How to Fill an Empty Nest Pt. 01


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"You're such a spoil sport some time Katie, why is it you get to grab my tits whenever you want but if you catch me trying I get all sorts of sexual threats." Trish teased sitting down at the table after pouring herself some coffee.

"Well sis, two reasons really, number one is the thing you actually just said. Keyword is caught, I never threaten you when you actually get there but I have to make it difficult otherwise who knows, maybe you would just feel free to walk around grabbing my titties whenever you wanted."

"It would serve you right if I did, I mean you walk around here with them hanging out all day and night. It's like their begging for attention, not that I want to give them that attention mind you. I'm just saying... and what is this wonderful second reason?" she hesitated knowing full well that she was coming dangerously close to slipping.

"Well I keep hoping that one of these days I might threaten you like I just did and you'd have the balls to dare me to do it. Wouldn't that put you in quite the bind, oh yes I guess it would tied up and Chad taking that anal cherry of yours. Maybe someone other than Chad, come on maybe you have a favorite. Christ girl you haven't gotten laid in months so you must be going nuts!"

"Well if you know how horny I must be then maybe you shouldn't be so goddamn bold and leave your door open so I can hear you getting hammered. I mean it almost feels like it's an open invitation to walk in your room and fuck whoever you're boy toy of the week is!"

"Maybe it is and maybe it would loosen you up just a tiny bit. Well if you prefer I could walk around with heavy sweaters all day then you'd never get to see em. Besides they're pretty spectacular don't you think?" Katie teased mercilessly while cupping and lifting them. She might not ever come right out and expose Trish's desire to sleep with her but she liked to have fun with innocuous little comments like that. She liked seeing her friend get a little flustered every now and then.

She knew that Trish's ideas on sex were completely different than hers. They respected each other's differences and Trish never once made Katie feel like a slut for her endless parade of different lovers. Trish had once asked her if she wouldn't be happier with just one lover, maybe someone that wouldn't mind them playing with others. This way she could have the best of both worlds.

When Trish asked her that the night she lost her virginity came right back to mind. She wasn't going to make herself vulnerable like that again anytime soon. She loved sex but only as long as there was no threat of heartache with it.

So she told her some lame answer about not needing the baggage weighing her down. Trish knew about her night when she had her heart broken but she didn't feel like it was her place to tell Katie she needed to move on and get over it. She felt that once Katie met the right guy it would all heal for her. The problem was getting her to keep one guy around long enough, or even one girl since Katie was expressly bi-sexual.

The nights when Katie would bring home a girl were the hardest for her and also the most fulfilling sexually. She would put herself in the shoes of the other girl and would live vicariously through her while her secret crush was making the anonymous girl scream. Trish could tell that Katie knew what she was doing with both men and women because of the constant moans coming from her bedroom even through the door on the rare occasion she remembered to close it.

"Yes Katie we both know how spectacular your tits are, and no I don't want you to wear heavy sweaters. Don't read anything into this but I kind of enjoy seeing them bounce around the apartment all the time."

Katie couldn't let that slide so she mercilessly lit into her friend, "You love my titties!! Trishie loves my titties!! Should I come over there and rub em in your face Trishie!! "

Trish turned beet red and ran away as Katie came over and got ready to smother her face in between her huge tits. She was giggling and laughing at Katie's use of her little girl name but at the same time her pussy was juicing. God she wished she had the nerve to actually let her rub them on her face and then she could grab one and suck her nipple in. Then she could be the one moaning in the bed with her...No she just couldn't take that step.

"Listen you crazy nympho bitch keep your titties away from me and my face thank you! I was only going to grab one because I came in here and you were in one of your fugues, you know what I mean!"

"Oh yeah, I'm sorry it's just well I was deep in thought on something and still haven't worked it out in my head." Katie told her.

"Well sometimes another brain helps, do you want to share?"

"It's my parents, my dad called me today and you know how unusual that is. Well he called to tell me my mom is having serious issues at home." She said softly.

"Oh no, is she sick, what's wrong?" Trish asked suddenly concerned. She knew how close Katie had always been with her mother. In fact she would sometimes get jealous because she wanted the same closeness with her mother Joanne but it wasn't to be. Not that she wasn't close with her mom it just wasn't that 'we're almost sisters' closeness.

"Well my dad thinks the root of her problems involves me and my being gone from home. He thinks the fact that I'm not coming home anytime soon has sent her into a depression. I feel awful Trish, my mom is such a part of me and I feel awful that anything I'm doing is causing her pain."

"Well Katie the answer is really simple, just go home more often. I could even hitch with you and visit my folks too. If you went home every few weekends it might help her adjust quicker."

There was the rub in talking to Trish about this because it involved the one thing she felt she needed to keep even from her best friend. She wondered how Trish would look at her if she confessed to not wanting to go home because she couldn't trust herself around her mom anymore. Since she had gotten so active sexually she just had a feeling that if she was alone with her mom her feelings would be exposed. Then she could only imagine the horror on her mom's face if she knew that her daughter was hungry for her pussy.

"Trish that sounds so simple but it's not; I have all these commitments around here that won't allow me to get away. I mean we both know how much I love my mom but, well I just can't be running home every few weeks to baby sit her."

