to read some more. Every chance I had.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Absolutely worth my, your, time!

Initially, I put off reading this story because of the length. In the end I found that length to be one of the more valuable aspects of the plotting, the drama, the characterization. Overall, this was an excellent read and well worth my time.

tangledweedtangledweedalmost 6 years ago
Read this story a long time ago and finally came back to give it the credit it deserves

I read xelliebabex's story Warrior the other day and thought it was the first of the author's I had read. I had been meaning to get into her catalog of stories as she has been highly recommended. It turns out I was wrong about not knowing her work, as I had read this years ago and really liked it.

Original, sexy and with a compelling enough main plot to keep you interested through the whole thing. Not an author for those into a quickie, but more for those who like to take their time and enjoy the ride.

KarensClit1990KarensClit1990about 6 years ago
Terrific story!

Couldn’t put your story down.

I liked the length to give the details of the story.

Humour was good as well.

Some scenes were a bit too violent for me but I just read faster to get through it.

Overall it was terrific.

Thank you for your original story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Holy fuck

That was simply fantastic. There was so much in here I could relate to and feel for the players it was like revisiting my youth.

The interwoven morality with the chosen lifestyles of the characters fitted so well with the storyline if was a pleasure to read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Well done.

I enjoyed it start to finish.

gyebi004gyebi004over 6 years ago

one of the best stories I've read. Well done.

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