The Nerd Conquest Pt. 01


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"Now," Lucy insisted. "We don't have all night."

Mark forced one foot in front of the other across the tile floor as he moved toward the study room door. He considered the irony of how much he didn't want to leave the study room where he was exposed to the three girls because he knew his humiliation would only get worse after leaving the trio behind.

Mark's senses were piqued; he could feel the cold air against his skin as his dick throbbed out of control. The hair on his arms and neck stood at full alert in the musty dormitory air. His stomach twisted in anticipation. Mark gripped the cold door handle firmly and turned it. He pushed the door slightly ajar scoping out the foyer area. It seemed empty.

"Any day now," Lucy insisted in a jovial yet demanding tone.

Mark pushed open the door as if he was ripping a bandage off a healed wound; he stepped bravely into the empty foyer. Mark found himself between the study room and its group of tormentors on one side and a hallway of doors, multiple opportunities for him to expose and humiliate himself anew, on the other.

Not wanting to spend too much time in the open foyer, Mark rushed blindly through the hallway door. He knew there was no sense trying to scope out the row of dormitory rooms first; he would have to brave the hallway nonetheless and couldn't spend any more time by the elevators than was absolutely necessary.

As he entered the hallway, Mark saw three girls about twenty feet down the hall. One was wearing only a towel, and the other two were dressed for a Friday night on the town. Focused more on their conversation, they didn't immediately notice their denuded intruder, but it would only be a matter of time. He needed to find his first door quickly.

Mark walked past the shower room and moved toward his first stop; his destination was halfway between the showers and the loitering girls. His movement, however, was enough to capture the girls' attention well before making it to the designated room.

"Woohoo," one of the girls said falling back against the wall and clutching her stomach.

"Hi there, Mark," the towel-clad girl said with a grin. "I'd offer you my towel, but then I'd be naked too."

"That's OK," the third girl added. "He seems to be enjoying himself all right."

Mark didn't respond opting instead to knock on the first door from his list. While Mark wasn't looking forward to what was behind the door, he was hopeful that it might get him out of the open hallway and away from his current group of spectators.

Mark's urgency only increased as the group of girls started moving in his direction.

After only a single knock, fortunately, the door opened. A heavyset girl with brown hair motioned for Mark to step inside; thankful to escape the hallway, Mark immediately accepted entrance. A short girl with curly blonde hair turned from her computer to check out their naked guest. The girls appeared as though they knew exactly why Mark was visiting their room.

"Are you Emily?" Mark asked the blonde. "I'm looking for Emily."

"Have a seat," the blonde said motioning to another chair. "I'm Emily. This is my roommate, Janna."

"That's okay," Mark responded politely. "I just need to sign you up for a night."

"A night?" the blonde asked as if she didn't know why Mark was there. "Sign us up for what?"

Mark figured the girls had to be expecting him. They let a naked stranger into the room without any hesitation or question. "You know about the showers?" Mark asked. "Right?"

"You mean about you spying on my friend here?" Janna added.

"Well," Mark argued. "I didn't exactly spy on you, Emily. It was my ex-girlfriend."

"Oh," Emily responded. She raised her hands wide and shrugged at Mark. "So that makes it okay? She was your girlfriend." Emily again motioned for Mark to have a seat.

"No," Mark insisted; he sat down as requested. "It's not okay, and I'm definitely sorry. I'm supposed to come by and entertain you for an evening next week," Mark explained. "I just need you to sign up for a time."

"And how are YOU going to entertain US?" Janna asked. She stepped around Mark and leaned against the desk Emily was working on.

"Whatever you want," Mark replied. "Didn't Lucy tell you about this?"

"Settle down," Emily insisted grabbing her purse from the desk. "Let me look at my calendar."

Mark rested the clipboard on his lap. While Lucy made it clear that covering himself was not acceptable, Mark decided to risk some modesty.

"Let me see," the blonde mused while punching commands into her phone. "My schedule is just so busy this semester."

The roommates were obviously dragging things out, and Mark could only play along with their game. If nothing else, this had to be better than strolling bare-ass naked down the hallway. As Emily scanned her phone for an open date, Janna stared intently at his naked body. Even with the clipboard on his lap, her gaze made him uncomfortable.