Trish just sat there with her jaw hanging, "Katie what the fuck... I mean do you hear yourself and the bullshit that's coming out of your mouth. I mean we're talking about your mom; the woman who every night since either of us could remember would always give you an hour of her time. She would treat that hour like it was goddamned sacred time. I should know because how many times did I have to hang up the phone so the two of you could have your girl time."

"Trish you don't understand..."

Trish was angry with her now and they had never had any problem telling each other off. All she could see was her best friend being a selfish bitch that cared more about her weekend hook-ups then her own mother.

"No that's not true I do understand. I've never judged you and your wild sexual adventures but if you can't give up a couple of weeks of strange cock or pussy for your mom... Well then it makes me question our friendship too and if there were ever a time I would need you. It seems pretty damned selfish and you should think about it."

With that she left and went to her room to shower and get ready for the day. She was fuming and right now had no desire to be in the same room with Katie. She would give her the day and then tonight she would make sure she continued this talk with her.

Katie just sat in her chair in shock; Trish had just destroyed her in a few sentences. She had no idea why Katie was hesitant to go home but that's what secrets do they keep the truth out. She could see how Trish would see it the way she was right now because on the surface it did appear to be nothing but selfish. She knew her excuse about all the commitments she had on the weekends was as thin as tissue paper but she had no other excuse except the truth.

Maybe it was time to let her friend in on her terrible secret, it might give her the strength to resist. Having someone else share her burden might lessen the feeling that she couldn't control herself. She also wondered that if in sharing her secret with Trish that it might allow her best friend to come clean with her attraction to her. She wouldn't try and pull that out of her in talking with her but she would see where it went.

It still didn't address the real issue and that was her father leaning towards asking Katie to take her mother in for a few weekends. It was one thing to go home and have to resist her mother's soft caresses with the hairbrush each night. It would be a completely different thing trying to resist them here in this apartment that is chock full of sexual memories for her already.

She got up then and went to Trish's room and saw the door closed, that had never happened before. She knocked lightly and waited.

"Kate, go away I'm so pissed at you right now and don't want to hear anymore of your crap."

She knew Trish was pissed when she called her Kate, "Please Trish open the door, just for a second."

The door opened and she saw her friends face peering at her and it looked like there were tears forming. My god she had been about to cry because of her perception of her friend being a selfish self centered bitch. Katie knew she had to level with her but she couldn't do it right now with Chad still asleep in her bed.

"Trish please don't be so upset, there is a reason I'm reluctant to go home but I can't tell you right now. I didn't want to share it with anyone but I guess I have to so why don't we get a bottle of wine tonight and I'll tell you the truth. I just hope after I do you don't hate me or think I'm sick or disgusting. Please don't be upset I promise I will tell you tonight." Katie said softly.

Through her anger Trish could see that something was deeply troubling her best friend. She was clueless to what it was but it obviously concerned her being home. She had a horrible thought and tried to dismiss it right away. She was wondering why a stunning young woman would not want to be home alone with her parents and she felt herself getting sick. There was no way on earth that could be the reason but the more she thought about it she wondered if maybe Katie's dad had... no that was too horrible to think.

She pulled her best friend into her arms and hugged her tight, "Katie you can tell me anything you know that. I'm so glad you just came to me before I left; I have late afternoon class as you well know. I'll bring the Indian food, you get the wine and we'll work through this together tonight. Remember it's important because it's Donna we're talking about okay?"

They hugged again and Trish left her friend behind for the day. Kate had no classes scheduled today and even after the last few minutes of drama was horny as all hell. She wondered if Trish calling her a nympho was so far off the mark. After spending the morning thinking of her mother and what she fantasized about with her and then playing with Trish's unspoken attraction she just wanted to fuck. So she went back into her bedroom and woke her human dildo named Chad and fucked him and sucked him till she had burned out all her hornys. Of course as she lay in bed afterwards one image came clearly to her mind. Her mother's unshaven pussy on display from years ago while showing her how to masturbate.

Jack sat in his office thinking on all the events from the morning that he couldn't get out of his head. It was now mid afternoon and he knew that he needed to be heading home soon for his promised showdown with his wife. He was feeling something he had never felt in all his years with Donna, dread. After her almost insane reaction this morning to his aborted attempt to ask if she was possibly having an affair he had left for work.

There had been no time to try and get to the root of that reaction or to try and see if she calmed down. He had thought about calling home a few times this morning but decided against it. He loved her with every inch of himself and wondered what his reaction would be if she was in fact having an affair.

He knew it wouldn't be an automatic decision to seek a divorce; he was still too much in love with her. He guessed it would depend on the involvement level of the affair, a one or two time fling could probably be worked around. Sure the trust in their relationship would be seriously damaged but the marriage would probably survive. It might take some outside counseling which right now he was loathe to consider. If Donna had reacted to his hint of her having an affair like she did this morning he couldn't imagine her reaction to having to talk about it with a third party.