"What do you know?" Emily said. "Monday should work."

The girls logged the appointment in their phones while Mark noted their chosen date on his clipboard. He thought about suggesting that Janna didn't need to participate in their Monday activities. He realized, however, that such a demand would be a waste of breath for him and another opportunity to claim dominance for the girls.

"I guess we'll see you Monday," Emily said as she stepped past Mark toward her door. The curly-haired blonde opened the door and motioned for him to exit.

"Oh, baby," Emily's roommate added. "We're gonna have SO MUCH fun together."

Mark was surprised by how suddenly the girls were letting him leave the room. When he first sat down, he assumed they were going to drag this out as long as possible. As much as Mark wanted to finish his rounds, he didn't long for another trip into the hallway. What if the three girls were still out there? He especially worried about the girl wearing the towel. How did she know his name?

Mark was relieved to find the hallway empty as Emily slammed the door behind him. Without delay, Mark began his search for the next room and for Alison, the second girl on his list. It didn't take long since Alison's room was only two doors down from Emily's. Quickly and as quietly as possible, Mark knocked on the door.

Seconds after his knock, a tall brunette opened the door as far as the chain lock would permit; she checked out her naked visitor through the crack. "What the fuck are you doing?" the girl asked. "You're fucking naked!"

"I'm sorry," Mark responded. He went to cover his cock with the clipboard then remembered Lucy's instructions to not do so. "Are you Alison? Lucy sent me. Didn't she tell you I was coming?"

"Get out of here now, or I'll call campus police," the girl threatened as she slammed her door shut.

Mark wasn't sure how to handle this situation. He was supposed to sign Alison up for a night of service, but she wouldn't even talk to him. While Mark thought briefly about calling his effort off and going back to Lucy, he decided instead to move on to the third door. He had to assume that Lucy had planned everything out and was prepared for such a scenario. It wasn't his fault if Alison wanted no part in Lucy's game.

Just as Mark stepped away from Alison's room, the brunette whipped her door open, all the way this time, and motioned for Mark to come back. Rather than inviting Mark into her room, however, she snatched the clipboard from Mark's hands, retreated into the room, and slammed the door shut. Mark hoped that Alison changed her mind and was signing up for an evening. He couldn't let himself consider the other option, that Alison just stranded him in the hallway without his clipboard.

As Mark waited nervously for his signup list, the girl in the towel from earlier came back out of the shower. This time, she had a second towel around her dark hair, and she was heading back to her room. This seemed like the worst case scenario for Mark. The girl somehow knew his name, and, while she looked familiar, Mark had no idea who she was.

The girl was not at all shy. Her breasts fought against the towel's fold as they billowed against her body heaving up and down as she walked. The bottom of the wrapped towel barely covered her hips leaving a slit along the front of her right leg every time she stepped forward. Her bold gait repeatedly pulled the towel's edge between her legs threatening to but never actually revealing her pussy.

"Where's your clipboard," the girl joked leaning up against the wall next to him.

"She has it in there," Mark responded motioning his head toward the door. Out of reflex, he again went to cover his cock. He forced his own hands back, however, leaving himself completely exposed to the girl in the towel.

"So you don't remember me, do you?" the girl asked.

"Remember you?" Mark asked nervously as he wracked his brain. "Do I know you?"

"That's OK," the girl said. "I'm Tina's older sister, Monica. We went to the same high school. I think we even had a couple classes together."

"Oh. I mean...Monica. I think I remember."

"No, you don't," Monica responded smiling as she stepped toward him provocatively. Mark could feel her soggy towel against the tip of his penis as she invaded his personal space. "That's okay," Monica whispered into his ear. "You'll remember me next time. Won't you?"

Mark recoiled from Monica's advance clutching both hands over his center. Monica stepped into Mark pressing her body against his. The back of her hands rubbed gently against his fingers as he fought to keep his cock under wraps. The friction from their bodies loosened the towel's grip around Monica's breast. Just as the towel started to fall, however, Monica twisted herself free of him and re-secured the wrap around her body.