His wife's upbringing would probably be causing such a guilt trip on her that she would be acting...well kind of like she was now. If she were having an affair and it was an emotional and physical involvement once again he didn't think that would be an automatic divorce for him. It would of course depend on whether or not she was willing to break it off. He might be willing to work through some infidelity but there was no way he was going to knowingly share his wife's body with anyone.

Of course just the idea that she could be having an affair was so far out of reality for him to believe. In their marriage Donna had performed miracles in distancing herself from seriously distorted views about sex given to her by her parents. She had even become more adventurous with him over the years once she understood the special implications brought about by the sharing of two bodies. She had learned to understand that sex was a physical expression of the words I Love You and had not only been willing to try new things but even initiated some of them herself.

He could never forget their tenth anniversary trip where she had willingly given him her final virginity, her ass. It had been something he had brought up once or twice over the years but she had always refused, not out of revulsion but fear of the pain. So when he had emerged from his shower in the villa they were sharing on that night to find her poised on her hands and knees with a bottle of lube in her hands he almost did a little dance.

After her initial hesitancy she had even come to enjoy it that first time, to the point where it might not be considered an everyday thing at home but it happened fairly regularly. In fact they would share a secret laugh or smile any time an ad would come on TV or the radio for any product that was aimed at insuring regularity in bowel movements. The first time they heard it they laughed so hard that it became their inside joke, the regularity of their anal sex.

He was also concerned that even if there was no affair involved with his wife's month long strange behavior they might still need counseling. She was adamant in her claim that nothing was wrong with her and that everything was fine. For anyone who had known them through the years it was fairly evident that everything was far from fine.

Even their friends were starting to ask him questions, joking with him about keeping Donna locked to a radiator in the house. The last four invitations to get together with any of their friends had always resulted in last minute cancelations. The excuses didn't matter to him anymore he just wanted his loving wife back but was stumped on how to get her.

He thought that his theory he had come up with this morning might in actuality be the key to her depressed moods. Katie's absence from their house with no long term visit in sight was probably messing with her more than she would admit. That's why he had called their daughter and had asked her to call home tonight so they could have a family conference call. He had hinted at maybe Katie allowing Donna to come and spend a weekend or two with her in the city but almost felt like she had hesitated before agreeing.

He couldn't understand that because Donnas' relationship with their daughter had always been spectacular. There were more than a few moments of passing jealousy over how close they always appeared. He had always thought young girls gravitated to their daddies but not Katie; she was full blown mommy's girl. In between his little jealous bouts he would always admire the way they interacted. He knew it was a cliché in saying that some mothers and daughters acted like sisters or best friends but in this case it was true.

Donna had fostered the closeness with her and nurtured her relationship with their daughter in almost obsessive fashion sometimes. He remembered one instance in particular when they had gone out to dinner for their anniversary and they had both been very horny and touchy feely in the car both going and coming from the restaurant. When they had walked into the house he expected them to make an immediate beeline for their bedroom but that didn't happen. Instead Donna had apologetically let him know that she needed to give their daughter her hour long hair brushing/bullshitting session before she could be with him.

He had almost begged her to skip it just for one night but she had refused steadfastedly and told him that this hour each night was the foundation of her closeness with their daughter. She had even succeeded in making him feel guilty about putting his needs in front of the needs of their child. It had spoiled the evening for him with her actually staying an extra thirty minutes with Katie in what felt like a designed statement. It was a statement to him that he shouldn't mess with mommy daughter time under any circumstances.

That was why he had fostered such high hopes when Katie had moved out and it was just him and Donna. No more excuses about her needing to be in their daughter's bedroom for an hour each night. He thought that their once hot passionate love for each other might actually start smoldering again. In fact it was now the opposite because it had been months now since they were intimate with each other.

All sorts of excuses had been given but the one that had set this crisis on fire had been the other night. When he approached her once again she shut him down cold and made sure he understood that sex had lost its priority in her life. She told him that she had no desire to have him inside her and the idea actually made her slightly ill. It was then he knew something had to change because he is only 45 and he wasn't going to live a sexless life. God, he wondered to himself, could all of her earlier beliefs have somehow come back to her. He doubted that because it was evident she was still masturbating; she just wasn't doing it while he was home.

So even if Katie's absence was at the root of her depression and he had finally discovered the cause it still didn't begin to explain how they could get past that. Somehow she was going to have to wake up to the fact that their daughter was now a young woman who deserved the freedom that came with her age. Donna was going to have to find other things in their lives together to feel good about and use to motivate her. If not he had an overwhelmingly sad feeling that this could lead down the path to divorce even if there wasn't an affair involved.

Donna had lain in her bed for hours after Jack left this morning, she just couldn't bring herself to get up. Even though she had come to the same conclusion her husband had a t what could be causing this malaise within her it hadn't motivated her to move. In fact after she had come up with Katie's absence as the reason she was feeling like she did it just made her even sadder. She knew that if that were the reason there was nothing she could do to change it, her little girl was now a woman with her own life. A life that didn't have time for nightly girls talk with her old mother and had no place for a silly ritual like hair brushing. She wondered if maybe Trish ad taken over her role as the keeper of Katie's gorgeous locks. That thought caused an unexplainable wave of jealousy to wash over her and she sat there slack jawed.