With a wink and a smile, Monica turned away from Mark and headed back to her room. As Monica walked down the hallway, she smiled back at him confidently. His legs unable to support his own weight, his back slid down the wall. His limbs crisscrossed his body like a spider web around a soon-to-be devoured insect.

Just like that, it all came back to Mark. While he didn't know Monica very well, he certainly knew Monica's little sister. Tina was Mark's own step-sister's best friend. Tina had even gone on a couple vacations with Mark's family when they were in high school. The idea of running into Tina's older sister like this scared the shit out of him and realizing that someone from his high school saw him naked in the hallway made him feel even more exposed.

Mark had never been close with his step-sister, Alicia, who was three years his junior. His father had married Alicia's mother when he was fifteen, and the two had never bonded like typical siblings. Tina only made Mark's relationship with his step-sister worse. Tina and he fought every time Tina visited Alicia. Tina acted as though he was socially inferior to Alicia and openly encouraged Mark's sister to avoid him. In part, Mark blamed Tina for his distant relationship with Alicia.

After finishing high school, Mark made a point to never be in the same room with Tina. In fact, not having to see Tina or even Alicia was one of the things he liked the most about going to college. He regretted not having a relationship with his step-sister, but it was never going to happen so long as Tina was in the picture.

Mark worried that Monica would tell Tina about his situation. If Tina found out, she would certainly tell his step-sister, and Alicia would hold it over his head until the day he died. This was yet another in a growing list of problems, but it was a problem he would have to put out of his mind for the time being. He was, after all, standing naked on the girls' sixth-floor hallway; he didn't even have his god-damned clipboard.

After another minute or so, Mark knocked on Alison's door as hard as he could. He was at the point where he would need to retrieve the signup list or move on without it. Either way, he couldn't risk waiting any longer.

As she did the first time, Alison opened the door as far as the latched chain lock would permit. "Who is it?" she said in jest peeking through the door at Mark.

"Come on," Mark begged. "Please. I just need my clipboard back."

"Oh, I'm sorry," Alison said. "I almost forgot. I signed up for next Friday. I didn't want to have you over on a weeknight since it might disrupt your class schedule."

"Oh," Mark said. "Okay. Can I just get the clipboard back, then?"

"Sure you can," Alison said. "I just need you to do one thing for me first."

"Now? You need me to do something right now?"

"That's right," Alison said. She handed Mark an old MP3 player with a pair of headphones.

"What are these for?" Mark asked as he grabbed the headphones through the open space between the door and its frame.

"Well," Alison said. "You told me you wanted the clipboard, and I'm going to give it to you."

"Okay," Mark replied. "But why do I need the headphones."

"That's easy," Alison answered. "Before I return your clipboard, I need you to do something for me."

"Something for you?" Mark panicked.

"Don't worry," Alison insisted. "This'll only take a minute. I just need you to put those headphones on. As soon as they're on, close your eyes, reach down, and grab your ankles."

"What? Grab my..."

"It's that or move it along," Alison said. She paused for dramatic effect while smirking at her visitor. "Do you want your clipboard or not?"

"Yeah, I guess I..."

"Good. Then put the headphones on and grab those ankles."

"But what do I..."

Alison slammed the door on him. Her instructions were clear. If he wanted his clipboard, he was going to have to put the headphones on and grab his ankles as instructed. He had a good idea what Alison was up to; he just didn't think it was right. She would get her evening of service from him. Why this? Why now?"

Mark looked up and down the hallway not sure what to do. If he did as Alison demanded, he wouldn't be able to see or hear anyone coming. Worse, he would be waiting for some sort of ass whipping. If he didn't do as Alison requested, he would have to go back to Lucy without all three girls signed up. He didn't even remember what room number the third girl was in.

Realizing he didn't have much of a choice, Mark put the headphones on. All he could hear was some eighties metal band screaming and smashing guitars. As instructed, he bent over and grabbed his ankles, an uncomfortable position for someone not in the best of shape.

Trying to balance while listening to the blaring music was sensory overload for Mark. He lost his bearings and had no idea who might be watching his spectacle. He imagined a large group of coeds surrounding his naked body and laughing hysterically.

After a minute or so of waiting, Mark felt someone press her body against his back. The girl was on her knees with his head stuck right under her crotch. She wrapped her arms around his bent-over frame and grabbed the back of his calves with her hands. He felt the girl's breasts through a knitted sweater and underwire bra pressing against his lower back; her warm breath flowed over his back and down his ass.

The girl squeezed her body into Mark's bending him further in on himself. Mark's chest pressed against his own knees. The sweater girl was both supporting him and holding him in the bent over position. Mark couldn't move, not even if he wanted to.

Curious about what was going on, Mark opened his eyes and tried to look up between his legs. Just as he saw Alison looking down on him, he felt a squirt of water blast into his eyes. The message was clear. His eyes were to remain closed as instructed.

Not knowing who was watching him or what was coming next, Mark could only wait. His legs burned as the girl holding him stretched his muscles well beyond their comfort zone. His eyes stung from the blast of water, and his ears hurt from the loud music.

"Whack," Mark felt the first blow as the clipboard smacked against his ass.

"Ahhh," he squealed with the second blow, a sound he made again and again as the pressboard crashed into his ass repeatedly.

After about ten smacks, the spanking ended. Even so, Mark didn't dare open his eyes.

Mark felt Alison remove the headphones from his ears even though he still heard the blaring music's aftereffects reverberating in his head.

"Count to thirty before you open your eyes," Alison said to Mark.

"One," Mark counted out loud. "Two...Three...Four..."

As he continued counting, the girl holding onto Mark's knees let go and retreated to Alison's room.

"Ten...Eleven...Twelve...," Mark continued counting out loud until he hit thirty. When he stood up, Alison's door was closed. Down the hallway, he saw a couple other girls retreating to different rooms. Mark had no idea how many people shared the painful and humiliating experience with him. Frankly, he didn't want to know.

After picking the clipboard up from the floor, Mark saw that Alison did, in fact, sign up for Friday night. Mark couldn't think of a worse way to end his week of subjugation. If she was fucking with him already, he couldn't imagine what games she would have in store for him in seven days.

Mark realized he needed to keep moving; he had one more girl to sign up, then he could go back to the study room. As much as his ass along with the rest of his body hurt, he had to find the next room.

"Oh shit," Mark said aloud looking at his clipboard. He never connected the dots until now. Monica was the third girl! Not only did he have to worry about his former classmate telling Tina about seeing him naked in the hallway. He would have to spend a full evening with Monica that next week. How could he not have figured this out before now?

Mark staggered nervously to the end of the hallway. Along the way, he passed another girl who chuckled at the naked guy with the clipboard but didn't offer any substantive conversation.

Mark stood quietly in front of Monica's door unable to lift his hand against the entrance. He didn't have to knock; Monica opened the door of her own volition and invited him inside. By this time, her pitch black hair was almost dry; she was wearing a tight red dress with a black belt, netted stockings, and high heels. Her room smelled of vanilla scented candles.

"You have any time left for me?" Monica asked as she checked herself in the mirror.

"Yeah," Mark said nervously. "Next Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday night."

"I used to hear about you all the time," Monica continued. "Tina really didn't like you for some reason. I don't think your sister cared much for you either."

"I don't know," Mark responded wanting to get the conversation over with. "You gonna sign up?"

"Slow down there," Monica snapped back. "You don't have to be rude. My god."

"Sorry. I...I really didn't mean to be."

Monica scanned over the clipboard. "Tina was right. You really are an asshole. Aren't you?"

Mark looked down at his feet as they shuffled his exposed body back and forth uncomfortably.

"What do you know?" Monica said. "Wednesday's still open." She scribbled on Mark's clipboard as he started to hyperventilate. She made sure to dot the "I" in her name with a tiny heart. "Looks like we'll have a little high school reunion."

"Monica?" Mark asked timidly.


"Please don't say anything to Tina. I really don't..."

"Don't worry about Tina," Monica replied. "I promise. I won't say a word."

"Thanks, Monica. Really."

"Don't thank me yet," Monica laughed as she ushered him out of her room. "We'll see you Wednesday night."

Mark started back down the hallway before being interrupted again by his former classmate.

"Hey, Mark," Monica yelled down the hall.

"Huh?" Mark answered begrudgingly.

"Your ass looks a little red," Monica said with a laugh. "I hope you're okay."
